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Posts posted by jmc

  1. Look for ballets that lace up, you will get a little more "give" with the width. You want ballets to be tight so they will grip your foot firmly. Otherwise your foot will slide down inside the shoe and all your weight will be supported by the ends of your toes -- that's an exquisitely painful experience!

  2. Am I wrong or everybody decided to get away from heels for a week or two?

    I had the same feeling... HEY!

    Time to wear my boots when at home tonight!!! YEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHHH

    Might have something to do with the time of year? Spring has sprung around here -- time to get out of the house and enjoy the weather.
  3. Ooooh, Glassfets!! (or firebottles, or thermionic valves, or vacuum tubes. . .) They have always beeh fascinating. Yeah, they are fragile, terribly obsolete and hideously power-hungry but they did have a few good points (virtual immunity to electrostatic discharge, for one!) Digital cameras are great, you will probably find that you take a whole lot of pictures with yours. Per shot, it's a lot less expensive than film photography.

  4. Holy orange, those are HIGH! Yow! Too bad they didn't have a movie file of her actually walking in them.

    I can't imagine walking in something like those boots. The height of the platmorm almost equals the length of her lower leg! One would have to be very attentive to foot placement with each step, the slightest mis-step or incline to any walking surface could cause a serious fall.

  5. One thing that's never really made clear is how she's able to seemingly take control of the Enterprise. :wavey: She beams on and off like there's a revolving door on the ship, and she somehow disables the internal sensors and even traps Jean-Luc in his own quarters. If it's all sleight-of-hand - she's quite adroit. But it's never really explained.:smile:

    Yeah, you've got this super high-tech, ultra-secure Federation flagship that's nothing short of an orbiting fortress, and a two-bit con artist with her own little ship and a knock-off cloaking device can take it over by remote control! But without that little strain on credulity we wouldn't have had a story. . .

    Come to think of it, that sort of thing happens a lot on Star Trek -- just think, would any truly serious space-faring species depend on some contraption as flaky as the warp-drive? Guaranteed, when the ship is in a jam the warp drive will be down, making the crew figure out some other way to get out of the jam. Next time I run through the series I'm thinking of keeping count how many times the warp drive fails in an episode -- I think the maximum is somewhere around five. Of course the transporter is just as bad if not worse -- how many times would it have been a simple matter to beam somebody out of a tight spot -- if the silly thing worked? But then that would have cut the story short. . .

  6. Yeah, man! That's the one!:smile: Check it out, for sure. Ardra is strutting around in heels and beaming onto and off the Enterprise at will. At one point she even makes the Enterprise disappear. But perhaps the funniest scene is when Jean-Luc suddenly finds himself on a science station with no clothes and is asking someone to bring him a uniform.:sad:

    BTW, With or without heels, Marta ain't a bad looking chick! :wavey:

    Yup, sho'nuff! We only get a couple of glimpses of them but they are some pretty decent boots!

    That is funny when the captain suddenly appears in the science station in his jammies.

  7. It sounds like you are describing the episode "Devil's Due" in the fourth season. The character was "Ardra", played by Marta Dubois and she was a con artist trying to take advantage of a mythical legend on the planet Ventax II. According to the legend, this "Ardra" had promised and delivered 1000 years of peace and tranquility in exchange for the servitude of the entire planet's population at the end of that time. And of course, the 1000 years was up. Through a legal maneuver she claimed the Enterprise crew too. Funny, I don't remember the heels in that episode. I'll have to break out the DVD and re-run it!

  8. Maybe I am still too new here but where is "heels for sale"?

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  9. It seems to happen to all of us, the desire ebbs and flows. It is only temporary though, a couple of months go by and we want to get into the heels again. This seems to be the reason there are so many "purge and re-stock" postings around here. Our desire wanes, we get rid of our stash, the desire returns, and we stock up again. A better idea is to pack up your favorites and store them away somewhere so you can break them back out when you want to. It is even quite a rush to slip them on again after a hiatus. This may be an opportunity to thin your stock if you have a few pairs that you don't like so well. But be careful -- when the desire returns it does so with a vengeance!

  10. Of course the "heels" reference in that story jumps out at us, but the story does mention another minor issue -- "and nothing else". That brings it under the jurisdiction of the local decency laws, which no doubt exist in McMinnville, Oregon.

  11. Did you mean the episode where Spock is wearing a beard and Uhura is hiding a knife in her thigh-high boot and slapping Sulu around?

    The specific episode is "Mirror, Mirror" and it comes from the second season of the original series.

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