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Posts posted by jmc

  1. Well this is the dilemma. I hate censorship, but this site is special and it's not like one of the thousands of porn orientated sites on the web. I for one want to keep it that way. It is a shame when anyone leaves, Sexyplatforms did add a bit of colour - and the rest has already been said.

    Now here's a thought about the way we use words. Adult on the internet is synonomous with porn. That's a shame. You get warnings, this site contains Adult Content; what they mean is this site contains Porn.

    Separating out the two is probably easier said than done.

    Fog, you are absolutely right. You are not the only one who wants to keep this place special and finding porn on the Internet is a little bit like finding sand on a beach (i.e., not difficult). If someone is in search of pornographic material there are literally thousands of places a couple of mouse clicks away where they can be titillated to their hearts' content. We would like to maintain HHplace as a little island where the pornographic material is kept at bay.

    One other issue comes to mind: We promote the wearing of heels by anybody who desires to do so, regardless of gender. A lot of people who come here harbor a desire to wear heels but they are males and have had it drilled into their heads (by the rest of society) that this desire is "weird". We know it is not weird or harmful or even problematic. But they do not know this yet so they are somewhat trepidatious about joining the site. Were they to find overly graphic or explicit content here it would likely scare such potential members away, and that would be unfortunate.

    That said, SP did have a unique style and he is welcome here at any time. He did tend to "push the envelope" a little more than most of us do, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. His account is still active, all he has to do is log in.

  2. Hi, heels (hmmm, that has a ring to it :wink:),

    To post pictures here you need to use a photo hosting service. Basically the picture lives on another server somewhere and you post a link to it in your message here. There are several free photo hosting services, among them flickr, photobucket and imageshack. Detailed "how-to" instructions are available here.

  3. Microsoft's tactics make a lot more sense once you realize the true purpose of Windows.

    Ever since the days of 3.1 we have been told that Windows:

    1). Makes your computer easier to use.

    2). Makes programs easier to use.

    3). Allows programs to interact with each other and share data between themselves.

    4). Makes you more productive.

    5). Makes the "computing experience" more enjoyable.

    Those are all "side-effects" at best. Windows really exists for one and only one purpose -- it is a marketing tool. It is there to get you to buy stuff, stuff such as: more memory, bigger hard drives, faster CPU's, faster motherboards, more capable video cards, more capable monitors, licenses for new versions of software, input devices, entire computer systems, etc. And now hardware is so advanced that even the older systems are still extremely powerful. The only way to sell us new stuff is to come up with a killer OS that sucks up clock cycles in such profusion that the "super-duper high-speed screamer system" from last year slows to a crawl. Enter Vista.

    Sorry, Bill -- I'm just not riding your train anymore.

  4. "articulate"

    Just a mild warning to all. Be very careful of whom you indicate as being "articulate." One candidate for President of the USA was recently complimented as being "articulate" without the speaker realizaing that that word has particularly harmful stereotype connotatons to a specific ethnic group. However, after much discussion amongst learned members of this offended group, it appears that there is no compliment that anyone could pay to any member of this group about their superior intellect that wouldn't be derogatory. Implication here is that "this person is intelligent and all of others of his race are not." So, rule of thumb. Any adjative describing any individual belonging to this particular ethnic population should be avoided at all times lest the sensitivities of the whole group be vitiated. That would be against all covenents applied to postings on hhplace. And, we all know how diligently and harshly our "moderators" apply their craft.

    As far as I am concerned, that entire incident is a shining example of just how out-of-hand this "sensitivity" situation has gotten. I refuse to accept that referring to somebody as "articulate" or "intelligent" is a slur against anybody else, either individually or as a group. Anybody who does take offense to that has a problem and they are attempting to project it on to the rest of us.

    There are way too many people milling about just waiting to be offended, they will latch on to the slightest issue and work themselves into a self-righteous snit over it. And it is not just members of this particular ethnic group engaging in this nonsense. It harkens back to the feminist days when complimenting a woman on her appearance was likely to engender a negative reaction from her. In the end all this negative feedback causes people to just quit caring and then we as a society bemoan the "loss of civility".

    I may be raising a stir here but this incident really "got my goat".

  5. Isn't it odd that people ignore you when you wear thigh boots in plain sight but tend to notice you when you wear boots under your jeans? I can only speculate that people are, in their own way, used to the former rather than the latter. Go figure.

    Maybe there's a reason for this?

    Think about it -- how many times have we heelers seen a woman wearing heels under some kind of jeans or pants and wondered how high the heels were? There is a certain mystique about that 1 inch or so of heel we see below the hem of the pants legs -- we wonder how much else there is. It is absolutely fascinating to any heeler.

    I wonder if the same thing extends to we guys when we wear heels in public?

  6. Those are nice boots! I know what you mean about balance -- a half-inch of increased height makes a lot more difference as the heel gets higher. Go from a 2" to a 2.5" and the difference is barely noticeable. Go from a 4" to a 4.5" and there is a lot more difference. Go from a 5" to a 5.5" and the difference is huge!

  7. Hi, flavio - I don't see anything at all wrong with those boots. The harnessing adds an interesting detail, the snip toe looks smart, and they have a little bit of rise in the heel. I know a couple of guys who wear cowboy boots daily as their regular footwear -- if I saw either of them in boots like those I would take a second glance because I would be thinking "nice boots". Maybe things are different in Brazil but around here anybody could wear those anywhere! Maybe your in-laws need to loosen up a little.

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