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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. The subtitle in "sex and city" spoils all of the good stuff. :wink:

    My suggestion is the move the subtitle to the top of the picture!

    I'd never thought of that. I don't often watch anything with subtitles :D I can see they would cause a problem, and I thought the worst we got was badly framed shots from directors :o

  2. Yam wrote:

    I know you quite well now Yam and you know what I have been through and have supported me unconditionally so please don't take this personally but what is love?

    My ex supposedly loved me so much so he thought that by calling me all the names under the sun and that the odd push and shove now and then, which progressively got worse, were terms of endearment. The ex husband, not quite the same but he too thought that calling me a "fat cow" after having the kids would shake me up into loosing the weight as he hated overweight women, in fact disgust is a better description, of how he felt about it. So much so he couldn't bear to be near me. Yet he was broken hearted when I left him, after 16 years of it, which was a shock to me as he'd never let on he had feelings of any kind for me. What price is love? In my case unfortunately "without it" means I can go on.

    Sorry that was very cynical. I had a strange encounter by text with my ex friend which has left me feeling unsettled and rather well, cynical.

    Think I'd better get back to the story section :wink:

    Julietta, I'm not taking any offence whatsoever. I suppose that I'm basically a romantic at heart. I also need my special people around me, the ones that I love. I can't put in to words what love means to me.

    And I will continue to support you unconditionally, and I hope that I never ever upset you. You deserve much better than that!

  3. Hello John and welcome. Hope you have a good time here, like the rest of us. One thing - whatever image you have linked in your signature doesn't work. I just see an error saying that your account doesn't allow that kind of linking.

  4. Another bit of good news, but totally unrelated, but I felt like telling everyone anyway, is that I have passed my Counterbalance Forklift Driving Test! :D Now onto the conversion course for my Reach Forklift License and then I'm fully qualified for FLT.

    We have saved a bit more money and sold some furniture to help with our funds towards getting fresh digs. I'm looking at moving to Rushden which is 11 miles away, where me and my heels can get out and about again :wink:

    Congrats on passing the test! And best of luck with your move. Perhaps we should all turn up in heels and help, so your new neighbours know what to expect!

  5. Like these, YY?


    (Don't know why the pic didn't post. It worked on the court shoes I posted :wink: )

    The picture worked for me! And I like those mules too. In fact, I saw them in a shop once, but they were something like forty pounds, and I was a little broke at the time. But they are awesome too. I'm thinking I'm going to end up with the boots, the courts and the mules! Wow!

  6. Besides, it feels alot better to wake up next to someone who's still there after they learn about your odd quirks, and who you're still next to after you learn about theirs :wink:

    Have a good one


    This is definitely true! I'm not into playing the field, but I didn't wait until I was married. However, for me, sex is a only a part of a relationship with someone. There are much more special things, like talking, like holding one another, just having a good time together. Right now, I would try and make sure that enough things work between myself and a special someone before I jump on them.

  7. Sorry Yamyam, I did think of PM ing you about it, but I wrongly assumed that you'd see my posting. Never mind, there will always be a next time!

    Best wishes.


    Oh, no problem. I can't get away at short notice, tho', because of little one. But yeah, let's try again. We might even tempt Jay1 along too!

  8. Absolutely right!

    i would have loved to go into some shoe shops to try some on (they're so cheap I'm sure to have bought some) but I like to remain discrete as not everyone is as understanding as those in this group.

    Tell me about it! I would rather travel for work alone, then I'm free to shop if I want to!

    Having said that, I don't often get anywhere as exciting as Eastern Europe, worse luck. Two days in Macclesfield this week, and that's about normal :wink: .

  9. Here's a pair to complement your J Lo Boots, YamYam

    Actually, I really like those. I've also seen a pair of mules, with fronts more like the boots, but a completely cut away back. I love the basic style, and I love seeing designers play with the concept. There's a very good chance I'd buy those if I see them. Wow!

    And phuonginheels, the boots are very comfortable, so I'd recommend the shoes too! I'm not really an outdoors person either, so those are as outdoors as I'd get.

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