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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Now you've got, pal! :evil: We're all running a little bit off-center. :D The only questions that remain are 1] How Much; and 2] Which direction? So with all of that as a given, does it really matter what yer neighbors think? :D:D

  2. Johnnie, one of the things you need to understand is that cyberspace is rather like an electronic ocean. And much like the ocean, there's a lot of flotsam & jetsam, and outright polution floating around out there. Now people take pains to keep this stuff off the ship, but if you are going to sail this ocean, sooner or later some of it washes on board. The only sure way to keep from coming in contact with it is to haul yer ship outta the water.

  3. Okay, so yer neighbors are like mine with their tongues hung in the middle and wag on both ends. :D It's the same everywhere. Then there's the frau who doesn't know you like heels; or are you really sure about that? Besides, even if she doesn't know - when did you plan to tell her? :D But I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned lack of confidence. At the rate yer going, it'll only take you about 20 or 30 years before you wake up one day to the fact that yer spending money for something that only you know about and nobody else can appreciate, they're only a clothing item anyway, and it really doesn't make 2 hoots in a high wind what the neigbors think anyway (assuming they have something to think with). :) As for me, as long as I'm not shooting-up the town I really don't care what all my nosey neighbors think. :D Besides, you ought to see what THEY're doing. :evil:

  4. ...There are several different types of RV:

    * Campers are units that slide into the bed of a pickup truck and can range from a simple shell that does nothing more than cover the truck bed up to units about 12 feet long that weigh several thousand pounds and have all the comforts of home.

    * Tent trailers are units that have a solid frame and short walls, and the roof pops up and the ends slide out to reveal the living area, which usually has canvas (or newer synthetic materials) for the walls - most have at least a queen-size bed that slides out on each end and some have slides that open the main floor space even more. They are typically towed with SUVs, trucks, or larger cars.

    * Travel trailers are larger trailers that have solid sides and can range from about 12 feet in length to 40 feet, many have slideout sections to increase floor space inside and have many different floor plans available to fit just about any lifestyle. They are towed by pickup trucks, full-size vans, and large SUVs with a hitch mounted below the rear bumper of the tow vehicle.

    * Fifth wheel trailers are larger trailers that can be found in lengths from about 16 feet to over 40 feet and can be quite luxurious inside. They can only be towed by large pickup trucks or medium duty trucks because the hitch mechanism is mounted in the bed of the truck - the hitch is the same as what the tractor-trailer semis use.

    Class D motorhomes are not very prevalent in the industry right now - they are made by taking a pickup truck cab and frame, cutting out the back wall of the cab, and building a house on the back.

    Class C motorhomes are quite common - they start out as a full-size van from the front seats forward, but the area behind the seats is cut off the frame. The industry calls these "cutaway van frames". Then the house is built onto the frame. Sizes range from about 18 feet to over 30 feet. Winnebago is a company that builds a few models in this class.

    Class B motorhomes are also called van conversions - a full-size van has the roof extended up to give a bit of head room inside and then the interior is added - they are smaiil inside because they are basically just vans, but they're quite popular with those who don't spend a lot of time inside them. Winnebago also builds some of these.

    Class A motorhomes are the large, stereotypical, RV - built from the ground up on a large truck frame they range in size from about 25 feet up to 40 feet and can be extremely luxurious inside. They will either have a large gas engine up front or a large diesel engine out back. Winnebago also has several models in this class.

    Bus conversions are the pinnacle of the industry - companies like Prevost or Gillig start with one of their buses (think Greyhound bus here!) and build the interior to the customer's specifications - they are in the 35 foot to 45 foot range and can cost upwards of a few million dollars! ...Aly

    The original concept of the camper or trailer was to"get away from it all"; but with the stuff he's decribing you get to take it all with you. :evil:
  5. The only reason I have told people I am straight on/before heel meets is that 90% of the other people who come are straight and there is a misconception by some people that guys who wear heels are likely to be gay. Not that I care either way but I wanted people to know we have a few beers and walk around town. It is not a kind of dating shop unless of course two gay guys turn up and they are welcome to get together if they want. I figure I can assure 90% of the people and perhaps upset 10% of 10% (ie 1 person out of 100) because I was not politically correct enough by mentioning that I was straight and it is 90% straight guys who come, then I would be the right side of the odds because 99/100 would at least appreciate me being honest about what we were doing.

    I'm very sorry for the one person in 100 I have not been politcally correct enough for in this case. You're still VERY welcome to come along if you have been put off and meet some people of varying sexuality, but mostly straight people. I can't get more honest than that I'm afraid.

    So what's with all the apologies? At least we don't brand 'em or tar & feather 'em like they used to do in days gone by.
  6. I live in rural pennsylvania.

    The search results I get with that are usually the same fetish shoes, or sites with shoes over $100.

    Try some of these:













    and my personal favorite:


  7. ...Okay, forget about what you want for a day or two and think about what she wants, is it the same? I doubt it, but if you could give her what she wanted and get what you wanted at the same time, that would be a great deal...

