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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. It's too bad that you didn't do a poll on this, but from what I'm seeing, it looks like the consensus of opinion focus on the 3" to 5" range with the average minimum being around 3". Personally, I find it hard to imagine anything less than 3" truly being a high heel. On the other hand, Some of the coments I've read about 5 & 6 inch heels being the minimun strikes me as just a bit absurd! There are many accomplished heel wearing women who cannot handle a 5" heel. I don't really see the question as being the minimum height that you wear personally, but rather, what is the minimum height (above 7/8") that would qualify as a HIGH heel for either gender.

  2. It's probably got relatively little to do with cell phone usage than it does with general multi-tasking skills... Just today I witnessed a woman make a right turn onto a two-lane divided street; somehow she managed to drive left of center for 3/4 of the block! Phone on her ear. Pretty much explained it all. Then she turned into the exit only section of the bank parking lot, again not paying attention. Luckily, in both cases no cars were approaching her, or else I'd have been a witness to an accident and there's no way in hell I'd have taken her side.

    Here I was thinking that I was the only one seeing such behavior. :roll: I rest my case! :wink:
  3. ...In fact, it should cost less, particularly when you pair it with a good menuing system, inputs from outside temperature and altitude, a sound system display input, key driving information (velocity/rpm), vehicle systems diagnostics, etc.

    Some functions, such as the last, should be inhibited (except for basic warning lights) unless one is stopped. Similarly, programming a route into the GPS should also be inhibited unless you're stopped...quote]

    In like manner, the computer should also be programmed to recognize the signal from a cell phone and automatically steer the car to the side of the road and shut-down until the cell phone signal goes away.

  4. Yeah - whatever happened to the poor gal that was having a crisis in her life? :roll: If you are still out there, hon, how about telling us how things are going?

    Since this thread has been dead for a fortnight, maybe we'd better get back to Stormie and find out she's doing. How's it going, Hon?
  5. To GuyNheels,

    A. Yes my wife and I share the clothes, to bad not the shoes.

    B. I have been dressing enfemme since I was 5 years old. My uncle(aunt) was TS. I grew up around my mom, aunt, female cousins, played teaparty, makeup, learned hair, walked in heels infront of my cousins. Dated girls that were really fem and I would sneak into their closets and wear their shoe/clothes until i got caught by one gf. I just explained that I thought she had big feet and I thought her shoes would fit on me. LOL. I learned how to paint my/their toes,

    I'm not exactly sure what you said, maybe I'm just tired, but it seemed like one big run-on sentence, and like your trying to judge me telling me I cant pass and you have NO clue about me? Dont understand that one.

    I know tv, ts and tg that outshine and look better than genetic girls. so WTF ?

    My face is feminine these days, I would say I'm mosty TS myself. I have, and am considering going fulltime.

    Trust me honey, only those of us who "pass" can EVEN consider going fulltime.

    First of all, I apologize because I was "looking through the wrong end of the telescope", as it were. My assumption was that you were raised in a masculine environment and were "experimenting" with dressing en femme. Since that, obviously, is not the case, I am in error. :wink:

    In the second place, I live by the code:"Judge not - lest ye be judged". While there are behaviors and things I do not always agree with :roll: , my observations and objections are not to be mistaken as judgement. I leave all that to Someone else.

  6. For me---and at my age---it's 3" to 4" on a U.S. women's size 7.5M or 8M in a shoe, and an 8M or 9M in a boot. With the way my joints are, I'm extremely lucky to manage that. I may have to revise that in the future.

    Cheers--- Dawn HH

    I concur. Back in my preteen days my mother "loaned" me a pair of 2.5 inch kitten heels that I found delightful :roll: , but not very high. In fact, it's not uncommon for men's footwear, particularly boots, to have 2" heels these days. So with all of this in mind, I'd have to say that you really need to get to at least 3" before it qualifies as a HIGH heel.

    I usually wear 3.5 to 4" heels without platforms and up to 5" heels with about a 1" plat. While some folks go for the really high altitude shoes with 6 or 7 inch heels - or more (do those come with an oxygen mask?), I seriously doubt that I could manage anything above a 5" heel and then it would have to have a platform.

  7. The problem is far more pronounced than one's ability to multi-task. Just yesterday I watched a woman on her cell phone park her 4X4 right outside the door of a burger joint, right in a fire lane, walk inside and order her food - all without ever once removing her cell from her ear. When I asked the manager if it was legal for the car to be parked at the door, she finally called the driver to task and made her move the vehicle. Did I mention that there were ample parking spaces available for anyone who wanted to properly park their car? This whole scenario is about a driver who would willfuly violate existing laws, place herself and a restaurant full of people at risk by disregarding their safety - all because that cell phone was much too important to put down. What's wrong with this picture?

