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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Boy,this is getting good. Wanta talk about how many people get killed going to the air port or in air planes? Check out how many people are killed by cigeretts just in America every year. four hundred fifty thous to five hundred thous. Some of them even wear heels. :D

  2. Hi Lindsay, And allow me to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your action figure avatar. It ROCKS! :D Now please allow me to explain that in my experience, minds - like parachutes - work best when open. Unfortunately, none is so blind as he who will not see - as we have observed from the originator of this thread. So we will just have to be patient while he finishes making a spectacle of himself. :evil:

  3. The results are now, statistically speaking, bimodally equivalent between 3" and 4".

    The geometric mean is now 3.48". Call it three and a half.

    We have a winner at 3.5" for a high heel!

    Not so fast there. I scheduled the poll to run for 45 days. Not all the data is in yet.

  4. Guy N. Heels, would you be willing to share some of the reasons why? It might help others learn more about why they wear heels in the first place.

    At the risk of getting overly technical, we humans are governed by our brain functions. And while I am not a physician by any streach of the imagination, there are all kinds of things going on in the brain that absolutely dictate what we think and do. Some people call these things hormones, some call them endorphins and some call them other things. Personally, I don't care if you call 'em Wagi-wagi's, these things do exist and they work in very powerful ways. If you don't believe me, just take a good look at any teenage girl who can't seem to stop giggling. You are witnessing a case of her hormones - or Wagi-wagi's - going out of control.

    Well, our emotions, particularly things that involve the ego, play an enormous role in the production of these hormones - Wagi-wagi's - that affect almost everything we do. There have been cases of very capable military leaders being rendered incompetent because of some enormous emotional upset. One example would be Robert E. Lee's reactions immediately after he learned of the death of "Stonewall" Jackson.

    Other things that can have an enormous influence would include the weather and one's overall health or diet - all of which will impact the individual's production of hormones or Wagi-wagi's. Then, of course, there will be the "background stuff" like how things are going on the job, local and world affairs, and so-on, that will also have an effect. Moreover, it's not necessarily any one thing, but most often, the cumulative total of all of these influences that determines the kinds of hormones or Wagi-wagi's that our systems are producing and how we react to them.

    Now these personal feelings will not orverride or delete one's predisposition to a given activity, i.e. if you like to go boating you most likely will, at least, have a latent desire to go boating. But things may have transpired in such a way that you just don't have any interest in the subject at the moment. For example, I love chocolate to the point of being a chocoholic. But I have seen times when I honestly couldn't get interested in a box of Godivas. In time, the desire for chocolate returned.

    So with all of the above as a backdrop, how can wearing heels be any different? It's just another activity that we very complex humans engage in.

  5. anything under 5 inch heels is not worth it.

    So sorry that I couldn't accomodate you on the poll. I had listed heights up to 5" but all that was deleted when I posted. :evil: Apparently 10 items is all that can be accepted on a poll. So I'll put you down as one vote for 5". (Did you change the numbers in any way?) :D

    Of course, as you can see for yourself, you're definitely in the minority in this poll.

  6. Actually, my toes are permanently shaped like a pyramid from wearing my pointies for so long.

    1. When I'm mad at someone it makes getting revenge easy. All I have to do is slide my shoe off and kick their tire. Whooosh.

    2. It makes spinning like a ballerina, round and round on one toe, very easy.

    3. I can type with two hands and open envelopes with my feet, they are so sharp and pointy.

    4. Architects have to use a triangled ruler, I just use the edge of my feet.

    5. Despite all this, I will always love my pointy shoes.

    But you left out one of the most important ones - pointy toes are simply superb for crushing bugs that think they can escape into a corner! :rofl:

  7. OOOPS! We forgot to mention that there are "black holes" in cyberspace. These absorb all manner of extraneous and inane posts and then eject them in outgoing plumes of 1's and 0's. These 1's and 0's eventually form rings around large servers and make for some truly spectacular images. :rofl:

  8. Hey Joe, It sounds to me like you've got a handle on it. While I can't agree with everything said, there's been a lot of good posts on this thread. The main point is that, at the end of the day, you have to be your own man. You simply cannot let someone else lead your life for you. Your choice of wearing high heels is a matter of fashion, not morals or religion. So stay in touch and let us know how things are going out your way. :evil:

  9. Lessee here, Suicide terrorists have hijacked airplanes and changed the character of commercial aviation forever. If you can't understand that, then you need to wake-up & smell the coffee and take a look at the newspapers, buster. :evil: Dr1819 posts a rant in the Everybody forum and changes the character of this forum - for now. Wake up and smell the coffee. :x A Cessna has insufficent range to fly the Atlantic - well Lindburg did it, as well as "Wrongway Corrigan". So why can't you? :D Besides, exactly what all this has to do with heels is way beyond me. :D

  10. Why are humans programmed to regard tall people as more desirable ?

    It pisses me off being 5'9" and being regarded as somehow less of a person.

