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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Howdy Vfl2d, Welcome to our forum. Why don't you tell us about yourself, interests, and so-on? While I know that Texas is a really big state, we actually do have some posters from the great state of Texas. My guess is probably from the Dallas/Ft.Worth area. So stay in touch, ya hear?

  2. I've said it before and it bears repeating here:

    You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

    I sometimes wonder how many times this scenario has occurred: a guy lets it be known to his g/f or s/o that he would love to see her wear heels, with little success. He keeps at it, then finally the g/f comes back with, "If you like them so much, why don't YOU wear them?"

    Unless a woman has some medical reason for not wearing heels, most will usually try to please their man - at least to a certain extent. But if she balks then the only other thing that might work will be competition. That is to say, most women dress-up for other women. So to point out that someone (especially one she considers a rival) is wearing heels MIGHT work. :evil: Maybe.? But if it doesn't, best to back-off and save the relationship. :D
  3. Many years ago, my then fiance` and I were looking for accessories for her bridal gown. After a lot of shops, she found almost exactly the right thing. The assistant beemed a smile and asked if her father (me) was paying!. That would have made me a father at 8 !!!!. I complemented her on her sales technique. and dragged the missus away to look elsewhere. A couple of other customers did well to hide the sniggers.

    Try not to feel too badly. Many of my daughter's friends think I'm her grandfather. :evil:
  4. Out of curiosity, a quick check: If I re-worded that in a sexuality-neutral way as:

    "The problem, as I see it, arises when two people publicly express intimacy in a way that is normally reserved for a romantic or sexual setting. I think that most people would find such an act offensive."

    ... would you support that statement more than, as much as, or less than your original statement?

    Not criticising, just curious.

    First of all, I would like to point out that I am not a prude. I know all about sex and even had my own personal geisha when I was stationed overseas. So at the risk of sounding like a square peg in a square hole, I believe that truly intimate private matters should be be just that - private. I have seen heterosexual couples making such an obnoxious public display of themselves that I was moved to suggest that they find a room. Anything beyond a quick hug or a quick kiss starts to become obnoxious. The question that immediately springs to my mind is,"What are these people trying to prove?"
  5. Thanks for all of the positive feedback guys. Although I admit I wouldn't expect anything less from this site. My biggest problem is the fact that I would love to wear them out more but I live in what is known as the bible belt of the US. I sure you can determine why I fear going out in them. We have more conservatism in this part of the US then the whole rest of the country. Lots of old conservative money and lots of people who would be just plain mean. I guess yall have heard all of this before site probably half of yall at least have done this for years. I'm just finally starting to accept it and act on it so.... By the way I would also like to get some of the womens reactions and advice as well but I accedentally posted the original question in the wrong place. How would i go about rectifing that without having to repost the whole thing.

    Howdy HighHeelLover86, and welcome to our forum.

    Now lessee here, you want to wear high heels, which men started doing 500 years ago, but yer skittish about it - huuum. You live in the so-called bible belt where people carry around bibles they never read and teen pregnancies and divorces are up but they like men's heels down, and the main reason most of 'em buy a newspaper is to find out who got caught doing what - huuum.

    Well, after due consideration, I don't think there's anything wrong with you, but there may definitely be something wrong with yer society. Unless you want others to dictate how you should lead yer life you need to fire that committee called "THEY" and start being your own man.

    Me, I like wine, women, song, heels, skirts, and (occasionally) earrings. When my doctor told me I needed to change the way I live, I offered to quit the singing.

    My prescription for you is to not wear heels more than 2 or 3 times a week and never out in public unless you've got a big-bore weapon in easy reach. Fire that committee called "they" and don't be awed by all those bible-thumping red-necks. The shock behind all of that facade is that they're all a bunch of sinners anyway. Take a pair of 3" heels with you and call me if you have any more difficulty.

  6. Exactly!

    The above process doesn’t go through rational thought – because it is outside one’s comfort zone, the process just passes through the panic part of our brains – it builds the stupid irrational thoughts and connections. BB :D

    I think you've hit the nail squarely on the head, BB. Maybe that's where the writers got the idea for the TWILITE ZONE. :D Whenever we start to feel uncomfortable, instead of thinking things through, we just short-circuit all the reasoning processes and go straight to PANICSVILLE, where no rational thought ever goes unpunished. :D

    But based upon some current news stories, I'd have to say that some of the gals have a few marbles loose, as well. :evil: (Gosh, neva thought of THAT.)

  7. First of all, nothing wrong with open dialog. As long as no one is calling each other name or getting hostile, I see nothing wrong with it, so please don't feel the need that you have to avoid the topic.

    As far as public displays of affection, I guess seeing two people hold hands or a quick kiss isn't a bad thing (atleats for me). Of course seeing a couple making out in public isn't right and should be left to behind closed doors.

    I will also admit it would bother me if I saw two guys hold hands or kiss in public. Is it fair? No. But something inside would cringe and turn away...

    Their personal life is their business, not mine to judge.