    ...Here's my pet peeve: Built-in GPS moving map displays. Let's face it, folks, while radios take but a glance to operate, these puppies really drag your attention away from what you're doing, particularly when they're located mid-dash about half way from top to bottom. Why haven't car manufacturers become more savvy and simply created a 16x9 main display screen just below the dash where your current instruments are displayed? Then they could put anything they want on there, with controls mounted on either the steering column or just to the upper right of the wheel, where the road and traffic would still be in your field of vision...

    Ahem... They have. Since I'm not being paid to advertise brands, I'll not name any. But I have seen cars where the driver's console is essentially a LCD screen where everything - speedometer, gas gauge, oil pressure. etc. is displayed right in front of the driver. About the only thing missing was a HUD like a modern fighter aircraft. Since most cars now use on-board computers, there's no reason why they can't also have the video display instead of the 50 year old gauges.

  8. Okay, this thread has been idle long enough. Today I go to the dentist to try and get what's left of my dental work repaired. (On my birthday anniversary, no less.) When I was explaining to the boss why I would be in late, she said I didn't look like I was in pain. That's when I assured her that pain is my constant companion. It notifies me that it's still too early to call the undertaker.

  9. This all seems very complicated - I just do one step in front of the other. :roll:

    Well, it IS complicated! If people were born knowning how to walk in heels, we wouldn't need any advice. We probably wouldn't have all the controversy :argue: about men/women wearing heels either. Just think on it - if everyone knew how to walk in heels we could all just go down to the local shoe store and buy the heels that suit our fancy. No controversy about men wearing heels, no controversy about how high the heel or any of that rot. Men could greet each other politely in the street and say, "Nice pair of heels you have there, where did you get those?"

    Personally, I'm thankful for the advice, and I think Jenny did a fine job.

  10. Hello,

    I've just discovered this forum and this is my first post.

    I've only fairly recently begun wearing heels, and modest ones at that. I guess it came about as a consequence of enjoying wearing skirts, and the one seem to follow naturally and aesthetically from the other.

    I haven't tried really high heels yet, still getting used to 2 inch block heels, but it does feel very comfortable. I've no doubt I shall progress further along this route and try point heels, etc.

    I love the way I feel in heels, however low, and I certainly find myself looking more closely at women in their heels, and their skirts. More often with envy than titilation though..... so what does that tell you......

    I struggle to find shoes that will fit me, having UK 10 feet. There seems to be much more of a choice available in the US, especially online.

    I've been experimenting with regular court shoes, but heel slippage seems to be a problem, I guess it's all down to the right fit, as men we always told to go for loose fitting shoes, allowing for socks (Ugh!), whereas this doesn't seem to be the case with women. Sorry if this is all yesterday's news to most of you, I have a long way to go and a lot to learn.

    Nice to be here,


    Welcome Tosca. Yer in the right place to meet people who share yer interests. We hope to hear more from you.
  11. Well, I think if I guy were to stomp on me while wearing heels he'd probably puncture some things - work out the weight over the area of the heel and you find he's a small elephant :-) Not a good idea.

    Definitely in the fetish arena, and one that I would think is relatively dangerous given the pressures you're talking about WRT heel area and weight. (200 lbs over a 1/4" x 1/4" area - or 1/16 sq in.... 3200 lb/sq in -> 28800 lbs/sq ft or 14.4 tons per sq ft.)...Whatever floats your boat but bring a first aid kit.

    Actually, it's the pressure per square inch that's going to do the most damage! Definitely not a good idea!! :wink: Also, forget the first-aid kit. Most likely you'll need a surgeon and a trauma unit!!! Have you sought psychiatric help for this? :roll:
  12. The phase "thin and spindly" almost makes it sound like one has to be anorexic to wear heels, which is total hogwash. I will agree that stilettos look best on a person who is fit and slim, but it's no big secret that a person dressed properly can look slim even if they really aren't (within reason). I would say it's all about the whole package and how one presents themselves. I would say that for anyone overweight who dresses like a slob would probably be regarded as a joke if they wore heels.

    Ditto! :x
  13. ...To whomever asked if I do all the girly things I do, why be scared of wearing high heels? ... Now about the high heels. I wear my makeup light so it doesnt draw attention. However, heels would draw attention.

    First of all, those are some great pix! Do you and the wife share clothing?