    I was thinking a while back of the time I was invited to a yachting friend's wedding. Nigel knew me as this character who single hands 32 foot sailing boats, repairs leaking toilets in force 8 gales without throwing up, can hoick out anchors which bigger guys can't, a half-decent navigator, a bon viveur in some respects, can cook and likes his wine. Some of this aura had preceeded my arrival at his reception (his parents had never met me).

    I was introduced as 'this is Xaphod' and got the comment 'oh, I thought you would be taller !'



    There's an old axiom that it is not the size of the man in the fight, but the size of the fight in the man that counts. :D

    A big man would either dismiss such a comment as ignorant or maybe shoot back with something like, "I was expecting your yacht to be bigger." Or perhaps, "So sorry, but my butler took my big car to deliver some groceries to my mum, so I had to leave part of me behind in order to fit in the smaller car." :evil:

  11. I totally agree that shoe construction and even the size and weight of the individual play a huge role in the comfort level of a shoe. However, this now becomes a very subjective matter and is really outside of the scope of the poll. For example, I have seen preteenage children walking around in 2 inch "kitten heels" that, for them, looked quite high. I have even seen children's shoes on sale for preschool age children with little 1.5 heels that were hardly more than toys, but would be a challenge to these youngsters. Still, any knowledgeable adult knows that a 2" heel hardly qualifies as a HIGH heel.

  12. ...Nevertheless, a recent study noticed that women, in general, preferred, brighter, and more pastel colors than men...Ok, that's fine! I like subdued colors, in both clothes and heels, even in my skirts. Then again, I'm a man...

    I was totally astonished to learn that the Japanese, who consider most Western colors garish, prefer pale colors because they are so sensitive to color. Personally, I prefer bright colors. But most of the men that I've produced belts for asked for a USMC Black finish - even on belts that, to my mind, clearly demanded color. :D My advice to anyone getting custom crafted leatherwork is to ask for the brightest colors available, because experience has shown that the colors will fade and darken over time. :evil:
  13. Kilt (Scottish women never wore kilts...)

    Actually, this is not quite true. Up until sometime in the 19th century Scottish women often wore a long ankle length skirt of tartan material. Also, a type of sash that was made of the same tartan material (one had to remain loyal to the clan) was worn over one shoulder and could also serve as a type of shawl or cloak if needed. But only the men wore the knee lenght kilt, which often served as a kind of uniform that helped identify which side you were on in battle. But it has only been since the dawn of the 19th century that women began wearing the knee lenght tartan, which was later modified to become a full-fledged kilt (has sufficient pleats to make it wearable as a battle skirt). A true kilt will require about 10 yards of material, which at first blush seems absurd until you consider the amount of pleating involved.

    BTW, the term skirt is derived from the German word for shirt.

  14. I love the heels that i posted before, and always try to wear them in privacy. I was wondering, i broke a pair of my mom's shoes already. Maybe i walk in them wrong. Can you please explain exactly how to walk on the floor & on the gorund & on the stairs up and down. I read other people directions but i would like to hear some of your directions

    Well, I told you so. :evil:

    The first big mistake that most novice heel wearers make is to try and walk in relatively high stillettos. The new heel wearer needs to start out on a fairly low wide heel - about 3 inches. I personally recommend wedgies with fairly wide heels that support the foot well. :D The new wearer needs to practice walking on these until they can sit, rise, walk, climb stairs, and even run for short distances without even thinking about their shoes. :) Then the wearer can start to increase the heel height in 1/4 to 1/2 inch increments going through the same practice at every stage. :D Only after this has been mastered at about the 4" to 4.5" level, should one attempt the spikes. Here again, the wearer will find that stillettos are a different ball game. One's balance is more precarious; extra care must be taken to be mindful of where one steps; rough pavements and surfaces should be avoided. Deep carpets can translate into a broken heel and/or a trip to the doctor. :D

    BTW, there are other threads around here that talk about how to wear and walk in heels. :D

  15. Hi to everybody, I was hoping that yall could help me piece together some things ok. I have been enjoying heels in some form or another since I was around 6 years old. I have done the whole crossdressing bit in the past but have had no intrest in that for a few years and I don't really see that as something for me in the future. The only thing I wear now that can be described as feminen is high heels. I have worn them in public occasionally but not very often at all. I do have some sexual desire linked to heels but not all the time. That is odd to me since I always figured it was one way or another. I mean you can't have a fetish only part of the time can you? I am confused as to where this is going and how to react to it so I hope yall can give me some feedback and (for lack of a better term) diagnose me so to speak. I look forward to your replies.

