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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Howdy Heels910,

    Welcome to the forum of like minded guys. Your topic is both an old one and a simple one - how do we get people to accept our passion for foot fashion? Well I found out a long time ago that I really can't control or help what other people think. So therefore I simply have to be myself and quit worrying about how many screws are rattling around in the other guy's head. In short, I'm going to dress for me and not for them! Now most of my neighbors have seen me outside in heels. I don't make a big deal out of it one way or another. Neither do they. So when I wear heels outside I'm just being me; and when I wear heels inside I'm just being me. What's more, if anybody doesn't like it they are more than welcome to feel that way. And if they're cheeky enough to say something about it, I'll tell 'em in a heartbeat that there's a shoe store just down the street and they're welcome to buy whatever they think I should wear. The same thing goes for any nosey or cheeky cops around too.

    But I will say this, I was totally astonished when I saw a game show on TV and the contestant was asked to name some article of clothing that some men wear that is usually worn by women. I was really flabbergasted when the contestant named high heels and it proved to be a correct answer. So if you think we're way off in the dark recesses somewhere, I'll have you know that we've already made national television. :roll:

  2. Maybe I'm weird - but I really don't do flats very well. Shower shoes and rubber flip-flops - ugh. After a couple of hours my feet feel like the arches are gonna go. Another couple of hours and I'm out of it! To my mind (and feet) even a 2" heel is better than none.

  3. Her and I are use to going over the bridge to Detroit to get some of the deals in the States. The American’s do it right – when they say it’s a sale, it’s one! There you can find $5.00 shoes even in large sizes!

    I think yer right! I believe you really can find much more reasonable prices here in the States. Also, if you take care to check out the chain stores like Payless or DSW when they are changing their seasonal stock you might indeed find some nice bargains for $5 to $10 USD.

  4. Hey guys, I know we're getting into a lot of preferences here. Much like BobHH said, I didn't like hoisery much either - at first. But then I discovered something interesting. When I wear stockings my feet don't sweat and my shoes actually fit better. The shoes seem to stay on my feet better and I generally feel better. Plus there's one other thing - in the case of open-toed shoes my foot prints aren't nearly so discernable in the insoles (I only assume this is also true of the closed shoes). Yeah, I know hoisery seems like a nusance, but in the long run it really is worth it.

  5. So what is the problem here? It sounds like you two are getting adjusted to each other's likes and dislikes, just as any relationship requires. Perhaps you two could start discussing specific styles, colors, and heel heights that you'd like to see on yourself and on the other. I also like the idea of you taking your guy shopping for shoes. Perhaps you could offer him some pointers on quality and fashion. I don't see any real problem here. Good luck! :roll:

  6. This could be used against her too- if you're about to go somewhere with your wife dressed more manly, tell her that you ain't gay and want to be with a WOMAN not a man. Watch her reaction, and if she tells you that women have larger choice of clothing and it's not weird etc., ask why men have a limited wardrobe! Maybe you'll manage to talk about i.e. female emancipation (and how women started to wear previously masculine pants) and suggest that men shouldn't be oppressed in the field of fashion too!

    I think you've pretty much hit the nail, Tubehead! What with women's lib and screaming for "emancipation" and all that sort of rot, they seem to have overlooked the fact that what's sauce for the gander is also sauce for the goose!! Then some guy, or perhaps their significant other, comes along and performs the old flip-flop on them and they start to get squirmy.

    But the plain and simple fact is that the street traffic runs both ways. When my woman starts to seriously consider what I want her to wear then I'll give serious consideration to what she wants me to wear. But as long as it's my money buying my clothing, I think I ought to have first say in what I want.

  7. hi all the other day when my mom arrived home, i was at my computer with my shoes on, but she did noticed that i was wearing them, after a bit, she asked me if i was wearing "my shoes" and i said yes and show her. She laugh a bit a then asked me to walk around in them, when i walked she realized that if i walked so good the shoes must be mine. She asked if i ever wear them outside and i said no wich is true (for now). She also said if i wear them outside i should start with lower heels but a think she was kidding :wink:

    Great going, kid! Just by hanging in there and being cool, you've won the day! Now just give mom some space to get used to you wearing heels and you'll soon have things going your way. Great news! :roll:

  8. He wear heels most days and quite often around me.

    ... I felt like a freak for not being able to accept his weird fetish (and before I get flamed, I'm as entitled to my opinion as much as anyone else). Now I can feel normal again - and can feel thankful I have such great friends.

    Hi Stormie,

    It's good to hear from you (again). Of course you're entitled to yer opinion, they're like noses, everybody's got one. So please don't feel like a freak or that you don't have friends here.