    I think we have a misapplication of terms here. I can think of no time when America witnessed more public displays of affection between all sexes and races than on 9/11/01. People were simply doing their best to help one another and express both concern and affection. In like manner, I would have no problem seeing two men hug or even kiss after a major airline crash, earthquake, firefight, etc. That is simply one human being reaching out to another to say,"I'm here and you are important to me."

    The problem, as I see it, arises when two people of the same sex publicly express intimacy in a way that is normally reserved for a romantic or sexual setting. I think that most heterosexuals would find such an act offensive.

  8. Danielinheels:-)

    I know what you mean. With everything going on in our lives and with work, I don't get as much time to post as I used to, but I manage to slip a few in every once in a while.


    Dawn HH

    Indeed you do! :D At more than 6100 posts yer averaging about 6 a day! :evil:
  9. I know where the heels are?????

    They're in the closets begging to be worn.

    Those shoes were purchased in a fit of, "..these would look so good..." but fall prey to, "...I would break my neck in those..." and eventually end up on Ebay where we get to buy them as a substantial discount!!!!

    Just my theory. Comments??

    Also, a good percentage of 'em end up in the thrift stores, where I do a lot of shopping. :evil:
  10. ...I did read the to threats by Shaq91, and i dont see how they can help me, with my question. I not gay, I not a x dresser. I with me Girlfriend and have a kid.

    On thing that does confuse me a bit is, the fetish. Im not even sure that this is a fetish for me, i just like high heels. Wearing them feels as great as i hade expected.

    Actually, Shaq91 is a kind of confused teenager with much the same questions you have. But there are also many other threads relating to how to wear high heels. I've posted on quite a few so you could check out my posts.
  11. I'll post some close up shots of my bags later on, but you get the idea for now. Lots of guys have these bags now and I've had no real comments apart from family members asking me if it's a handbag (or purse as my American aunt says!). I say with this kind of bag - do it!

    I hate to tell you this, but some of those pix are so dark that I really can't see much of anything. Before you post any more pix, how about some contrasting clothing and bringing the candle power?
  12. RAH! RAH! COME ON XAPHOD! BOO on the Times! Let's get that soapbox and the plaquards!

    Many years ago, when I was stationed overseas in the Far East, I often tuned-in to the John Dureimas Show on AFRTS. One night he related a very interesting story about a man being spotted going into the Times with a satchel in his hand night after night. At some lenght, the guards became suspicious and stopped the man to inquire as to the nature of his business. To this the non-descript man replied that he worked there. When asked where he worked, he replied, "The chief editor's office." Well this really piqued the curiosity of the guards, who knew there was no one in the chief editor's office at night. So they asked him what did he do there. To this he replied that he had been instructed to go to the chief editor's office and wait there. If no one contacted him by morning he was to go home and come back again the following night. So they asked how long he had been doing this, to which the man replied 20 years. So then they asked what was in the satchel, to which he replied 1000 Pounds. When asked what it was for, the man replied that he didn't know what it was for, that he had merely been instructed to go to the chief editor's office and wait there with it. If no one contacted him by morning, then he was to go home.

    After some further investigation into the matter the guards discovered that sometime in the past there was a big event going on in Europe and all the royal houses of Europe were involved and newspaper reporters from all across the continent were at this huge event to report it to their newspapers - except the Times. So when this huge event was reported on the front page of newspapers all across Europe, the chief editor of the Times was absolutely livid with rage that his reporter had not sent in the story to the Times. When asked why the reporter hadn't been to the event, he replied that he had no money with which to hire a boat to take him to the continent so that he could report the event; and that all the banks were closed so that he had nowhere to turn to borrow the necessary funds. To this reply the enraged chief editor said that if any such thing ever were to occur again, that all he had to do would be to come to the chief editor's office at the Times where there would be someone who would give him 1000 Pounds to meet any expenses he had to face.

    -- Oh, that big event that the feckless reporter missed was going on at a place called WATERLOO!

  13. Well, lessee here: in reality men have carried such items for centuries - only they weren't called a "purse". But who hasn't seen men carrying around a: 1] satchel; 2] briefcase; 3] attache case; 4] portfolio; 5] backpack; 6] lunch pail? And of course, this says absolutely nothing about the Scots who have worn sporans with their kilts (among other things) for centuries. American cowboys were known to carry their saddlebags (on occasion), doctors, salesmen, bankers and service men of all types have carried around all sorts of bags, and even the suitcase goes back a long way. So the problem arises when you attach the name "purse" to the item. But in reality men have been carrying around all sorts of similar items for centuries. Now I will admit that the design of kilts and skirts often does not admit for carrying an abundance of objects (if indeed, there are any pockets at all) thus necessitating the use of a handbag of some sort. So why not just call it that, or portfolio, or some similar name and be on your way?