    Excellent point, Nigel! :evil: It's called "the go-giver principle". The easiest way to get what you want is to first give the other person what they want! Now here's where it gets tricky because not everyone wants the same things. So if we assume that your wife has no physical limitations that would prevent her from wearing the shoes, your first order of business is to find out what it is SHE wants and make it point to give it to her. And I don't mean bargain, I mean GIVE! Usually, when she is well-pleased her natural reaction will be to please you.

    My former girlfriend had quite a few physical issues that prevented her from wearing heels in public. But because I did my best to keep her pleased, she made it a point to wear heels for me at home.

  8. "Every night I pray that people with money get taste and people with taste get money."-- Hutton Wilkinson

    Better yet, let people with money give it to people like me who will furnish them their taste.
  9. that just made me think of my school's majorette's high-step marching in heeled boots.

    ...What are some good sites to find shoes on? I don't really know of any that don't have goth or fetish shoes.

    Well, I can think of about 10 or 12 right fast, but without knowing where you live I'm hesitant to suggest them. Why don't you just plug High Heels or Shoes into your search engine and see what you come up with?

  10. Now lessee here. You go out and buy a pair of over the knee boots with 6" heels and then right after you get 'em on yer pulling yer jeans down to yer *ss and sneaking around while you go out to yer car to get sumptin - right? WHY? Man, if you've already laid out the kind of loot I think those boots cost, why not show 'em off? Take 'em out to dinner or sumptin.

  11. One advantage of wearing wedges :evil:


    To my mind, stillettoes are for indoors and anyone going outside needs to seriously consider their footwear. Many women in Washington (who often wear stillettoes at their offices) change their shoes for going out of doors and for commuting to and from work.

  12. :rofl: well, I think that you would look kind of silly if you were GOOSE-STEPPING in them!!

    Oh YEAH? I guess you haven't seen the Radio City Rocketts lately - (now that I think about it, neither have I.)

    Nevertheless, if you ever see the Rocketts do their high kick routine you'll retract that statement for sure. So just imagine a bunch of Nazis marching through the main aisle of Nuremburg Stadium suddenly locking arms and going into that high kick routine with the goose-step flavor. Bettcha never thought of that!

  13. Hello Shafted. Yup! Youre right. We stayed in Bootbay harbor and took a day trip up to Camden We've been up your way many times. I showed your reply to my wife and she said to say hello so here go's. Hello Shafted! I can hear her laughing as I read this post out loud. On a more personal note, You Mainers are blessed with some beautifull country up there. We hope to retire in Maine someday soon... larry.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that people that go to Maine to see the scenery for the summer were visitors; and that people who come back to visit summer after summer are called Mainers. Then there are those who come for the summer but decide to stay for the winter - they're called Mainiacs! :rofl:
  14. Why would you find a need to dress up as a woman if you're really not a crossdresser? I have worn my stilletoes out to a nice restaurant with grey slacks and a blue blazer. When I needed the rest room I had no qualms whatsoever of going to the men's room. No one said a thing or even seemed to notice I was wearing heels. Some possible suggestions on choice of costume would be a] Pirate - Payless is featuring a high heeled boot with a large buckle this fall that would fit right in; b] Gaucho - see the Payless boot above; c] Gangster - with wide bottomed long-legged pants and heels; d] Darth Vader - in heels of course; e] Biker - in leathers and heels; or f] casual dressed (no costume at all) man in heels. Maybe you can even get the wife to participate in the project.

  15. Wow, I feel really short.

    Well, don't. I seriously doubt that most of the posters on this forum wear heels because they feel vertically challanged. Most of us simply harbor a passion for fashion. As for me, I started out at about 70", but a medical condition has caused my spine to collapse. :D So now I'm about 66" in stockings. Thankfully, a pair of 3" to 4" heels can get me back to where I was before. :evil:

  16. I see posts on this board practically every day from young men (12,13,14,15,16) as well as mature adults who seem to be expressing the same kinds of self-consciousness and misgivings I had when I first became interested in heels. These people both need and deserve some kind of support with an interest that, in itself, hurts no one and has no basis for moral judgement. I prefer to offer such support as best I can, as opposed to "throwing rocks". I've never been "down under" and so I have no way of understanding some of the comments you've made. But in my personal experience - life is what you make of it. Whether you choose to wear heels or not is up to you. How your community responds to your choice is - believe it or not - largely up to you. But I do think it rather unfair to launch a huge invective against this board.

  17. I started answering this point - and realised that I was going off topic very quickly - but also it's something I've thought a long time.

    Why do you think being gay is a non-positive thought? I'm really concerned about how keen everyone is to say they're not gay. It's bordering on homophobia. When I was considering going to my first heelmeet the organisers stressed to me that everyone who went were a nice bunch of straight guys. I can't really see what the worry is in this day and age.

    Scotty, please don't think I'm having a go at you I could have picked up numerous comments over the past few days, weeks, months - I just want to air this topic a little bit and see what other guys think. As far as I'm concerned, I have had people think I'm gay and it can be quite fun watching them trying to make their minds up.

    Interestingly enough, I've just checked 2 of my dictionaries and have been unable to find homophobic in either one. Is this a word that has recently been coined by the rabbid homosexual community?

