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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. ... and then there was the famous advert, for car tyres I think it was, using a well known athlete who they somehow persuaded to stand as if for the start of a race, in starter blocks, on a racetrack, but whilst wearing bright red stiletto court shoes with 5 inch heels.

    They used something like: Power is nothing without control as the text of the advert.

    That was an ad for Pirelli. I've used nothing else since then :wink:

  2. Ah well, SH, ever since your future got sold off, and the exam boards became private companies, there's been total havoc. It's a tragedy that people think that this is an advance - there's been exam papers stolen, illicitly copied, simply wrong, and so on. And this is people's futures we're dealing with!

  3. I have shaved my legs a few times, but it's too much trouble most of the time. It does feel quite nice, though.

    On the 'leg hair' issue, there's some good advice at http://www.mytights.com/mytights/advice/adviceformen.html, which includes a section on men buying tights for themselves. They even say that it's opaque tights or shaving, but the rest of the page is well worth checking out.

    ObBiasDisclosure: Found it on the 'net, never even dealt with them.

  4. Oh, and I think there should be an Apostrophe Misuse Act .... but I'll save that for another rant :wink:


    So do I... SH, don't come to the "Midland's", where every word ending in S acquire's apostrophe's. Around here you can buy "carrot's", "caulie's" and lots more. :D

  5. OK, perhaps pedantry on my part, but why would you want a *useful* gap filled? I love being here on the board, meeting people and sharing news, etc. True, I'd rather be having face to face conversations, but the board and everyone here is where ever I am, and whenever I have time. It's a good anchor for me as I blaze about the countryside!

  6. I agree with you HHfanatic.

    I also like the style where the jeans/trousers just rest on the top part of the foot, showing only the lower part of the heel. Adds a little mystery I think! Until you walk or sit down !!

    For us shy types, it is a disguise to hide behind too (Bonus).


    I agree. One of my most common looks is longer jeans, that partly hide my heels. Sadly my brother has noticed that all my jeans are far too long... when he pointed it out, I just said that I didn't buy them to wear with trainers, and that I'd be changing as soon I was at a safe distance from our mother's house. He accepted that.

  7. Ruud, erm, goodness! I don't think I've ever inspired anyone before! Of course, I wasn't just showing off (honest) I did want to see if I could help and encourage shyer people! I've also done the 'bought 'em for the rush' thing, and while it's a thrill, it has left me with rather a lot of pairs that I don't wear often enough. I'm going to try and have a bit of a clear out later on this year, perhaps have a sale on ebay or something. I don't think I have that many extreme heels! Most of what I showed there are around 3.5" to 4.5". I'm just lucky in having UK8ish feet, so the heels look a bit higher. But thank you for the compliments, it's always nice to know that my efforts are appreciated! And if I can make some time soon, which is not looking likely, I'll post some more photos!

  8. There was a cartoon, in Playboy I think, some years ago which showed football players sitting on the bench. One was wearing high heels, and the coach was saying to him: "Ordinarily we don't object if a player has his own shoe contract, but in this case ..."

    There will be a short break in normal YY service while I laugh my a--- off :wink:

  9. Dear Yamyam,

    Concerning manual gearboxes, I suggest you do the following:

    - one day when you leave your job with a big headache, take a trip in the M25 or similar road in a busy traffic hour in a manual gearbox car. Make sure you have to stop / go / stop / go at least 200 times.

    - next day, do the same in an automatic gearbox car.

    You will find a slight difference in comfort. And the thrill of engaging clutch / 1st shift / clutch / neutral will quickly dissappear.

    Ah, well, I live well over a hundred miles from the M25, and so getting stuck in traffic is not normally a problem. Where I live, and when I usually arrange to travel, there's little congestion.

    Having said that, I don't often get to use the full performance of my BMW, but I do get to have lots of fun in it, using the performance that I can use. Up here, we're fairly free of stupid speed cameras, and there's plenty of good roads for a burn-up! But I'm sure that if I drove regularly in heavy traffic, then I'd appreciate the difference.

    That's what's wrong with manual gearboxes. You can enjoy them only a minor percentage of time, unless you could afford having 2 cars: One for practical use (automatic) and one for occasional sports or 4WD use (manual).

    I actually have two cars, but the 'practical' one is bound by work's rules, and the number one rule is that we're not allowed automatics. So, that'd have to be a manual anyway. My personal car is up to me, and for that I'd have quite liked automatic, just for a change, but the car I found was manual, so there you have it. But I quite enjoyed driving my brothers Audi automatic, and I'd have one of those, but perhaps next time.

    We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one!

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