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Posts posted by jmc

  1. For the record, that video is not candid.

    No way it can be. Are we to believe this girl is going to sit there reading a magazine while somebody hovers around her filming her shoes? The way she was flipping pages in that magazine she wasn't all that engrossed in it.

    Nigel does have a good point -- it is related to the misgivings some of us have expressed regarding street-shots.

  2. Notice how the youtube-ers don't seem to shoot videos of non-heeled shoes? At least I haven't seen any. . . (But then to be honest, I get all the links from HHplace so there may be a built-in bias :smile:) Yet on another thread we have discussed how Marilyn vos Savant has unilaterally decided that high heels are an "unwanted invention". She may be intelligent but on this point she is just wrong. I have also noticed that these youtube heel videos are fairly popular -- as evidenced by the "views" counters on the pages. People apparently want to see them -- and not just HHplace members!

  3. I think we've come to the conclusion that high heels are an "unwanted invention" in the mind of Marilyn vos Savant herself. She is supposed to have a very high I.Q. (if I remember correctly she is a Mensa member) and she likes to sit upon that I.Q. as if it was a throne from which to direct the lives of all we plebes. As I have said before, there are a lot of high heels for sale out there -- a plethora of different styles, sizes, colors, heights, etc. Just look on eBay, most online shoe stores, or in most real shoe stores and there will be a whole bunch of heels available, and they do sell. For an "unwanted invention", somebody sure wants 'em -- and not just the members of this site!

  4. I don't think I'm alone in regarding any heeled footwear as being artistic. To continue, then -- by definition a picture of a heeled shoe could qualify as being a work of art. I don't have any problem with the "artistic" comment. But then I am an engineer -- I can appreciate a well-designed circuit board like most people appreciate a grand master's painting.

  5. . . . I don't know why everyone must have the very high heels . . .

    Well, the real high ones are more exciting and there are members on this site who express outright disdain for kitten heels. I am not one of them. Kittens may not be real high but they are heels nonetheless. I agree with you, they carry a certain sweetness with them.

  6. There's no reason to laugh! It occurs to me that we often say "there is no anatomical difference between the female human foot and the male human foot" on this site. It turns out the same is probably true for legs. You have great legs and they look perfect with those pumps.

  7. Hi hckyplyr123 and welcome aboard! As for starter height, go with something you can wear comfortably for a period of time. Most of we guys, blessed with largish feet, can easily handle a 3.5 to 4" heel with very little difficulty. You will have to try a few different heights to find out. If you try to start out with six-inchers you will be miserable and will probably give up. There are a few threads around here about foot stretching -- some of that may work. I am of the opinion that extended wear is the best exercise. Just wear 'em and don't push yourself too hard. If you don't have any heels yet, look around for some of the sizing threads too. Shoe sizing is a bit of a black art -- an 11 from one line may be too tight while a 10 from another line may be too loose. And that's if they are both US Womens -- there are UK sizes, European sizes, Chinese sizes and a few other sizing systems too. Conversions between them don't always work well. As for what most others do when starting out, most of us get a pair of five or six inchers and immediately start prancing around - - - poorly. Then we come here and find out what we are doing wrong. Spend some time browsing around here -- there are a lot of threads going back for several years. There is an enormous amount of information here.

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