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Posts posted by jmc

  1. . . .The only thing is that I'm getting it in German. Is there a way to default Myspace to English, or am I stuck because of where I live?

    Log into MySpace and click "International", it's in the upper-right corner (at least as the page is formatted for me). This will take you to a page where you can select your language and formatting from a list or a map. Make sure "Save in my Account settings" is set so it will come up that way next time.

  2. ... ahm, what's the speech about? If there's a picture - I don't see anything, not even the slightest hint in pata's initial post's source code...



    Looks like a server is down right now. The link is there in pata's posting but Firefox times out when I attempt to follow the link. The picture was there last night, give it some time and try again.

  3. . . . For the shop: this sin't the shop which I will order, but I choose this link, because this site is in english.

    Ah, I see.

    I'm not saying anything bad about the shop you mentioned, I really have no experience with them. In fact I had never heard of them until I followed your link.

    But do check the returns policy wherever you decide to order. You are buying an item where fit is rather critical and it may take a couple of tries before you get something suitable.

  4. Looks like they use the US Womens sizing system. Start with the size you normally wear in whatever sizing system you are accustomed to and use their chart here to convert to US Womens. They say to order one size larger for heels over 5" and you are definitely in that category with ballets. Take that advice under consideration, it is offered in many places and I cannot vouch for its accuracy.

    More importantly, look at their returns policy: "Due to the personal nature of the items I carry, I cannot accept returns on merchandise for any reason other than defect." That's a direct quote from their Website. Based on that alone, if I were you I would find another source for these boots -- one that will allow you to return them and order a different size if they don't fit.

  5. johnnieheel, you're making a great deal of sense. There's always an intrigue associated with that which is hidden. It entices the imagination by making us wonder "what else is there". Of course, when we know the hidden footwear has a heel we know it is interesting so we wonder "Are those pumps or boots*? How high are those heels?" . . .and all those other delicious questions. *For those who have a special affinity for sandals, I'm not leaving you out -- but you can usually tell if the hidden footwear are sandals because you can see the toe. The charm is not lost, however as we wonder "Are there ankle straps, and what is the design? How high are those heels?" I think a partially hidden heel is more powerful than one in full view because the imagination kicks in and we probably envision that heel to be higher than it actually is.

  6. HighBoots, I see absolutely nothing wrong with either of the boots you have shown us. The 5cm western boots look like cowboy boots you can see anywhere in the U.S. The New Rocks are a little bit more dashing with their flame detail and higher heels. But they are perfectly fine too. I'm getting to like them more every time I see them -- might have to invest in a pair before long. . . loveheel is correct, young girls will giggle at anything. They may not have been giggling at your fashion choice either, they may have been giggling at something they saw on TV or one of their friends. We have a tendency to internalize apparent criticism when we know we have made an out-of-the-mainstream choice. Even if you know they were giggling at you, they could well have done the same had you been wearing combat boots.

  7. OK, sorry if I offended anyone, but this is a high heel site isn't it?

    Well, it is of course. Based on that, some members regard kitten heels as completely irrelevant here. Some go as far as to treat them with complete disdain, with the same disregard reserved for Crocs. It sounds as if you are in that group.

    Others are a little more tolerant, more in line with the position I stated earlier.

    Regardless of one's position on an outright ban on kitten heels, I don't think we are going to see it happen. I'd like to see Crocs banned first but that's highly unlikely too.

  8. IRC = Internet Relay Chat It is a communication protocol that has been in use on the Internet for a long time. IRC was originally designed for group communication, as in conferencing but private messaging is possible too. Communication on IRC is text-based and real-time, meaning a message typed at one user's keyboard shows up immediately on every participant's screen. It is more like a chatroom than a message board.

  9. Because it's your first post. We want new members to get the feel of the site so we encourage them to browse around for a while. To this end, certain functions are disabled until you post a handful of times. Posting pictures is one of those functions.

  10. This "weaker sex" thing has always gotten me. Women are tough -- on the average they may not have the physical strength of men but their emotional reserve is amazing! Let's face it, they can put up with we men and that takes some serious grit and determination! The "weaker sex" thing comes from outmoded thinking, from the days when brawn was far more important than it is today. Back in the days when houses were hewn from logs felled with a double-bit axe and crops were raised from fields plowed with oxen, physical strength was important. But even in those days, women found plenty to keep them busy and any pioneer man considered a sturdy wife by his side to be a blessing. It strikes me that life is so much different today. We can actually spend significant time thinking about how high the back of one's foot is off the ground!

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