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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. also, DawnHH, the folks at pierre silber, maya shoes, forplay and frederick's of hollywood never minded having my money! in fact those good folks at pierre silber know my name!

    And when they start sending you Christmas cards, then you know they really appreciate yer business.

  2. I can relate. I have notoriously weak ankles anyway, and over the years I've found boots to be far more supportive and comfortable than low-quarter shoes. Sometimes my ankles will start to swell for no aparent reason, but if I grab my boots right away I can usually head-off some misery.

  3. The only real difference is that I have so many other things going on in my life that the "heel-wearing boyfriend" stress has been shoved to the bottom of the 'to do' pile. Maybe that's the secret - be so damn busy you can't think and then you don't think about it?!

    Well Hon,

    Here in the States we like to say,"Don't sweat the small stuff." And after a while you'll find that almost all of it is small stuff. Life is simply too short to get your knickers all in a twist over small stuff.

  4. Dr1819 hit the nail on the head when he sez that it is SALES that drive fashion. Absolutely correct. The designers can design whatever they please, but if nobody buys it (ergo, nobody is wearing it) it doesn't mean a thing! As for the perception that men are wearing women's shoes - I've said it before and I still maintain that we're talking about the conquest of space. :oops: If you put one finger on yer head at the right ear and then put another finger on the opposite side of yer head at the left ear, there's about 6 inches of space between those 2 fingers. :wink: So what we must somehow overcome are those 6 inches of space that the average person is carrying around! :oops: Once we have conquered that 6 inches of space we can put to rest the notions about men wearing women's shoes. :roll: I was in a shoe shop today and I think the sales clerks ("yon sales clerk has a lean and hungry look...") were far more interested in my money than which section of the store I was shopping.

  5. I saw a street heeler in my home town on Saturday morning wearing a pair of rather fine looking 5.5 inch chunky heel Raid ankle boots with long trousers and a short leather jacket.

    (it was me!! Will post some pictures of me wearing those boots when I fix my camera)

    Just keep a pair of heels in yer Ford and it's almost certain you'll be a street heeler.
  6. Welcome Mr X, There's an old song about "It hurts to be in love." Well that's certainly true if you love high heels. If you don't have a passion for foot fashion then you are in the wrong place. But if you do, then you learn how to ignore the pain for the fashion gain. Tell more about yourself and your experiences.

  7. Hello MaleHHwearer, Welcome to the forum where guys can be guys, guys in heels, girls or most anything else. That was some icebreaking intro you posted and I think that calling yourself "HIGH MAINTENANCE" is to understate your case. You described more regular maintenance than some high-fashion models I have known. :roll: Personally, I'm more into freestyling than all that girly stuff. Not only is it awefully expen$ive, but a really big hassle to boot. Besides, I really don't have the kind of disposable income that all that high maintenance stuff requires. For me, I like to put on a skirt and a pair of heels (usually wedgies) and go. When my hair (what's left of it) starts getting to be a bother, I cut it. Paint and jewelry are strictly optional. I'm not trying to impress anybody but me.

  8. Hi everyone,

    I just received a pair of Pleaser thighhigh stretch boots from Bob and Angie vie EBay with 6 inch heels and am finding them a little difficult to get use to walking in. Anyone have any tips that might help.


    You do it the same way you get to Carnegie Hall - practice, Practice, PRACTICE, [b]PRACTICE!!! :roll:

  9. See, I like Christmas as much as anyone else. I even like decent Christmas music. It does annoy me when the shops start putting decorations up in September though!


    Have I got one for you, Chris! My neighbor on the next block has already festooned the front of his house with a garland and a pretty red bow. Now lessee, this here is the 25th of June so we've had summer all of 4 days now, Right?

  10. In Germany putting a clamp on a foreign vehicle is a punishable act. If your car is parking directly in front of a private entrance the owner has to call the police. The police will order a wrecking service and you have to pay the cost of the wrecking and an additional ticket to the police...micha

    THAT I can relate to. Knock off all the double-think about clamping the car and whose property belongs to whom and all that rot. Just make it illegal for anyone to touch your private property unless it's by a court-order. If the vehicle is causing problems then call the cops and let them sort it out. Then if the cops muck it up - at least you have a badge number and someplace to start.
  11. I spent a while reading through this thread, and can see some valid points on both sides of the wire.

