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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Wow, what a great collection. I like quite a lot of them, so I won't bore you with listing them all. I like the long red boots, they look great with the denim. Oh, and you've got the same J Lo's as me :wink: ! Must have hurt when you clobbered Hoverfly with that lot :D

  2. Actually, Bob2hh, those pairs are nice. I never thought I'd be saying this, but I like both pairs. I might just go for the J Lo style ones, tho' :wink:

    And a lady with a beautiful mind is beautiful. Period.

    Couldn't agree more!

  3. Well, as we've said, there are some rules in the UK. But Bob2hh, why do we need more rules in the UK? And what's wrong with manual gearboxes? As I've said elsewhere, the worst bit of driving in heels is the accelerator in my BMW!

  4. Honda is now showing some of the making of the video as an advert in the UK. There were dozens of people involved, and huge amounts of work. It must be really special to work on something like that, tho', and produce something that's genuinely breathtaking. I've seen it a few times, and it's still just as arresting now as when I first watched it!

  5. Where did you get them from by the way? That way we can prevent someone else getting burnt...

    Let's give the supplier a chance at sorting this one out before we start recommending people avoid them. After all, mistakes happen, but the true mark of a quality supplier is how well they sort out mistakes. I'm sure Xa is more than equal to the task of getting his rights and getting the situation sorted!

  6. Jeff, print it on a t-shirt. I've just discovered inkjet iron-on paper! The paper was £1.40 a sheet, the t-shirt was a couple of quid, and I can have any message I like! Whoo-hoo! I've been asked that too, by a young lady who's over six foot tall in socks. We were at a party, somehow we ended up talking about shoes (I'd been drinking!), and I had on 4" pointy boots. She asked, I said 'try them-they may fit!" She did, and wobbled around alarmingly for a bit before giving them back. Then she asked me to walk in them to prove I could! What a top evening! Comment of the night was from another friend, who I'd confessed all to a couple of years ago. She just said "Way to come out in style!" I guess that some women don't wear heels, and therefore don't have the practice that we do. I don't wear heels every day, but I can certainly manage 12-14 hours in 4" during an average workday without a problem, other than needing an excuse to work from home.

  7. I don't understand what business it is of theirs as to what kind of shoes you wish to wear?

    In the UK, at least, it is theoretically possible to be prosecuted for driving in unsuitable footwear. I know there was a big fuss a little while ago about some football bloke - don't know who - who was driving in football boots. Some Chief Constable said that if it had been on his patch he'd have been off down the nick. It's the same law that says you can't drive while holding a can of soft drink. Anyhow, technically in England and Wales at least, if your footwear is unsuitable, you can be prosecuted. I don't know if there's a list of banned footwear, or if it's different for men and women, but it's worth thinking about.

    On the other hand, it'd be fun watching some policemen trying to prosecute a man for driving in heels, while admitting they wouldn't necessarily prosecute a woman in the same circumstance!

  8. Well, maybe they do genuinely like them. I've just noticed that Lisa Riley seems to wear heels under trousers whenever she does that camcorder out-take show (whatever it's called), but they normally don't show up much. You get a glimpse if she's sitting down, but that's about it. Mind you, don't know if anyone else has noticed, but you never *see* her move on the show. The shot cuts away from the studio, shows some clips, then cuts back - and she's moved. I wonder if the stage hands shift her with a forklift between shots.

  9. This time, I remembered to look at the link, rather than just say 'I don't know what they look like'. I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you out there who didn't point this out :wink: Both pairs are nice, but I'd have to say I 'd go with the Susie ones, as I'm not madly keen on laces. However, I'd probably go for an ankle or knee boot, as I'm not one of those people brave enough to wear thigh boots, sadly. However, $27 is a bargain, and I'd happily pay that for them!

  10. Well, I've never seen them, but I like the look of thigh-highs, although they're really for bedroom wear as far as I'm concerned. I'd go for holdups, myself, as they're less fiddly. I once saw a woman in a pub in a sleepy little town in Wiltshire in black patent spiky thigh-high boots and a red miniskirt - slightly over the top for a town centre pub. She walked well in the heels, tho' - I was quite impressed.

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