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Posts posted by jmc

  1. I like high heels very much.Sometimes I wear high heels in street and walk on them:I like it. Why we man cannot wear high heels as a normal things. Why high heels must be only a thing for women?

    I think an increasing number of us are demonstrating that men can look stylish and still be men in a pair of heels. This is being demonstrated on a daily basis by men all over the world, as evidenced by the postings right here on HHplace as well as on other sites. As has been often discussed in other threads, there is nothing gender-specific about a shoe, nor are there any gender differences in the anatomical structure of the human foot. The "men-cannot-wear-heels" thing is simply a societal bias and like many other biases its time has elapsed.

    Women have taken every thing from dress of man, we not and if a man wear a particular of women is strange (trans to tell true).What do you think?

    Women have indeed absconded with every possible article of men's clothing, from baseball caps to combat boots and they figure out ways to look great in all of it. But true equality works both ways. If I may borrow the signature line from another member, "Why should girls have all the fun?"

  2. I think we are all fine-tuned to zero in on that delicious sound whenever it impinges upon our consciousness. As steelheel mentions, we are so finely tuned that we can often detect the style of shoe merely by its sound, knowing if the shoe is a pump, slide, boot or sandal before we see it. I love that sound, it is music to me.

  3. Klara (ballet heel) -- I congratulate you on your ingenuity. You have taken your unique situation and figured out a way to cope with it while maintaining a certain level of style. As you mention, a buildup would be the obvious choice but orthopedic shoes tend to be the most cloddy, clompy things one can put on their feet and I can well understand why a person would not like them. You have found another way, a way that suits you better. Have you considered wearing a shoe with a platform on your left foot? A platform is in effect a buildup but platforms tend to be far more stylish than orthopedics. You might have to have shoes custom made but a platform could make up at least some of the length difference and allow you to wear a heeled shoe on your right foot.

  4. I get a question when I read your posting:

    Are you buying shoes for your benefit or for hers? Meaning are you buying shoes you want to see her wearing or are you buying shoes she wants to wear? You mention some consciousness of her desire to wear shoes that "blend in" with the crowd, that is a very good thing.

    You need to get a better idea of what she likes and keep her comfort level in mind -- both comfort in terms of shoes that feel good and comfort in terms of being confident and at ease with the image she projects. It sounds like you need to work on better communication between yourself and your wife -- maybe go shoe shopping with her?

  5. . . . If you want to wear out the backing in a hurry, just walk on it with stillettos, which cause something like 150 times the psi. But that's not all. When you double the loading (psi), the wear factor goes up by around 3 to 5 times, so you're looking at a 10,000 mile treadmill belt being reduced to a 170 mile treadmill belt. Add to that the impact of a mercilously hard stiletto compared to a soft running shoe heel, and you might be lucky to 20 miles before major damage is done to the belt.

    . . .

    If I was going to try it, I'd do it in wedges with as wide a heel as possible and a flat sole from the ball of the foot to the heel. (Some wedge heels have a small lift at the heel itself or a scooped-out section under the arch.)

  6. Elegant is correct and I have edited your post to show your images as he described. Be aware that the system software only allows 4 images per posting so two of your images are still links. (We have had situations where members posted "photo albums" in one posting with nothing but a long line of pictures. Such threads took ages to load.)

    For more details regarding the posting of pictures, see this posting and the official instructions here.

    BTW: those clogs (backless) look like they are a little too small for you. This shows more clearly in the linked picture -- your heel hangs over the back of the shoe -- or maybe your foot was not fully in the shoe? You can get away with this with clogs but it doesn't look right.

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