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Posts posted by jmc

  1. "clank" is normally a term used to describe the sound made by heavy machinery -- usually machinery in less than prime condition. Think about big pieces of metal banging into one another. In the title of this thread the word is not well used. In the title of this thread, "clank" is used to describe that delicious sound made by a high-heel tip as it hits the floor. If you are a heeler you know that sound well -- your ears are fine-tuned to detect it. We all love that sound and our attention is instantly drawn to it. Oddly, though, some of us as male heelers do not wish to make that sound. Primarily this is because we do not want to draw attention to ourselves.

  2. . . . With reporting like that, it's a wonder that the Daily Mail is still around. I guess they'll print anything these days.:smile:

    . . . and we get the same kind of reporting out of most of our major media outlets here in the U.S. I'm not going to cite names but I am to the point where I no longer believe most of what is in the big newspapers and I don't even bother with televised news.

    The best source for news is the Internet -- you need to do your own cross-checking but you get a better picture of what is happening. Blogs and websites are usually biased but they admit it. Newspapers and TV anchors are biased too but they hide behind this facade of "journalistic objectivity". I do not believe anyone can be truly objective if they are an intelligent person who cares about the world around them. I will invest more trust in a person who admits his bias than someone who tries to convince me he has none. I can weigh the reporting against an admitted bias myself.

    OK, I guess this turned into a mini-rant. Sorry.

  3. We get this kind of nonsense all the time over here. Some nitwit "holier-than-thou" journalist gets some cockamamie idea about something he/she doesn't like. Next, this activist / journalist gets a bunch of self-proclaimed "experts" as back-up to write an article. I don't know where these "experts" come from -- there must be a registry of them somewhere. I get so tired of hearing these ninny-nannies telling me what I shouldn't eat, how long and when I should sleep, how I should spend my time and money, etc. As near as I can tell from this article the only acceptable footwear for driving would be bedroom slippers (non-heeled of course). Maybe we'd all be safer if we could make sure these "journalists" never hit the road! I doubt if the heels really had anything to do with the incident cited in the article. It was probably something more like lack of attention on the part of the driver.

  4. Words seem so useless and empty at times like this. I notice that kneehighs used the term "soulmate" when he described the relationship between Gary and MrsHeels -- I have used that term to describe a certain someone from my own past. There is a great depth of love, commitment and devotion that leads to the use of that term and the loss of a soulmate is something from which you never fully recover. You simply figure out how to go on. Gary, you are in our thoughts (and even dare I say prayers?)

  5. . . . Didn't know this thread was still alive. . .

    All open threads are "alive". No matter how long a thread has been here, no matter how far it has sunk into the forums, as long as a thread has not been closed you may post in it. Posting in a thread bounces it back up to the top of the forum.

    Closed threads may be left in a forum for reference purposes but if they are really outdated or irrelevant they will be deleted.

    Just a couple of notes on how we manage HHplace -- now back to your normal scheduled programming. . .

    - - - - - - - - - - -

    Michigan, USA

    "Ya might be from Michigan if ya point at yer hand when ya tell folks where ya live."

  6. Now I'm totally confused. How could Man-in-Boots answer to a since many years vanished member? He is owing me a convincing explanation!

    First, check the date on "Man-in-Boots" reply. It was in January 2004, more than three years ago. "Man-in-Boots" and "hhds" were involved in a dialogue back then.

    Second, (my memory is a little fuzzy on this) I seem to recall "hhds" deleted all his posts when he left -- or maybe the admins did -- I think "hhds" requested it. Trouble is, the deleted posts disjoint the thread and make it confusing. This is why we no longer delete posts from departing members -- it is just too difficult to clean everything up afterward. Our policy now is "Anything you post here will remain here in perpetuity as long as it conforms to the forum guidelines."

  7. Feet take a lot of pounding, in or out of shoes. Our weight pressing on the bones and tissues creates a lot of pressure within our feet and I do not have a good feeling about foreign materials injected in there. This stuff could break loose and migrate within the foot and cause a whole lot more trouble than foot pain. I don't think injections are a good idea -- gel pads are a whole lot safer.

  8. . . . I love thiss site but too bad it caters mostly to BOOTS. . . SF

    Although it is true that a lot of HHplace members are partial to boots, sanals are very welcome here! In fact, anything with a heel is welcome here!

    Most of us like boots because they are less conspicuous to wear in public, especially if they have a block or wedge heel.

    If you like strappy shoes and have the confidence to wear them out, by all means do so! Show us how it's done!

  9. . . . I think there is another Zappos factory outlet store in Kentucky.

    When I have had to return some shoes to Zappos the shipping destination was in Kentucky. It sounds like they operate a warehouse / clearing house there, and maybe an outlet as well. (Hmmm, might be worth checking them out next time I'm on the road?)

  10. I'm not sure what he's talking about either. Over here the government withholds taxes from your paycheck and most people set it up so too much is withheld. Then the government refunds the excess after April 15. Which really means they let Uncle Sam sit on some of their money interest-free for an average of six months. But no, you don't get your taxes back. I know of no place on planet Earth where that happens!

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