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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. The problem is that it's a great idea, but little things like childcare, work, tax returns, and stuff like that means that most people end up dropping out. It's sad, but that's how it is. I'd like to do Paris, and many other places, but I doubt I'll be able to.

  2. I would have thought you'd normally connect a computer to the internet, not an actual human being! My, my, that could be very dangerous!

    You mean that you don't have an Ethernet port built-in? My little one does :wink: But yeah, I may have meant that there'd be a computer in there :D

    In all reality if kids are gonna get into dodgy stuff, whether it's drunks, smoking, drinking, porn or whatever, they're gonna get into it and there's not a lot you can do to stop it. Just like there's not a lot my parents can do to disuade me from wearing heels, or being rather enthusiastic about spending their money on more computer parts.

    Yeah, but I'm hoping to encourage my little one to know what's right and what's wrong before letting him out on the Internet. I can't be there all the time, but I can teach him how to behave and work on the 'Net.

  3. Did you take it back to the shop? It seems to be staying up long enough for you to post again, fortunately. My works laptop runs a picture of Saturn, seen from one of its moons. I can't remember who painted it, but it's a stunning picture. I swiped it from an article on him I found on the Internet. I can't have anything *too* iffy, as I use my machine in public a lot. I used to have a nice photo of a kitten, but I got sick of the obvious remark that people made :wink: Intel started coming up with silly names ("Pentium" = five-ish?) because they were told they couldn't trademark numbers. This of course is sensible. It's hard enough teaching arithmetic without sums like 243 * 2 = 486 . As for Celeron, I've no idea.

  4. Wow... I deeply regretted doing that search. You would never normally associate "the hot chick" with "young teen gets ***** up the ***"... you get the picture. Sufficed to say I have the movie, but the version I could find amongst all the porn results were, shall we say, not particularly wonderful quality. Harumph.


    Sadly, SH, that's human nature for you. To be honest, after several years on the Internet, I would know that searching for 'hot chick' is going to cause a few - ah - 'irrelevant results'. I'd say that it serves you right for using Kazaa, but actually it's the kind of thing that makes me damn sure I'm not connecting my child to the internet without strict supervision!

  5. I actually saw that earlier tonight! I would have said something, but we were just swapping little one over, so I couldn't say anything. Then I rush upstairs, and by the time I've booted my workstation, worked out why the network interface hasn't acquired its IP address, rebooted the crashed firewall to start the DHCP service, checked the NFS server's IP address, bounced the network interface on my workstation, remounted all of the NFS drives, double-checked the network segment, and logged in again, someone else had posted it first! How did *that* happen? Hmm, perhaps I should fix this damn network :wink:

  6. Except for the fact it comes from cows. Bah. [1] Nevermind.


    [1] Um, make that "moo".


    Of course, the leather used in car interiors and clothing is basically a by-product of the burger industry. The cows would have died anyway, and so you're helping keep the price of meat down by making more use of the animal.

    And besides, cows are pretty yukky up close. I prefer them at a safe distance, or safely cooked :wink:

    From Yamyam's paper-thin justifications, 2003 edition :D

  7. Susan, those ones from Schuh are great. Schuh make awesome shoes. They are my favourite store, but they are expensive. My most expensive pairs come from there, but they're the pairs I wear most often, as they are simply the most comfortable boots I have. Long live them!

  8. Geoff, be grateful you don't live in the UK, where a smartly-dressed person at work is actually becoming a rarity. I take pride in my appearance, whether wearing heels or not, but I'm astonished by the number of people I meet up with who don't!

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