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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. I agree. If you're wearing your heels around friends and they're cool with it, then what the heck. I don't think I'd bother making a huge announcement about it. You might find that the topic comes up in conversation quite naturally, and then you can take it from there. Or, someone might ask you a question, you can answer, and then you can discuss it until the topic is done. All of my Uni mates down south know, and there's never really been an issue. I told two of them straight off, they were cool with it, and then it's gone from there to the point where they haven't seen me in flat shoes for a couple of years, and it's almost never an issue. All that ever happens is that someone might ask if I can drive in them, or something like that. Oh, when my car broke down and we needed a friend's car, he said that his car was a couple of miles away and I might want to walk it in trainers instead of heels. That's almost the last time my heels were mentioned! I don't think a big thing is necessarily required here, just carry on and it will almost certainly work out.

  2. Ah, but English people are notoriously bad about accents. I have a tinge of a West Midlands accent, but many people think I'm actually a foreigner. I was once asked by a customer if I'd flown into the UK for their project! And it is a good idea to learn lots of languages, but I'm bad at languages too, so I haven't. Oh well, hopefully my little one won't pick this up from me :wink:

  3. My one and only PC is patchwork. It's a 350MHz Pentium 2 with 320 MB of RAM, some old parts from my previous PC and things I added lateron.

    I shall maintain it until it falls to pieces.

    Nice! What operating system do you run? Much of the open-source software is great on such old machines.

    And I know it's a typo, but 'lateron' sounds so much like the next chip from Intel :wink:

  4. Someone posted on the other board that they have sold out already! What a shame, just as they make a reasonable size, they don't make enough of them.

    Ah, but if they sold out, then there's a fair chance they'll do this again, and make more! So this could be seen as a good thing!

  5. Did you take the photograph the tv whilst it was on?

    I believe you can get video capture cards for computers, which allow you to read audio and video from television programmes and save them on your hard disk. Some DVD playing software also allows you to do grab images from the playback and store it.

    I think he'd have done one or the other of those.

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