    Now, about the heels - you sound a little bit conflicted. Why bother to dress enfemme if you don't want attention? Unless you are very very good (I'm talking Acadamy Award time) most people can tell you're a man dressed as a woman. The reasons are a very long laundry list, but in the simplest of terms women act and move differently from men. I have only seen about 2 men so skilled that they left me dumbfounded. Both of those had extensive coaching from a woman. So unless you can somehow dump a lifetime of conditioning you will most likely make a move or a gesture that says to the skilled eye, "here's a man dressed up like a woman". Now at that point the footwear is irrelevant.

    With that being the case, it's less likely you will draw attention to yourself if you wear heels while enfemme. It's easier to dismiss a woman who hasn't quite mastered walking in heels, than someone in women's clothing making male gestures or someone in male clothing making female gestures.

  14. I voted yes on this one, and I'm a cell phone owner. I have been nearly run down on more than one occasion by those self important twits behind the wheel with a cellphone glued to their ear and running red lights. I have been a cell user when everybody was using bag phones and I have NEVER been using it while driving.

    My point entirely! People will get 1 to 2 tons of machinery rolling down the road and then get so engrossed in their cell phone(s) that they lose all sense of proportion, danger, road courtesy, and everything else. Now if the conversation on the phone is all that important, why not simply pull over to the side of the road and quit endangering themselves and everyone else while they conduct the phone call? We've had automobiles on the road for over 100 years and cell phones for less than 20. Yet people act like the cell is more important than their driving and everything else.
  15. ...I bought a pair of US size 13 sandalettes at ebay which were offered as 16 cm heels (from The Highest Heels)... I put the shoes on a table, grabbed a ruler and measured the heel height as the vertical difference between the table plate and the end of the heels. The result was 19 cm (~7.5 '')... Believe me, I was never walking more than three steps on these shoes :roll:

    Hey, I can really feel for you, Micha! Wouldn't it be so much nicer if you actually got a 4" heel when you ordered one? Or how about actually getting a size 43 when you tell `em that's what you want? But the reality is that while I wear a US women's size 10, or a 42 Euro; I've got shoes from a 9.5 that fit! to a size 42 that's falling off my feet. To borrow a line - "It don't mean a thing if you ain't worn that thing." Unless you've seen it and tried it on personally yer shooting in the dark, man!

  16. ...Its all a bit like skating on thin ice, sometimes my gf is fairly open minded, sometimes she goes into "i want my man to be a man" mode. The irony of it is, she doesnt mind us going out in public together when im in heels, infact its not really the shoes that are the problem, she just gets it into her head sometimes that im not being the man in the relationship. Im very thoughtful, caring and dont mind showing my emotions.... she seems to want me to be a brain dead, heartless, badboy, loser. So my shoes have to suffer for that.

    Hey man, I got that jive once from my old girlfriend (for a totally different reason than heels) so I decided to give her the "rough and tumble" bit. Before the evening was out she had totally changed her tune. If your woman is giving you the "be a man" jive, just give her the Bluebeard or Henry the 8th treatment. I'll bet money she changes her tune.

  17. Because she was caught on camera, looking at her reflection in the vanity mirror as she applied make-up whilst the vehicle was in motion. She also had a compact in one hand and a brush in the other. It only takes a second's glance away from the road for you to not see a car stopping in front of you, or a child stepping into the road. When you're driving you're in control of about a ton of steel, forgive me if I think you should be watching what you're doing in the process... Chris

    You Brits really tickle me with laws like "Not using due care and attention..." Here in the States the charge would probably be something like "Negligent driving" or "Reckless driving". Nevertheless, you are quite right! These days if you take your eyes or your mind off the road for even a second it could easily be smackeroo! Our army teaches the troops that yer actually safer going into battle than driving on the US highways. Statistically, we've lost more people on our public highways than we have in all wars combined!

  18. This talent is common among pilots, who must fly the plane, communicate with ATC, coordinate actions with other crewmembers, and operate often complex navigational equipment and aircraft controls. These tasks are far more involved and complex than driving while talking on a cell phone!


    First of all, I would like to emphasize in big bold letters that nobody is more in favor of individual freedom that this skirt-wearing heeler. Next I would like to point out that most states consider driving to be an activity so dangerous that it is illegal to do so without a special permit or license. Furthermore, I would like to mention that I have personally driven over a million miles (I generally put about 100,000 miles on a car and I've owned more than 13). I can't say that that million miles has been accident-free, but I don't think I've had more than 6 with only one major one (I'm talking over 40 years here folks).

    Yes I know several aircraft pilots and I have even flown once myself. My good friend, the Navy pilot has described flying as hours of endless boredom punctuated by moments of stark terror. After his graphic description of a carrier landing, I now understand why they wear wings of gold - which should probably be upgraded to platinum.

