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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. The problem isn't the "fashion" choice in itself. The problem is that there are certain ques that trigger images in our mind based on what we see and what we perceive.

    For alot of women, seeing a man all of a sudden in clothes that are associated with a woman, they see the man as "girly". For some women this might not be a problem, but for my wife and I can only assume Stormie (not trying to put words in her mouth though), all of a sudden they see their "manly-man" as a woman or more feminie than they would like.

    This is why open communication, fears, etc are important. For my wife, I saw where she was coming from and worked out a compromise. I now wear less obvious wedge shoes that give me the heeled feeling I want and tone down the "girly-man" image she doesn't want. After all as she tells me "I am not a lesbian, if I wanted to be with a woman I would be with a woman, but I am straight, I want a man".

    Who knows, perhaps over time as she gets used to me wearing heels and maybe if more people wear them and it is socially accepted that men wear heels that will change, but for right now, this minute, as long as I want the relationship, I have to be open to her fears and concerns just as she is open to my wants and desires. Scotty

    So lessee, the problem here is not the fashion, but the image. Yeah, I can kinda relate to that - let any guy try wearing a red blazer in the lobby of any prominent hotel and see what happens. Or try wearing a dark chalk stripe suit with a wide brim fedora into the train station in Chicago - especially while carrying a violin case. But that really doesn't change the person in the clothes any more than wearing a wig changes the woman (or man) wearing it.

    I agree with SScotty, we should not push the fashion envelope at the expense of a significant relationship. But I also think that our significant others need to respect our desires to expand our horizons and mode of expression. Otherwise we can all pitch the wigs, make-up, heels, jewelry, and everything else into the rubbish heap and go back to wearing loin-cloths and bear skins.

  2. Having said that, it is still hard to walk into a crowded shop or down a street feeling like all eyes are on you and thinking people are wondering why that guy is wearing heeled footwear clearly designed for the opposite gender.

    I don't see anything clearly designed for the opposite gender. I see some nice looking shooz. So what is the problem?

  3. ok then: simply put, I DON'T wear my heels outside the house.... I'd like to but 6"-7" plats are a bit wild to go out in! and I can not tone my heels down: as it is impossible to find the "normal" heels in a US womens 13 here!

    Whoa there, Txt-1!

    Here in the States a women's size 13 is about the upper end of the off-the-shelf size and I have definitely seen 'em at Payless! And while I've never been "down-under", I know for a fact that I've seen size 13 heels being thrown on the Payless $5 "get rid of 'em now" pile at Ala Moanna Mall in Hawaii. So I'm having a little trouble believing you all ain't got a Payless or some similar store in Perth or Sydney, or someplace down there. Besides, I also know that there are Chinese shoe mfgrs. in Tiawan who will make custom shoes (even stainless steel) at reasonable prices. So how about giving it another look around there , mate?

  4. We have the coin operated carts here, too.

    Where I live, the mall and the parking lot are equipped with an alarm system. When (well... if) caught taking the cart out of the parking lot, you'll get fined at least 25 Euros.

    Abuse of the carts and outright theft is a real problem here in the US. Technically, anyone who takes a cart out of a store and fails to return it is subject being charged with feloneous theft (carts are usually worth about $100 and because of ancient laws, felonies usually start at around $20), but it's never enforced! :x But matters get much worse when people just shove then into ditches and waterways to get rid of 'em. :wink:

    I have seen the coin operated carts for about 25 cents and, since the store is new, I don't know yet how well that's working out. But clearly there will be no end to the problem unless the individual has some incentive (monetary deposit or otherwise) to return the carts. Otherwise nobody wants to do the right thing. :roll:

  5. Hi Everyone!

    Just a simple question for all you outdoor high heel wearers, where are you?

    I've been a part time outdoor wearer for a couple of years now and I can't say that I have ever seen another guy in heels while I am out and about!


    Well, judging from what I've seen in this thread so far, it seems to me that we'll all just have to put on our heels and take a nice stroll in the park, and the mall, and to the grocer, and to the restaurant and to the ...

  6. Some interesting posts here... :oops: First of all, I'd like to point out that A. Einstein was not really a physicist. He was actually a mathematician. He worked at the patent office to pay his bills because he couldn't find a job as a professor. Inconsistant? I think it was his middle name. :oops: Now back to the hair - I used to wear mine to the collar. In fact, I had my ears pierced and wore earrings that nobody could really see for years. Then I became much more radiant in the rear of the craneum. :wink: Today I can still sprout enough hair to reach the shoulders, but it looks odd with my natural tonsure. :roll: So every once in a while I decide to loosen-up the purse strings and go see my barber. But I demand a discount because technically all he can give me is a "trim around the ears". :rofl:

  7. That's because they'll be starting to play christmas music again silly!

    Right on, Dr Shoe! They used to celebrate 12 days of Xmas in the dead of winter. But now they want 12 months of rank paganism all year long!!! :x I suppose the next thing will be a return to killing the "Lord of Misrule" as a human sacrifice! :roll:

  8. Man, I don't know what you're getting all bent outta shape about. Around Washington, DC even the Classical stations are playing Xmas music 24/7. I'm having trouble finding a station that doesn't play the annoying junk! :x In fact, even the Good Humor trucks (ice cream vendors) are playing the stuff in the middle of summer! (if I'm lying, I'm dying) Considering the kind of mess people have made outta all this rank paganism, I think we were better off when Xmas was BANNED in this country!

