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Posts posted by jmc

  1. i personally find walking on carpet in 6 inch heels is easier then on hard floors

    That's reasonable. There is usually a pad underneath carpeting and the heel sinks into this padding a little bit, so effectively the toe is elevated slightly with respect to the heel. This relieves some of the height of the heel and makes walking a little bit easier.

  2. . . . (not sure if naming brands is allowed, so will error cautiously) . . .

    We mention specific brands and shoe shops all the time around here. It eliminates a lot of confusion.

    I would guess that most members have favorite brands and they tend to talk about them frequently. Just try to stay away from blatant advertising (we have a dedicated place for that -- the "Shoe wholesale / retail / Internet stores" forum) and keep the discussion in the vein of shared experiences.

    I find that when a member posts a "look-what-I-just-got" entry without specifics on brand and source, that information is requested within four replies. Might just as well say it up front.

  3. . . .

    They also look fab with jeans...................

    Well, when you can see 'em, that is :-)

    Those jeans are a little long and they hide everything but your toes. We can't see the heels!

    Not that I'm trying to criticize and I tend to favor longer pants myself when I'm wearing heels. In my case it's because I want to keep my heeling a little more discreet.

    I do like the look, PIB.

  4. I remember a TV commercial from Naturalizer a few years back. They had come out with a line of women's dress shoes that were engineered for comfort, in this commercial a bunch of women were playing basketball in these shoes. The shoes had definite heels although they were not as high as most of us like to see. As I recall, 2.5" was about as high as they went.

  5. I suppose everything we do is a manifestation of some facet of our personality. I'm a bit of a wallflower too, preferring not to attract too much attention -- which is not exactly in keeping with heels. That is why I have a preference for the more conservative styles such as wedges and blocks as I have posted in other threads. I just like heels because they feel good -- they are different and exciting. Maybe that iindicates some kind of deep inner complexities of my psyche but I think that's an over-analysis. Although most people consider me to be rather eccentric in many ways (techno-geek occupational hazard), in my mode of dress I do not believe that I am.

  6. 12 USW/10 USM -- that point where available styles start to seriously taper off. . . . although in all honesty it is probably a blessing in disguise, if I were a couple of sizes smaller I'd have to build on an addition to have room for all the shoes and boots.

  7. Well, it has been almost a year since this thread was started and I have some bad news: It looks like we are in for another year of these ugly wiffle-ball plastic clog-things -- the stores seem to be loaded with 'em. This time around the glow-in-the-dark colors seem to be a little bit attenuated -- which may be the only silver lining as they will be less noticeable. But, as has been so eloquently stated earlier, "Yeuuuuch!"

  8. Hi, Curlergirl -- It sounds as though you "pushed the envelope" a little too far, a little too hard and a little too fast. You scared him. It is the "flip side" of the same issues so many of we male heelers face getting our wives and girlfriends to feel comfortable with our footwear preferences. In your post it sounds as though he did enjoy wearing the boots for you, is that true? If so, deep down he may actually be a bit of a heeler too. I think you want to back off for a while. Be gentle and patient and give him time to sort things out. Make sure that he knows the "that'll be you" comment was offered in jest. It might take a while, it might take some gentle comments but you can probably get him back into those boots -- and maybe more. Just be patient. You're a girl, you can get what you want!

  9. Kind of like Braille on a touch-screen ATM.

    You mean one of those drive-up ATM's?


    Yes, this multi-lingual business gets my goat too. Here in America we use (admittedly, a rather strained version of) the English language, as we have for a good 200 years. I'm sorry but if you go to a foreign country you have to expect things to be a little bit . . . foreign. Expecting that country to conform to your customs and language is not reasonable.

  10. . . .Can I post any pictures to the site ??

    kind regards from mikeheel

    Welcome to HHplace, mikeheel! You will find a lot of outfit selection guidance and examples here -- some of us are more demonstrative while others tend to favor a more conservative look. There's a lot of material to peruse.

    As far as posting pictures, you may post anything that conforms to the forum guidelines. Pictures have to be hosted on an external service and then you post a link here. Detailed instructions for how to do this are here.

  11. I can remember a number of times when the prevailing wisdom was that heels were "out", that the future belonged to flats (horrors for any heeler). And it never happened. Oh yeah, there were a lot of flat shoes around for a couple of months but then heels came back. Why? Because heels are exciting and fun, and that will get people's attention faster than anything. I agree with GuyN -- the situation is poised to improve. As we guys gain acceptance in heels we are in for some fun times!

  12. It started with a desire to spend more time in my heels, and to experience them in the real world. Wearing them only around the house is fun but the time can be limited. The next step in the progression was to wear them on outings where I did not have to leave my vehicle -- such as to an ATM or a drive-through window. The trouble here was I was not standing or walking in them, so this step naturally led to pay-at-the-pump self-serve gas-station stops. Then came the realization that more conservative, masculine-looking heels might not capture a lot of attention anyway and with the right pair of pants I could wear my heels almost anywhere. That's where I am now. I don't street-heel every day, not even every week but there have been "heel days" where I spend all my waking hours in heels.

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