    But I think you put your finger on the magic word - acceptance! :D Now there's a word that's largely fallen out of usage these days. :cry:

    Now let's see here: if somebody rings my doorbell I can go to the door and greet him. :o If he needs to tarry a while I can invite him in and receive him. :) But before I ask him to stay for dinner I must first accept him :lol:

    Isn't the thing that's causing all the rub about us thinking a certain type of dress is okay for one sex but not the other? What about jewelry? Is one type of jewelry okay for guys but not for gals? What about purses - that accessory that's really just a scaled-down version of a satchel? I've seen some women carrying purses the size of my small suitcase! :oops:

    So just exactly what is so terribly wrong with yer man wearing heels? Lessee, Big Ben started running backwards? London Bridge fell down? The Queen fell out the guards to chase him down? :roll: When you stop to think on it, it's kinda silly to let what yer man wears on his feet get yer knickers all in a twist :oops: right? Well in my book that calls for a good whisky :drinking: and a good laugh :rofl: Sooner or later you're going to find out that life is short - so don't sweat the small stuff! 8) By the way, about 90% of it is small stuff. :wink:

  9. Blame it all on the man with the SPAM! Actually, I might just start blaming spamers for all my troubles. :D But in all seriousness, spam is one of the toughest things to deal with in IT. Unless yer willing to spend an unbelievable amount of time tip-toeing through the tulips, yer likely to just get a little heavy-handed with the delete key and toss out a lot of good stuff with the bad. Jeff, we luv ya anyway.

  10. Who cares whether anyone is black or white. I hope the people on the board have intellects which trancend that kind of thing.

    As for revealing gender, people are welcome to put m,f,cd, or tg etc in their profile if they so choose. It's all based on trust anyway, so it's not enforcable and if people want to lie, I don't recommend it, but that's up to them.

    Who really cares about gender, for that matter? If it's all that important, check the profile or ask a question. As for me, I think this topic belongs in the round file. :D

  11. I'm currently thinking a lot about my atittudes in my own life. Life is too short and I need to make mine better. Ahh Flavio, What shall I say without sounding too much like your priest? A few basics I've found useful: 1] Be true to yourself and don't become a cheap imitation of someone else. 2] Live well, uphold justice and treat all men as you wish to be treated. 3] Courage must be tempered by wisdom, and fear mastered by faith. 4] Plan each day as if you will live forever, live each day as if it is your last. 5] Both riches and fame are mockers, be not deceived by them. One good friend is worth more than both. 6] Dispise not any man and fear the God who made you.

  12. Very clearly you Brits have got some curious laws and notions about property rights. :D Here in the States such a curious notion of dual property rights would have to be heard before the US Supreme Court for clarification. I don't know if you have any such court of final appeal over there or not.

  13. It seems to me that the really big issue here is about trust. Now here in Washington we say that you can trust any 3 people with a secret if you kill 2 of them immediatly after you've told 'em. We also have classified documents with instructions like: Burn Before Reading! :D

    Unfortunately, trust is rather like a china vase. Once it's broken it's rather difficult to put back together. The best bet is to kiss and make-up and then each resolve to zip the lip before you sink the relationship.

  14. Here in the States they're usually referred to as "Denver Boots". Pesky buggers, and if you get "booted" (clamped) in Washington DC, it will usually cost you around $100. :D But you brought up a curious point about the boot (clamp) legally becoming the property of the car owner. :D Now if it's your property, you can do whatever you like with it! :o So what I would do under such circumstance, is have the car towed or carted to some location where I would proceed to chop the boot (clamp) to pocket-sized pieces (which would have been entirely necessary to remove it from the car) and then sell it for scrap.:cry: I'll bet money that will chill their water.

  15. Right-on, Dawn. It occurs to me that we presently have a large number of women in the military wearing combat boots. So does that make the gals strange in some way? So what's the big deal? After all, they is just shooz...

  16. I find that many women are quite open minded and matter-of-fact about a wide range of fashion articles including men wearing high heels and earrings. On the other hand, many highly fashion conscious women who consider certain articles to be exclusively feminine domain are often so narrow-minded that they can look through a keyhole with both eyes. Based upon the information presented, it is entirely possible that the author, Bianca, is simply an open-minded woman who has done her own research without necessarily "mining" her ideas from any particular place. Don't forget that like minds often trod the same paths. In general, the sooner we dispell the notion that a particular style of footwear implies a certain gender, the better off we will all be. After all, they is just shooz...

  17. In actual fact, from an industrial point of view no manufacturer makes women's or men's shoes. Many will tell thier customers that that is what they are but from a design and manufacture point of view they are courts, pumps, stilettos, flats, walking boots or whatever. They adapt to fashion. Here's an example, platform boots. In the 1970s everybody, male or female, were wearing them. When they came around again, they were only available to women. Similarly cowboy boots.

    It is true to say that certain styles are aimed at specifically male or female markets but that doesn't make them exclusive to that market.

    A lot of very valid points here. Last night I got out my power saw to cut a board, but I can't remember going to the men's or womens section of the hardware store to buy the saw. In fact, I don't even remember men's or women's drills or screwdrivers either, for that matter.

    On the other hand, shoe manufacturers do make shoes, specifically high heels, in women's sizes. I cannot recall a high heeled shoe, particularly a stilletto, ever being advertised as a man's shoe. So, are the pumps, or mules or high heeled boots I wear men's or women's shoes? Well, since I bought 'em and I'm the one who wears them ....

