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Posts posted by jmc

  1. More relieved than surprised -- I thought I was just a weirdo. Upon finding HHplace I learned that I have a lot of company :-) , that the desire to wear heels even as a man is a lot more common than most people realize. And very few of us are weirdos.

  2. Hi everyone, my first thread on here so i thought i would start off with asking a question. I have what i would call a curse connected to shoes and heels but in some ways i would guess you guys on here would say, its a gift.. i wonder.

    As i am male you maybe surprised to hear that my shoe size in UK is size 5 !! yes a 5:mecry: . Now this does present me with huge problems finding mens shoes. as mens really start in UK at 6. but of course if i was to wear ladies i have no problem. In fact i think i look quite good in them:clap: .

    is size a problem to you?

    Mr MP

    Hi, Mr MP and welcome to HHplace. It sounds like you have the flip side of the situation most of we heelers face -- most of us have feet that are on the large side of the womens' shoe distribution. You are more toward the middle and most of us will consider you very lucky because you will be able to find almost anything you like in your size. Most of us face a continual let-down when we see something we like but the biggest size available is a size or two smaller than what we can wear. Definitely a problem. Have fun!

    Another note concerning shoe sizing -- You will do yourself a favor if you take some care in fitting your heels well. Fit is important with any shoe but with heels it takes on added importance. If you expect to wear heels comfortably they absolutely must fit you well.

  3. Masculine. There's no way on or around Planet Earth I could ever vaguely resemble a woman in even the slightest way. I really don't care to either so I do not even try. I just like the feel of the upswept sole against my foot.

  4. With all due respect, I did not get an answer as to why I am not allowed to post attachments here.


    You have not made enough posts yet. We encourage new members to explore HHplace because there is a good decade's worth of content here. We want new members to explore this content rather than concentrate on posting pictures.

    HHplace is more than just a website. It is more of an online community and it takes some time to get acquainted with any community. Please be patient, explore, make a couple of constructive comments, and then you will be able to post attachments.

  5. Like this:

    A “Special Taste” tale . . .

    . . . me at all.

    You can edit the text within the [ QUOTE ] , [ /QUOTE ] tags if you are using the Standard Editor or the Enhanced Interface WYSIWYG editor. (User CP --> Edit Options, scroll down to "Miscellaneous Options - Message Editor Interface". Save your changes if you make any.)

  6. I mean that the boots are built like other shoes so why do they cost so much? Granted they have a steel shank in the sole and they have reinforced heels but that shoudn't make them cost more than ordinary shoes?

    Why Why Why??????

    Enquiring minds want to know?

    They are still very much an item for a niche market. This means there is not all that much demand for them from the public at large so they are only made in small quantities. Because of this the per-unit cost is higher. This situation will probably not change.

  7. Such decisions are always the result of significant distress (either financial or otherwise) and arise after a great deal of soul-searching and deliberation. I'm sure TLSB didn't close on a whim and that everyone associated with it would much rather be in business.

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