    From what I've seen on this board so far, I find no compelling evidence that this board harbors anti-gay prejudice. Nevertheless, as recently as 30 years ago homosexuality was condemned by almost every society and anyone who was thought to be homosexual in any way almost instantly became a pariah. I believe that this stigma still exists until this day.

    However, I believe that there is a distinct difference between people who are seeking to address fashion issues and those who prefer a distinctly different sexual orientation. In my personal experience, every sort of homosexual solicitation or encounter I've had came from men who dressed so ordinarily that I would never have given them a second look. Indeed, it was only after they had solicited me that I had any idea of their sexual preferance. Moreover, I do not suppose for even an instant that these same things are not also true for women. So I find this to be a rather strange set of circumstances: i.e. men whom I have met dressed in drag, high heels, earrings, etc. never solicit me while men who look exactly like the people I work with sometimes do. I have also heard women make similar comments about being approached, including my girlfriend and my own mother! :evil: A curious set of circumstances.

    To my mind, the style of clothing one chooses to wear may suggest certain things, but is not necessarily an indicator of their sexual orientation. In short, just because one puts on an airline pilot's uniform doesn't make him one any more than my going to a library makes me a book or going to a hospital makes me a doctor.

    For the record, I wear high heels and skirts; my ears have been pierced for many years; and I have even worn makeup, wigs, and dresses in public. Yet I am totally revolted by homosexual advances or solicitations.

  18. A murderer or rapist taking trophies is nothing really new, even back in 1980. Its been happening for decades if not longer but yeh it won't help people like our community here much :evil:

    ...Trophy collection goes way back to the Mongols or who-ever, used to cut heads off their defeated enemies and display them...maybe the romans - need to read up on that again.

    Just shows how the mis-deads of one person can cause the "punishment" of many! :x

    Well I, for one, refuse to accept "guilt by association". If this bloke is out collecting "trophies" for his mis-deeds then he needs to face the music and pay-up for his crimes. But I came by (buy) all my shoes honestly and I really don't care if the bloke has a whole warehouse full of stuff, that really has nothing to do with me.

    As for the other "trophies" mentioned - this is rather grissly - both the Germans (the ancient Assyrians) and the Japanese collected heads as war trophies. The Japanese women would even go to the trouble to clean-up the severed heads brought in from the battlefield and would even apply paints and cosmetics to them before putting them on display. (YUK!)

  19. Well, if you feel powerful/dominant wearing heels, you will look powerful/dominant wearing them, if you feel submissive wearing heels, you will look submissive. It's in the 'aura' you exert.

    Excellent point, Trolldeg. But in my personal opinion, most heel wearers tend to exude a more assertive aura than when they aren't wearing heels.

  20. He has found out, and she thought that they broke when they fell from the top of the closet. But they were alreasy broken by me. So, tell me exactly to walk correctly, so i dont break it again.

    At the risk of sounding redundant, you first need to get your own shoes that fit correctly. Improperly fitting shoes are a sure invitation to disaster; plus having yer own shoes reduces the possibility of personal tensions between you and yer mum, sister, or whoever's shoes you are "borrowing". Then you need to follow the advice of those who have already posted on this and in other threads about how to walk in heels. You need to remember that learning to walk in heels is not too different from learning how to ride a bike. It's not a natural thing and unless you are willing to take it easy and practice, you can expect a few tumbles. Also, you need to start out on the lower heels and work yer way up to the higher ones. Don't think you can start out walking on 5" or 6" stillettoes. Unless yer a very remarkable person, you will not be successful.

  21. Well, I can see why these are not recommended for walking. They arrived this morning and I'm positive I won't be able to walk in them what so ever :-)

    Unfortunately, I got the whole sizes thing mixed up with UK, US and European sizes, so I'm returning them to be exhanged for a smaller sized pair. They're way too large, even for me.

    Anyway, these shoes are a size 12 US, 10 UK and the heel is exactly 17 cm, so well over 6.5 inches! No way I'm walking in these.

    But boy, they look fabulous, sort of aggresive, but beautiful at the same time.

    I'll keep you posted.


    Hey man, ya gotta watch that size thing. They'll do it to ya every time - especially when you've got to convert from one measuring system to another. :D

    Wouldn't it be easier if we just scrapped the whole measuring system madness and went with one uniform measure that everybody could agree on? For example we could have something like a zotny that is equal to some precise measure - say 50000 angstroms - and then have everything measured in those terms. But even if we did, somebody would probably come along and screw that up too. :evil:

  22. In light of the fact that high heeled footwear was first developed for riding/mounted military combat, it is doubtful that any kind of high heels can ever be totally disassociated from the authoritative image of military power. But certainly, nothing exudes this image more than the stilletto heel - particularly the stilletto boot! Over the years many women have made efforts to "dress down" this powerful authoritative image with things like espadrilles, cork wedgies, flowery accents and so on. But the very nature of high heels transmits a subliminal message of power. Question: What kind of image would we retain if the NAZIS (ergo, Hitler, Himler) wore high heels?

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