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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. If she had broken a heel, I wonder if YY would have been "Walter Raleighish" and offered, in an act of highest chivalry, his shoes to her to wear? :rofl:

    :rofl: That would depend on what I was wearing... I might offer her one of the twenty or so pairs in the back of the car to borrow until she got home :wink:

  2. I can see the attraction of being permanently high heeled... it's something I've wondered about. If I hadn't had a child, then maybe... but I worry about the effect on him of me not being able to play football with him, run after him on his bike, and so on. So I guess it'll have to stay something to wonder about. Oh well.

  3. Well, I quite often have a pair of heels in the boot to change into, so that I can pop them on when I'm at a safe distance from work. The problem is, I live only 15 minutes from the office, so I can only do this when I'm off for a long drive. Like today, I'm off on site soon. so I may take some heels with me for the ride!

  4. There probably are some copyright issues to watch out for then! What use is an interview without sound? Surely we'd want to hear what they were discussing! And could we get that 34MB down a bit by compressing with a better codec? I can't believe that 34MB is as small as it can go, unless it's a really long video or something.

  5. Darn, I'd just like a chance to try some ballet boots and compare. My 7" heels are really uncomfortable at the moment, as I need lots more practice. But I didn't think I'd fit into Francis's ballet heels, so I didn't try them. Oh well, time for some more pictures. Must get a new digital camera, if I *ever* earn any more money :wink:

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