    Hello HighHeelLover, and welcome to the forum. Now what was the problem?
  16. Hi there Shaq19, and welcome to our forum. You have definitely come to the right place. I'm straight and I absolutely love women. I've also been wearing high heels off and on for the last 50 years or so. Laddie, at 15 yer whole life is a jumble and it's going to take about 5 or 6 more years for everything to settle out. So you need to take it easy and don't try to rush things at all. But clearly you have come across one of the most powerful images ever invented by man - the high heeled shoe/boot. Personally, I'm a little bit amazed that you can actually wear your mother's shoes at 15. At that age my feet were so big that if I had even tried to fit one of my mother's shoes I would have busted seams and straps everywhere. Which brings me to my point. Unless your feet truly fit your mother's boots - leave them alone. Otherwise you run the risk of streaching them out or otherwise damaging them and/or your feet and your mother will be sure to find out sooner or later. You would be far better off to go buy yourself a pair of shoes/boots at a nearby thrift store and get yourself something that fits your feet properly. Don't worry about trying on the shoes at the store. I seriously doubt you'll meet anyone that knows you. Also, forget about wearing heels out in public or to school for now. You don't need the ridicule that is sure to come if you do. But do stay in touch with us and let us know how yer doing.

  17. WELL SAID :evil::D However, I would like to add that as a leather crafter I am often called upon to tool belts. Except for the sizes and the buckles used, there is no real difference between a man's belt and a woman's belt. But for some reason that I still am unable to fathom, men invariably ask for very plain dowdy colors whereas women want really bright colors. If I only tooled for men I doubt if I would ever need more than 6 different stains or colors.

  18. A few things always get me about the "moral majority".

    1) The bible says "Judge least thou be judged", yet guys like Pat Robertson sling judgements around all the time.

    2) Who was it that Jesus spent time with? It certainly wasn't the self-rightgeous.

    3) What is right and what is wrong is in your heart and it is personal between you and God. Not between you and other men.

    4) The bible was INSPIRED by God (if you believe) but WRITTEN by men and TRANSLATED over the ages. Things could have been added (on purpose) or mistranslated over time. That is why (if you believe) it is important to let God tell YOU what the words mean, but take it word for word.

    I agree with others. It isn't wearing the clothes that is the problem, but rather your intent on wearing them. If you wear them for less than honorable purposes (to sneak peaks at women, etc) , than it is more likely a sin than just wearing something you like as a fashion.


    Few things in the world are more abused and maligned than the Bible. I've heard well meaning preachers make the most atrocious misquotes to justify their point of view. Perhaps the worst I've seen lately was when Jerry Falwell made the statement on public television that "It is a sin to drink alcohol. Either a thimblefull or a barrelfull will get you in a lake of fire..." Most people, including preachers, don't ever really read the Bible to see what it actually says. Any true bible scholar knows that Jesus Christ's first recorded miracle was when He converted about 180 gallons of water into wine. Also, He was accused of being a winebibber - a tough charge to make of a teetotaler! Christ drank wine and yet never sinned.

    The point is, you can never truly know what the Bible says by reading your own views and prejudices INTO it. The only way anyone can know what the bible says is to read it without prejudices.

    The next thing is that you cannot win this kind of argument with biblical doctrine - no matter how correct you are. Bigots and people of religious prejudice simply retreat further into their own narrow mindedness. Your best bet is to simply tell your folks you are "straight" and then change the subject.

    BTW, that passage in the Bible about men wearing women's clothing pertains to men who had their genitalia removed and then donned female attrie as a pagan religious rite of passage so that they could serve in areas of pagan temples where the temple prostitutes lived and men were not allowed. In effect, these men became women. Such pagan societies often required the women in the society to prostitute themselves in the temple at least once a year. This has absolutely nothing to do with men who have worn skirts (battle, work, and dress) for thousands of years, nor for military men who first wore high heeled boots for riding in mounted combat.

  19. like I've said before in this forum dr1819, it was MEN who 1st wore heels, NOT women!! I'm glad you were able to point this out in this article! :evil:

    It was MEN who first wore skirts, ruffles and lace, high heels, and much more that is now considered the domain of women's fashion. (Talk about a propaganda snow job.) So who, exactly, are the real crossdressers?
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