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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Yes I read it Yam and I know how much you miss Max when he's not with you, and although we obviously can't compensate fully, we are all just a posting away from you being too lonely.


    I somehow missed this first time around, but I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for being here and somehow putting up with me and my deranged ramblings. When I find a song to say thanks, I will.

  2. That's great - we've now got three for starters, and counting! Firefox is coming, Xaphod has just come on board, and I'm the third. (Wearing of heels nice but not compulsory!). Come on all you guys and gals, all-aboard for meeting/fun/shopping/socialising and let's make a really great day of it! Simply post below this message to say you'd like to come, and in good time we'll settle on a meeting time and spot. ALL MOST WELCOME! Cheers, Heelsfan

    Depending on child-support arrangements and so on, I'll try to be there. If I can be, I will be!

  3. why bother with a manual when you could ask the computer for the information :wink:

    Ah, but if the computer isn't working, which is why you need the manual...

    I remember patiently explaining to each new trainee at several jobs why you can't download network card drivers :D

  4. Handbagging, I believe, is when one gets swiped at a number of times with one or more handbags. The term is normally used in a humourous context. Of course I could be wrong...

    This is precisely how I intended it! As I'm from the UK, the old Maggie Thatcher 'handbagging' thing has become a figure of speech. Now, at least where I grew up, the word means any kind of gentle and humourous rebuke from a lady to a man.

    In fact I'd forgotten the whole "Iron Lady" Thatcher thing, although as I type, I'm reminded of an occasion where she cancelled part of a foreign tour. The Guardian newspaper (fondly known as the "Grauniad" because of its typos) reported this under a headline along the lines of "Thatcher suffers metal fatigue" rather than 'mental fatigue' :wink:

  5. My younger brother nearly caught me a couple of times. Once, when I was about 12, I was carrying a pair of Mom's stilettos back to her bedroom, and he asked what I was up to. And another time, during my TV times, around 18 or so, when he knocked on my bedroom door, catching me in girly underwear and stockings. I dived into bed and pulled the covers up around my ears. He simply said 'Night!' and disappeared again. After he left I noticed I'd left a dress on the floor... He's never mentioned it again, and I'm not going to remind him :wink: ! Otherwise, no, I've never quite been caught, and I've had many happy hours exploring. It's not the same now I have my own closet!

  6. I'm a big 'Weird Al' fan, but I've also discovered 'Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie' who have some wonderful songs. I also remember the Goons (my Dad's vinyl, honest) who had some top tunes, such as "I'm walking backwards for Christmas". One of my favourites is a chap called Tom Lehrer, who is or was a maths professor at Harvard. He's managed to sing the Periodic Table of the Elements, and many other ditties. I must admit to loving 'Poisoning Pidgeons in the Park', just for the title, although the song is pretty good too.

  7. I also love the frayed jeans and heels look. These are all stunning photos, Julietta! All I can say is, well done, thanks for sharing, and let's look forward to more of the same! The photos are beautifully modelled and marvellously composed. My eyeballs nearly fell onto my desk. (Well, OK, one would have gone into my beer, but never mind!) And, sorry, but I just can't bring myself to try to talk you out of it!

  8. Wow so it's not just the company that I work for which works that way :wink:

    If it's any consolation, the company I work for would have charged the guy rowing for wear and tear on the paddles, but paid him a bonus according to how well the boat was steered.

    (And thanks to this, I'm probably going to have to sell my sports car and some antiques. And a kidney :D )

  9. For me I think the most difficult part is to accept my footwear passion myself.

    So, if I cant accept it, how can I possible believe that any other will accept it.

    Hmmm, I better start to work on myself .............

    For my own best, I think I better keep them in the closet.

    Sometimes other people are better than you can believe. As I have written elsewhere, when I've told family and friends, they've all accepted my footwear without any hesitation. I know it is hard to accept in oneself, that's the hardest part. Once you can accept it yourself, and learn to love yourself, then seeing that others can accept it too will be easier.

  10. I sometimes fail to remember that TV programmes need to run to half an hour plus interruptions for singing toilet rolls. It's hard to present a well-rounded examination of a topic in that kind of space. I guess they just pick a handly tag line and film stuff around it. After all, there's so many people on here, we're all different, how would a documentary maker approach this place? They'd probably pick a few people, film them walking up and down a bit, do a couple of noddy shots, and Bob's your uncle. That wouldn't capture the wonderful variety of people here, but it'd make a TV programme. Oh well, been on telly anyway, so I can relax about it :wink:

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