    For my personal choice, I have decided that I am not going to add to my profile weather I'm male or female. People can ask me if they so choose, and for a few people who knew me from another forum, its well known anyway :roll:

    Its all down to personal opinions of course. I'm not on this board looking for someone to chat up, meet with & get married! But the wealth of information, ideas and advice in communities like these is boggling (at least it is to me!). Hopefully I will learn alot, make some friends and have a bit of a laugh. Its hard to find a group of such accepting people like what I see around here, and I'm glad I've finally found somewhere where I seem to fit in - well almost.

    I've never been to England and wouldn't know you if you walked in my front door. Not that it's important to me in the least, but I'll just tell you yer a man, balacau. Like someone said, just read a few posts and you'll be able to figure out who's who and what's going on.
  12. Here in England, Christmas seems to start just after the August bank holiday. You begin seeing christmas stuff in the shops then. At least in the US it can wait until Thanksgiving.

    In any case aren't Christmas and Chanukah just a case of northern hemisphere religions hijacking good old pagan solstice celebrations.

    Please allow me to inform this poor misguided urchin that Chanukah absolutely is NOT a solstice celebration! It is a celebration of the rededication of the Jewish temple during the time of the Roman wars with the Maccabees. It just happens to fall during that time of year, but it really is a celebration of the triumph of justice over evil, and the weak over the strong. Even more, the Jews have the good sense to celebrate for 8 days while the Christians only celebrate one day. And they don't play Chanukah music for 1/4 of the year, either.
  13. This is what I am talking about. I am trying to figure out how to get the word out, "that there are a lot of men that want to wear heels".

    Let's all keep thinking about this. If we put our minds to it, we can come up with some ideas that will work.

    I really don't know just what it is you expect to "work". heels910. But speaking of work, just yesterday I was required to attend a meeting on how to evacuate a building in the event of an emergency. Well long story short, the presenter was giving advice about people wearing/keeping some comfortable shoes handy in case one needed to go down stairs or escape from a building in a hurry. Then he said - totally unsolicited and unprovoked in any way - "This applies to both men and women, high heels are not sensible shoes and can lead to serious problems in trying to evacuate a building. People who wear 4 inch heels will just slow others down and endanger themselves. If you normally wear high heels, keep another pair of shoes handy."

    Folks, this was given in the main auditorium of a major office of the US government right in Washington, DC. So if the US government is now recognizing men wearing high heels - just how much more recognition do you need?

  14. the cats out of the bag...meow...let him go...follow the advice of henry ford the second...dont complain,dont explain

    I agree, that cat is definitely out of the bag! Another way to look at it - have you ever tried putting the tootpaste back in the tube?

    But now here's another one for you. What makes you so certain that Jill isn't a "switch-hitter"? I think yer frau has her back up cause she's perceiving some intrusion on her territory and her man. The heels may just be a focal point for discussion while her real focus is on you! You'd better go slow on this one, buddy.

  15. I am still here. Thank you for your concern.

    It is an interesting debate. I hope nobody has got their feelings hurt, and no toes stepped on (it really hurts when they get stepped on with spike heels :roll: ).

    It is all good.

    Kneehighs would be the legal dept.

    Well, I suppose Heels910 sorta got an earful. The plain & simple fact is that men need to address heels as part of a fashion statement. Nothing inspires confidence like a man who knows where he's going and can dress the part and carry it off. Few things are more pathetically uninspiring than a man who lacks the poise and confidence to carry it off. Men who wish to add heels to their wardrobe as a fashion accessory should do so with the same degree of determination and confidence you would find in an olympic athlete! The poise and the confidence will inspire others who might otherwise shy away.

  16. I have a striped suit and a fedora! Have only worn them for dance exhibitions, playing a 30s gangster part. The last time was a 30s dance party in the grand ballroom on the Queen Mary, just a month or two ago.

    Man, you missed the whole scene without the violin case! :roll: Add a dark silk shirt and a brilliant white painted silk tie with matching pocket handkercheif and you'd be right on target - er uh - you know what I mean. :rofl:

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