  9. As promised here are pics of the shoes I got.

    5" courts

    Posted Image

    And 5" stilettos with knee highs

    Posted Image

    The 5"ers I have managed to wear for about half an hour, and actually walked in quite easily, probably due to practise in my 4" heels before.

    Sharp looking heels there, Shyguy. Since I can't wear 5" heels I'll now have to repent of envy.

  10. Maybe Canadianbeaver can help me with this one, but my impression of Toronto is a city that's a lot more "freewheeling" than any other Canadian city I've visited. I've been from Halifax to Victoria and never seen anything with quite the same flavor as Toronto. Would you say something like Las Vegas or LA?

  11. They are only "shooz."

    I must have read over this part or something because I missed out one of my pet hates. They are not 'only' shoes. If they were only shoes, then why can't you be happy in flats? They're only shoes. It is not the object of a shoe that is the problem - yeah, you're right, that is just a lump of leather and plastic that you stick on your feet to keep them warm and dry. It is what they represent.

    Whoa there! I think we've finally got to the sole -er root of the problem. Just exactly what is it they represent?

  12. Hi Mirage, And welcome to the cockeyed world of shoe sizes. :oops: I've got shoe size charts from at least 3 different web sites that sorta-like agree, but not completely. :roll: Trying to make the conversions from one country to another can give anyone a headache. :x Then, to make bad matters even worse, I've found that the advertised shoe size often has little to do with the shoe fit! :wink: My experience has been that the advertised shoe size is only a guide for what to expect and that nothing compares to actually putting you feet into a pair of shoes if you really want to know how they fit. For that matter, I've even found shoes of an advertised size with one shoe being a different size than the other! :oops: So that's why I tend to shy away from mail-orders and e-bay sales. Once I get my feet in a pair of shoes I can tell right away if they fit and if I want to wear 'em. Otherwise I can never be sure of what I'm getting. Wouldn't it be so much easier if we all had just one size chart to go by in order to go buy?

  13. Very good post, SScotty727. :roll: Like Ive said so many times, in the vast majority of cases the issue is no bigger than you want it to be. :wink: Or to put it another way, what we're really dealing with here is the conquest of space. You see, there's about 6 inches between the average person's right ear and their left ear. Now that is the critical space that must be conquered! :rofl: So the first question that I'd like to ask is exactly who is the boyfriend hurting with his choice of shoes? Then the next question that I'd like to ask is just exactly what is the source of the panic reaction? Now if somebody's taking the train to panicsville because of what someone else might be thinking; then the next question becomes: just exactly what kind of control did you ever have about someone else's thinking, attitude or anything else, for that matter? Unless you are a very extraordinary person indeed, the only person's thinking you can control is your own. :oops: Then the next point is as simple as a balloon. The more pressure you apply to this issue, the more you "blow-up the higheeled balloon". :argue: The smart and simple thing is to let the pressure out and then the "balloon" ain't so big any more. Then, when the boyfriend is no longer getting the negative feedback, he can much more easily make up his own mind as to how often and when he prefers to wear heels. If I were a betting man, I'd bet money that he won't wear his heels more than 2 or 3 times a week. But even if he does - so what?

  14. Dawn HH, Strange thing, I don't really advocate shaving legs. :wink: Of course, my leg hair is very minimal, so it's not really an issue with me. :roll: But I suspect that any sort of effort to shave the legs may actually aggrevate the hair problem. Since I've never attemped any other forms of depilatory, I am totally unable to speak to it.

  15. Hi DeSalto, And congratulations on owning a pair of the sexiest heels I've seen lately. Also, at $30 USD those are an exceptional bargain! Those shoes would usually go for around $70 USD. At 5" they are much too high for me. I couldn't hope to wear a heel that high unless it had about a 2" platform. But I know you are proud of them and I hope you will seriously consider wearing them outside, even if it is only to Carnival. "Up the ante" is a term employed in poker whereby each player is required to deposit a given amount of money in the "pot" before the hand is dealt. To "up the ante" is to increase the amount of money required to be in the game , or increase the price of staying in the game, if you please. When used in the generic sense it usually means to increase the value or prestege of something. Just out of curiosity, what size are the shoes? And by all means, do keep those pix coming.

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