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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. In general, bonding with a step child is hard to do, yes.

    But for a weird person like myself, and a weird child like she is (in a good way) it somehow has been quite easy. We have fun together, and I think that is where it starts. But it is not about spending money, no, I am not paying for material objects to spoil her.

    All I pay is attention. Talk, ask questions, things like that. Colour together, go out and play tag, go to the park, blow bubbles.. and then the teaching, lecturing, and other aspects are not viewed in such a harsh light.

    It takes work, but for me, I love every moment of it!

    Sounds like what I do with my little one! Of course, being with children is hard work, but it's so amazingly rewarding that it's well worth it. I love every moment with my child, and I wouldn't change any of it.

  2. Oops! I didn't mean to to be pedantic or teach you English!

    I suppose I failed to explain I had already realized my error. I meant to say I mistakingly thought 'lateron' is proper English.

    That's OK. No problem.

    It amuses me how we can tie ourselves up in knots over this English stuff. And I ought to know better, being as English is my first and so far only language :wink:

  3. What is an EPM?

    Oh, oops. "EPM" = Evil Pay Master, or 'employer'. It's a running joke me and some of my old University friends came up with.

    Well the rule "If I can't do it in heels, I'm not doing it!", is nice!

    But at some places, I know that I can handle heels for short time only :o

    Thanks! It really started as a 'funny five minutes' thing, tho'.

    Oh, and don't stay in those places for very long then!

    Yes, I know should look for some high-heeled hiking boots :D

    I'm looking for some high-heeled trainers. If I find some, I might start going to the gym again. Or at least drag my bicycle out of the garage and go for a pedal :wink:

  4. The only style that really works for someone is their own style. I'm generally in either a suit or jeans and tee-shirts/sweatshirts. Oh, and heels whenever I can. It works for me, and that's all that matters. Personally, I quite like camo, but I think it'd look quite odd on me, being as I'm 33 years old, and a parent :wink: . I'd wear camo boots with blue jeans and a t-shirt, tho', if I can find some I like. Go for it!

  5. What? Home to die? Yam what have you been on? No don't tell me :wink:

    I meant, drive her home for a nice cup of tea and a biscuit. Honest! Then, on reading it again, I see the bit about her looking like she was about to die. All right, then I'd ask the old friend to drive her to the hospitalm, while I wait at the bus stop!

    (I think talking about shoes would have been *so* much easier :D )

  6. So you think it was a typo? Well, being a moderately good English speaker, I thought it was English! :wink:

    OK, not criticising here, but I think you missed the space between 'later' and 'on', hence 'lateron'. Oh, this probably doesn't make sense to anyone except me, but that's how I saw it.

    About the old machine: Windows98 runs well on it, for as far as Windows runs well on any machine. It's not out of date.

    I have installed a boot manager and some RedHat Linux version, but I haven't found the time to make myself familiar with Linux yet. :D

    Well, if it works, keep it. I appreciate that learning Linux takes a while, so I just count myself lucky that it counts as work for me, so I get a whole 40 extra hours a week to play :D

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