    In my personal experience, driving is a far more dangerous activity than flying. There is a sense of urgency or immediacy that I never experience in the air. On the ground in heavy traffic I often find I have only microseconds to make a decision or a move. Any sort of distraction can easily prove disasterous, if not fatal.

    I do not personally know anyone who was born with either a steering wheel or a propeller in their hand. The skills required are so complex and demanding that the task(s) require much specialized training and complete concentration. Anything less is utterly foolish,

  19. It's done got outta hand! :x When people can't do anything without that blooming cell phone at their ear then things have got way outta line! :x Speaking of lines, did I mention the woman at the burger joint that was holding up everyone at lunch hour because she couldn't put down her cell phone long enough to pay for her order? :roll: I'm seeing it every day - at the market checkout, people driving their cars, at the bank, in the restrooms - water closets to you Brits. It's completely out of control! :wink: Doesn't any one realize there was life here on planet earth before there were cells? How about some feed-back?

  20. [quote name='"Magickman...I was wearing white, strappy, 4" wedge sandals, six hoop earrings, and blue glitter polish on my fingernails and toenails...


    Well, 6 earrings and glitter nail polish to boot sounds a bit much. :roll: Still, I am convinced that the main reason most women object to men in heels is that they see this as some sort of invasion of their domain. :x Never mind the fact that they have been deliberately invading the male fashion domain for centuries.

  21. Another thing to consider is that you bought shoes listed as 6 inch heels. They may actually be higher depending on the size.

    Very good point, Vector! The only way you will ever know for sure just how high the heels are, is to put the shoe down on a flat surface and measure it. Now that may sound like a no-brainer, but from an engineering point of view - the higher the heel the more unstable the wearer. Down low, a fraction of an inch makes little difference. But once you get over about 4 inches, even a 1/4 inch can make a huge difference in your stability. Well, I've seen lift protectors that can easily add 1/4 inch to a heel. So the bottom line here is that while a shoe may be advertised as 6", it may in fact be 6 1/4 inches or more. :roll:

  22. ...Not that I would put it past Uncle Sam in his utter arrogance to try to tax the Internet. But I wonder how effective this would be in a technical sense... The Internet is a worldwide phenomenon now and this board is a shining testament to that fact. Uncle Sam, as arrogant and greedy as he is, has absolutely no jurisdiction outside the borders of the United States.

    So with this theoretical Internet tax, how does Uncle determine which packets are entirely domestic (and therefore taxable), which packets are entirely foreign (and off limits) and which packets come from a foreign server to a domestic server or vice-versa (and may be partially taxable)?

    The other option is to tax Internet access, like phone access. And I wouldn't put it past 'em to try that either. I understand that a phone tax dating back to the invention of the telephone network (1800's) was finally eliminated last week. These things take a long time to die.

    Since government has nothing of it's own to draw upon or offer, it must obtain it's revenues from some other source - i.e. the PEOPLE. Therefore, if it is in any way regulatable then it is taxable, and you can bet every last pair of shoes you own that the politicians will figure out a way to tax it! :roll: My guess is that the jerks will figure out a way to tax the access, rather than the -net itself. :x :argue:

    By the way, the US first imposed a telephone tax to pay for the Spainish American War. Since nobody in his right mind would get away with calling it a Spainish-American War tax, they will just come up with some clever way to rename it. :wink: Taxes have a way of taking on a life of their own. :oops::oops:

  23. I guess this is a really subjective topic. For my own part, I don't think I've ever tried on anything taller than a 5" heel. Today, even a 4" heel is pretty much out of the question for me. Still. over the years I've noticed something curious. Some shoes just naturally feel better than others. I'm not talking styles here either - I mean that some shoes seem to fit so well that it doesn't matter much how tall the heel is. On the other er foot, the exact same style shoe with the exact same size heel by a different shoe maker might be almost impossible to wear.

    If I were just getting started in heels, I would make it a point to find out which brand of shoe fits me well. Go to thrift stores and second-hand shops; buy cheap shoes or expensive ones when they're on sale; find someone else who wears the same size and borrow theirs, but find out which particular shoe wears well on you and then stick with that brand! Believe me, if you're absolutely going for the high altitude stuff, it's the fastest way to get your head in the sky. If you don't, you're likely going to spend a lot of time wobbling around trying to master that high heeled walk while enduring pain and embarrassment as well as squander a lot of money on shoes that really don't work for you. Still, the old adage of starting out with the lower heels and then working up to the skyscrapers is good advice. Most people don't know how to wear 5 or 6 inch heels right off. It takes time and practice.

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