  14. Depends on the person, my GF has to be careful because it takes only a short time for hers to shorten when wearing heels, ended up in physical therapy rolling a tennis ball with her feet the first time around. She has no intentions of going permitly heeled……..Drat!!! :evil:

    DITTO! Absolutely it depends on the individual. However, your post seems to indicate that you either have little or no prior experience in wearing truly high heels (3.5 inches or more). So you are simply not going to suddenly get up on a pair of 5"ers and go strutting around without paying a price. Try it often and the price will be that you cannot wear low heels again.
  15. I for one, have thrown out hundreds of dollars worth of nice shoes twice for women and found out I should have gotton rid of these narrow minded women instead. There are millions of nice women out there who will not have a problem with it at all and even get involved. It's something that is a part of me and it's never going to go away plus I really enjoy the many different styles of heels on me or women. It's you and there aint nothin wrong with it!!!!!! :evil:

    Hi Slingfan,

    While I agree with much of what has been said here already, I would like to point out that this kind of thread/subject really belongs over in the For the Guys forum, where you will find that it has been discussed from many different angles and points of view. There is nothing you have said that hasn't already been thrashed-out over there.

    Next, I would like to take a longer look at what Johnieheel said above. Unless you've got an incredible amount of disposable income, you'd better address yourself to living a lifetime with high heels and/or skirts. When I found myself going through the buy-purge- replace cycle again and again I had to look at it as if I saw one of my neighbors buying, trashing, and then replacing some item (mattresses, lawn furniture, whatever) and I had to say, "This is madness. This is the very essence of insanity!" In short, I had to stop the insanity! So for me, it was a matter of purging any guilt feelings and accepting the fact that I like wearing high heels and skirts. (I'm wearing both at the moment.)

    So let's look at if for a moment: If I go into a store and try-on a pair of shoes, have I broken any laws? - NO.

    If I buy a pair of shoes (high heeled or otherwise) have I broken any law? - NO.

    If I decide to wear my purchase out of the store, have I broken any laws? - Again, NO. (These same questions and answers would also apply to any other article of clothing.)

    So who am I hurting by going through the buy-purge- replace cycle again and again? ME! That's when I decided that I'm going to be me and only going to sell or throw-out the things I no longer want to keep. In short, it was time to stop the madness! :D

  16. For those who are interested, the new UK RoSa range of shoes/boots features extremely pointed shoes; see them at www.rosashoes.co.uk and discover their background in my other posting at www.hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?p=117356#117356

    Yup! Like I said, they're just the thing to get those creepy crawly critters in the corners. :rofl:
  17. I havent been wearing heels that much, I did not have any, i used my Girlfriends. But last week i got my own. Her heels are 2". My new boots are 5". I have them on as much as posible. 4 hours the last week or sow.

    But the last to days we have hade guest, sow no heels for me. last week i have noted that some calves feels funny when i take off the boots, and my thights ass well. That is not the wierd part, that is only natural.

    But i have alsow this weekend been getting pains in my achilles, mostly when im not in heels. Is this normal ?, anyone have any experiens on this.

    In going immediately from 2" heels to 5" heels you are asking far more than your legs and body are able to respond to. In order to wear 5" heels you must either make up your mind to never wear anything lower, or else you must go through a whole series of exercises to develop the legs and ankles so that you can wear 5" heels. I would suggest that you need to look over several threads on how to wear heels in the For the Guys forum. But in general, you should start by wearing lower heels first and then work up to the skyscrapers. Unless you want to shorten your Achilles tendon to the point that you can never wear lower heels, only wear those super high heels (4" or more) for 1 or 2 hours a day and not more than 1 or 2 days a week! Otherwise stay on the 1 - 2" heels the rest of the time. Over time you will strenghten the Achilles to where it is not so much of a problem. Still, you can never wear 5" heels for extended periods without running the risk of shortening that tendon to the point of being forced to wear high heels permanently.

  18. well thats just about the way it IS dr1819, you hit EVERY point in this descussion about heels & men!! :D I do NOT think that I NEED to care what these so-called "fashion police" think one way or the other!! :evil: they just DONT get it, now DO they!! if THEIR minds were like roadways, they are just like old 2-lane hwys (hint:like old Rt 66, namely NARROW) & all others like modern interstates!! LOL :rofl: I love to see the look on their faces when they cant figure out why I wear boots with some kind of heels, or even showing them as high boots in any way (shaft and/or the heels as being "high" as if they saw the strangest thing that a man would be WEARING!!) like drones, clones, monotone thinking people out there, NOT knowing any better than to wear what the NEXT clone happens to be wearing!! :D

    I am reminded of the story of an American pilot who was shot-down over Viet-Nam. In order to ensure that he was properly delivered to Hanoi, his captors put him in a "Tiger Cage" and carried him around for days. But as he got to studying the cage he was in, our pilot soon figured-out that if he could manage to work just one rung loose, the entire cage would fall apart and he could escape. So he set about working on one particular rung whenever his captors weren't looking and, sure enough, eventually he managed to get it loose and made good his escape.

    Now my point is that most of us are walking around with our minds in a "tiger cage". All we need to do is figure out how we are mentally imprisoned and then break out of our personal "tiger cage". This is especially true of the realm of fashion.

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