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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Yamyam, which phone do you have? I've got a Panasonic GD87 and only just got the cable to transfer pictures direct to my PC. I was surprised and disapointed to find out that they're only 132x176 :o even the Nokia picture phone (the first one they brought out) had a better resolution!

    I have a Nokia 7650. I don't think any mobile phone is going to be an excellent camera, but it's handy in that you always have the phone, so you can always take a crafty photo :wink: . The pictures I posted are absolutely unedited, straight from the phone.

    I use infra-red to transfer the photos from phone to computer, but then I have to FTP them onto the network to post on the Internet. Oh well, that's what you get for being a technology pioneer :D

  2. I like that Yamyam. I write this as I ache (yet again!) Wearing the most stupid shoes I own (very thin inner sole and HIGH HIGH arches!! Ouch!

    Nice to know that I'm not the only 'differently enthusiastic' member of the forum :wink: I've been there too, and it's only tiredness stopping me from squeezing into my ultra heels for the evening!

  3. Personally, I've never had a problem. I just stride manfully in, pick out what I want, and if they fit and I like them, I buy them. I've been shopping for heels a couple of times while wearing heels, and it's never really made that much difference. I sometimes end up talking about shoes to the assistants. Once or twice, I've ended up talking to other customers! I have had a couple of amusing moments - the most recent was when I found a pair of boots I liked, but I wanted a look around the other shoe shops in the mall. So I asked a member of staff to keep the boots. She asked for a name, and I gave my first name. On returning to the shop, I asked for the boots, to be told that there wasn't anything put aside. I spotted my boots and said 'That's them!' The assistant handed them over, and I paid and left. Back at the car, I noticed that the ticket on the boots said 'Mrs (my first name)'! But I got a pair of leather knee boots with a 2" heel for about eleven quid, so I don't mind what they called me! All in all, I think if you just go for it, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

  4. I'm a car enthusiast, so I like racing games. I played a lot of Ridge Racer, both the arcade and the PlayStation versions. I also like Lego Racers, and anything else where you get to drive vehicles around a lot. Personally I only like two-player games, as I like the competition and the inevitable fits of giggles when I lose by miles.

  5. Agreed, we should be tolerant, but I don't think YY is the kind of guy to mean that in a bad way, rather he probably meant it was kind of a silly fashion faux-pas.

    Anyway, come on everyone... more pics please!

    Highluc - you are correct of course, one should encourage fellow free-stylers! Firefox, as always you are correct too - I had intended no insult, I'd intended it to be funny. This chap was dressed up as a Seventies throwback for a leaving do, and had a completely silly outfit on, of which the highlight for me was the boots.

    And as for the image size - those are straight from my Nokia phone, not resized. I agree that smaller images are easier to handle, as my screen is only 1024x768, and some of the bigger images here cause a lot of scrolling!

  6. Woo hoo! I've done the big fifteen hundred! I'd just like to thank everyone here for making this such an exciting place to hang out! And my parents, without whom I wouldn't be here. Yeah, and the people who invented the Internet, as I wouldn't have been able to do this without the Internet! And I want to thank the people who invented PHPBB, as - hey, wait, what do you mean "This isn't the Oscars!" :wink: ?

  7. I was driving down the M40 yesterday, towards London Village early yesterday morning (for a meeting that was cancelled :x . I decided to stop at the services, and encountered a coachload of women dressed for a posh day out at Ascot races. They were all beautifully dressed, and almost all had decided to compliment their dresses with heels of all different shapes, styles, and colours. I didn't know where to look [1]. I had my phone camera with me, and I managed to snap a couple of photos of someone looking rather elegant in pink J Lo boots. Feel free to have a look at these:

    Posted Image and

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    But, as I was transferring images to the network, I noticed that I had about fifty photos in my phone. So I had a look through, and I found some more street heels pictures. I have no idea how they got there [2], but I decided to share these with you as well. And here they are:

    I took this one on my way back from Austria in January. This was my first 'street heels' snap, and I took it because she's wearing what look like calf-high boots, but with the tops turned over and laced down. Most odd... but overall interesting.

    Posted Image

    I'm not sure when I took this one, but this was at another Tube station on my way into the village for a meeting. I took this one as a sort of 'if only' kind of thing!

    Posted Image

    And finally... a bit off-topic, but I spotted some lunatic in a pub wearing a seventies outfit, including an Afro wig and these:

    Posted Image

    I'm not sure what he was up to. Just after I took the photo, a young lady in rather nice sandals walked over, and there was a brief discussion about heels. I simply studied the contents of my drink, as I didn't think they wanted any assistance with that conversation :wink:

    Hope you enjoyed them!


    [1] Anyone who believes that clearly doesn't know me very well :D

    [2] See [1] :o

  8. I like them! I'd definitely wear them, I quite like calf boots, especially closer-fitting ones. Nice all round, especially with bootcut jeans! Hope you enjoy them!

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