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Posts posted by jmc

  1. I'm only 21, but HEAVILY into vacuum tubes, amps, old radios etc. Right now, I'm restoring "Tatry" [a Polish 50's receiver, quite popular], but it's possible that I'll eventually get some pre-WWII stuff.

    I always find it refreshing to hear of continued interest in the old technology. Tubes are just fascinating.

    Now back to the musical theme:

    When people asked me if I played anything I always answered: yes -- turntable, tape deck (CD-player later on). . .

    Later on I discovered MIDI and was actually able to make some music with it. But that is far closer to programming (at least the way I do it) than musicianship.

  2. You will get a lot of different views on this question because our members' views diverge quite a bit on this point. Some of us are of the opinion that anything we slip on our feet becomes a man's shoe simply due to the fact that a man is wearing it. Style and the manufacturer's original intended market does not matter. It is a healthy attitude for a heeler and a mark of a person who has developed a great deal of self-confidence regarding his appearance. Others do prefer a more subdued look so they seek out wedge and block heels because they are less obvious. (In all candor I must admit I am in this group.) Personally, I just like the way a heel feels under me. I am not out to "push the envelope" or "make a statement", I just like the physical and spiritual lift that heels give me. On HHplace you will find a great many discussions regarding the sound that heels make when one walks in them. Virtually all heelers love that sound but some of us do not wish to make that sound -- for various reasons that are connected to the questions you raise. Self-confidence is a big factor here too. As to the wearing of heels being "masculine" or "feminine", I'm not so sure that shoes have a gender. They are objects, thus they are neutral. A guy who steps out in stiletto pumps has a lot of guts to be sure and guts are often regarded as a masculine characteristic. (Which is also a misconception because there are plenty of courageous women on Planet Earth.) Sorry if this rambles a bit, you bring up some deep questions and collecting thoughts can take some time.

  3. Here is a modern theremin, available as a kit:


    The page also links to some other theremin stuff. The original instrument used vacuum tube oscillators connected to the antennas. The stray capacitance of the musician's hands would de-tune the oscillators by varying amounts as the musician moved his hands around the antennas. These de-tuned oscillators would heterodyne against each other to create other-worldly tones somewhat reminiscent of the squeals and howls you used to get between stations on an old AM or shortwave radio (for those of us who have been around long enough to remember AM and shortwave radio -- or vacuum tubes for that matter).

    It is an odd instrument indeed.

  4. I'm not totally against kittens. They have a certain sweet innocence about them and they are heels after all. If people find kitten heels interesting, they may foster a desire to try something higher and even more interesting. . . That said, I would not choose them for myself. If I am going to wear a style like that kitten pump, I want something with more heel. And of course, given my inhibitions, that heel will be a block or a wedge and on a boot.

  5. I will agree that the soft nylon feels luscious next to the feet and legs. However I have found that it does not hold up well long term. It tends to "pill" (collect lint from socks and hosiery and form small, round bumps) and it wears through and tears too easily. I prefer smooth, natural leather.

  6. Hey jmc and Phoenix

    oh yes, it is difficult to keep them on the food.

    But if I waer them I first have to waer them till my feet get's just a little bit sweaty

    and then they will be kept by the skin-sweat-leather-combinaton on my feet.

    That's the trick *smile*



    So they kind of glue themselves on? Interesting.

  7. Shoe sizing is a bit of a gamble -- even among the offerings from one specific brand. Although they may carry the same brand label, different stylings may vary in sizing -- up to a full size or even more! It would seem logical that one size 12 last would be the same as another size 12 last and shoes made on those lasts would be the same size -- but logic seems to fail in the realm of shoes. Part of the sizing dilemma may stem from the different ways that diverse styles fit different feet -- but that's not the entire story. There just seems to be a lack of standardization in the industry. First, you have a plethora of different sizing systems: US men's, US women's, UK sizing, European sizing, Mondopoint and China Standard just to name a few. Then, there seems to be significant variation from one manufacturing plant to another even among the same sizing system. There are conversions between the different sizing systems but they seem to be open to a great deal of interpretation too! In the end, there is only one sure way to tell if the shoe fits -- try it on! This sizing issue is a frequently a topic of discussion on HHplace and all of the old threads are still here.

  8. Well said, JeffB -- although I am one of those who has not yet developed the confidence to walk around in heels and let the whole world get an earful. I still prefer to make as little sound as possible so as not to draw attention to myself. As to that delicious sound itself, it is more of a two-beat rhythm -- a sharp "crack" created by the heel-tip hitting the floor followed by a "slap" as the toe makes contact.

  9. Not reall certain you can. . .

    If she wants to wear heels, she will. If she doesn't (for any of myriad reasons) she won't. All you can do is compliment her whenever she does -- it's called positive reinforcement.

    I believe this question illustrates the fundamental reason why there are so few women who frequent this site. We male members are so hot on heels and we make the women feel like we are going to gang up on them and force them into something they may not like.

    We have to realize that heels are not for everybody. Some choose to wear them and those individuals have our undying appreciation. But some chose not to wear heels and that is their chioce. If your wife chooses not to wear heels, that is her prerogative. If she chooses not to, there may be good reasons -- the structure of her feet may make heels painful for her, she may not have the confidence to wear them or maybe she just simply does not like them.

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