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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. sorry all, but I'm stuck firmly in the closet. Love heels, but only in the safety of my own home


    cluck cluck no one in this closet but us chickens :wink:

    Why sorry? If it works for you, then there you are. Just because I've spent all weekend out and about in heels doesn't mean that you have to as well! For me, this is about getting to be cool with what I want to do. I hope that I'm helping other people be cool with what they want.

    I hope you (or indeed anyone else) doesn't think that I'm insisting you get out there and tell the world! I hope that me and my stories help people to get to their happy places. If yours is the living room, then be there and be happy. Me, I'm good with strolling around a market in a town centre in mine. But that's my happy place.

    Shyguy: Don't feel sorry for being there in your happy place. Be happy, that's what it's about.

    All I will say is that I think it's good to stretch yourself - you might find a new and bigger happy place. I have - perhaps others will.

    If I was going to be stern about it, then all I'll say is 'don't be like the old guy in the pub.' Be in your happy place, where ever and when ever it is. That's all from me.

    (Climbs carefully down from soapbox, due to the wearing of 4" wedgies)

  2. Wedges, schmedges! Real men only wear heels!!! :wink: :splat:

    Bah! I'm happy in my wedges. Az, accept a thrown tomato!

    (Oh, you've got one :D )

    Oh, and before I get another goddess zapping, I'd best mention the shoes. The slides look nice, so go for them. I have really yukky-looking feet, so I wouldn't wear an open-toe style, but they are nice, and quite subtle.

  3. I'm sure that there's many people out there firmly welded into their closets, perhaps even looking at those of us who are a little more 'out there' with real jealousy. But how to communicate with these people? My only idea is to keep going for it and hope that they pluck up the courage to come and ask about it. I went to a gay pub with a gay friend once. There were many young men around, in makeup, cross-dressed, etc. A really wild atmosphere, and I had a good time. But in the corner was a sad-looking older (55?) man, just nursing a pint, and looking. I guess he was just wishing that he could be out there with the rest of them. It's that kind of thing that makes me feel rather sorry for people. I think we're lucky to have a forum like this - life in heels is easier knowing that I'm not the only person who feels like this.

  4. Congratulations! 10lb is a lot for a baby! Mrs. Shyguy must have had her work cut out there :wink: Apparently birth weight is a good indicator of health in later life, so a 10lb'er should grow up nice and strong. My little one has gone from 8lb 4oz to 'incredibly heavy' in five years :D

  5. I don't have an elder sister or any female cousins, but I'd often be found in family friends' shoe cupboards. It's been a thing with me for a long time. As early as I can remember, really. I went thru the 'Mum's shoes' stage when I spent one school term as a latchkey kid. But by then (something like age 14) it was already there. I don't think in terms of 'defining moments', more like opportunities. And I didn't get caught ever :wink:

  6. I would like to add that my car is not at all heel friendly, it wasn't designed to be so. What is the most "heel friendly" car? It doesn't have to be sporty :wink:

    My Peugeot is really easy to drive in heels, once I get my knees under the steering wheel. The BMW is a pain, because BMWs have organ-type accelerator pedals, and that's just hard to manage in heels. I guess the Pug counts as 'heel-friendly'.

    I once test-drove a car in heels... but I couldn't afford it :D

  7. Right, I think I'm gonna have to move to Sweden! People in the UK (of any age) can be so cruel when it come to gender issues like that!


    Steady on, SH! OK, I don't wear my heels as often as you do, but I've neve had any kind of negative comment. I think school/college age youngsters can be quite cruel, but most people don't really seem to do much about it. All I ever get are a few subtle sideways glances.

    Moving to Sweden sounds a bit drastic!

  8. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would like to do things, but daren't because of 'pressure from society'. I meet a lot of people in my work, and I'm sure that more than once I've been there in mundane shoes, and so are they, and we'd both rather be in our exotic heels. But how do you start it? I'm too dependent on my EPMs to go for it in a really big way, so I've no idea how to take it from here. On the other hand, "They're not women's shoes, they're mine!"

  9. But I want more shoes now! And a graphics card now! *Throws tantrum*...

    Catches tantrum - well practiced at it :wink:

    Ok, I'm done! I'll just have to see which I end up spending money on first I guess!SH

    Sounds about right. Being as boot season is over for another year, I'm wondering what to buy next. I want a wireless hub, so I can take my computer to bed and still be here.

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