  18. There are many valid points that have been made so far: 1] property rights are definitely at issue and should be observed - but at the expense of the mother/son relationship? This needs to be weighed very carefully. 2] Women are definitely different than men - Vive la differance! So of course women think differently than men. Any mortition can tell you that women have an altogether different brain than men - and by the way, it's us guys that have suffered the brain damage. 3] The woman is most likely in need of reassurance that her son is a) not sexually active, :D not homosexual, and c) not off the deep end with drugs or alcohol or anything at all. So let's help the lad reassure his mother, who is probably a little stressed-out on this thing, and help him pick up his shoes on the way back to his room.

  19. I find it amazing how much fashion has changed. There was a time when women's stockings were really no different than men's. Silk stockings were the first major break-through, but it was the invention of the nude nylon stocking that really put foot fashion on the front page. Until this day, I find nothing speaks to good foot fashion like a good pedicure, complete with glossy polish (varnish for you Brits.), a well chosen color of nude nylons, topped off by a pair of high fashion shoes. Of course, nothing screams foot fashion like a good-looking pair of high heeled mules! I seriously doubt if any true heel wearer who has ever had this kind of experience will ever be able to give it up. My back is broken and I have all kinds of physical problems - yet I still find the time to wear heels! I'll never be able to give 'em up. Hey, how about some pix?

  20. Ok, ok, ok!! use a mouse trap instead........mabye one of those sticky things.... :o

    Hay, if the parent wont talk about him x dressing than what is going to make them talk to him about sex, drugs, alcohol and other important things in life???!! I still prefer the Idea of using the rat trap...... Personally it would serve the parent right for nosing around with out confronting the them.

    I've been following this thread almost from its begining and I don't seem to recall anything about X dressing. The lad seems to have concerns about his mother finding a pair of heels in his room. Also, it seems to me that the mother and the lad have addressed the issue(s) involved. The problem, as I see it, is that the matter has not yet been resolved to everyone's satisfaction.

    Now we can escalate this thing to all kinds of preposterous extremes, or we can try and resolve the matter sensibly. What I'm offering is the kind of advice I would give my own 16 yr old son. If this young man plays his cards right he'll have won his mother over and might even find her buying heels for him. :cry: Pull out the hammer and dynamite stuff and I guarantee a broken relationship and an outcome that will satisfy nobody. :D

  21. It gave me an idea:

    - If men could be socially accepted as heel wearers as women wear pants;

    - Women could be free to wear what they want at their feet;

    - Lower heels or flats for the women who want to;



    My dear Flavio,

    I have some important (and possibly disturbing) news. While men usually dress for practical reasons, women do not. In fact, you may find it interesting to note that most women don't even dress for men. The strange, but simple fact is that most women dress for other women! :cry: Therefore, women will never be happy with whatever fashion comes about: slacks, lower heels, rings in the nose - or whatever. That's exactly why I no longer worry about what women may think about my mode of dress - good or bad. :D

  22. No. NO! NOOOOOO! A thousand times no on the rat trap idea!

    Since you've never mentioned your dad, I assume your mother is a single parent. You must remember that your mother is concerned about a great number of things including paying the rent (or mortgage) getting food on the table, and how you are doing in your schoolwork. Then one day she finds a pair of heels under her son's bed and now she's all concerned about your sexuality/sexual activities and/or drug activities.

    Believe me, you'll get a lot more mileage out of reassuring her that she has nothing to worry about and that you are simply trying to expand your fashion horizons. Here's where you have to sell her on the idea that there's nothing wrong and that she's simply making much ado about nothing. But you will never convince her in male terms, ie legalism, rights, etc. You must appeal to her sense of fashion and the need to look attractive, cool, taller, or whatever. Appeal to her feminine side and you'll get anything you want. Try the rat-trap or other hammer & dynamite tactics and you'll find yourself miserable with a broken mother/son relationship. So forget the rat traps.

  23. there seem to be people that don`t mind an people with very closed minds as well, i think , if they say a man is gay just cause he wears heels they need to wake up an smell the coffee, cause the world is changing and if they don`t it will leave them behind.

    i can`t stand people that label others "gay" just because they do something or wear sumthing out of the ordinary, like heels. the are just stupid if they think fashion can only go one way, when it clearly goes both ways. if women can wear mens clothes/shoes/jewellery, then men can wear womens stuff as well.

    better stop before this gets to long.



    I agree that minds, like parachutes, work best when open. :D But I would like to make one clarification - based upon my study of history, it is not men who are "stealing" women's fashions, but rather, it is the women who have decided to take over men's fashions and then scream foul at the men. I think a little honesty would help clarify a whole lot.

  24. Hey guys, try to be patient with Ernie. Maybe he had to drink some bad water when he was a kid or something. :cry: And when company comes around you can always take him out back and tie a pork chop around his neck so the dogs will play with him. :D

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