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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. I think this pretty much goes for all 50 states, last time I checked. There's such a thing in some states as "common law marriage," where if a couple co-habitates for more than x out of y days/months/years, the state will treat them as if they were married.

    So God says it's okay for a man and a woman to get married but the governments of 50 states say it's illegal unless you first obtain a permit? Are we required to get a permit to be born as well? :):D
  2. Yup! It means that you've had your first warning. So if you want to wear heels on a regular basis you need to respect what you've just been told and start wearing lower heels for short periods. After you've conditioned your body and tendons to the new strains and sensations, you can slowly start increasing the height of the heels. But if you want to insist on wearing those 5" heels you'd better first make sure your medical insurance is paid-up.

  3. Katie Couric will open the flood gates for women national news reporters when it comes to high heels.

    Their footwear will be more prominent on the nightly newscasts...

    I don't know what newscasts yer watching, but here in the District of Criminals all the news stations focus on very tight facial shots that almost show the facial hair growing. :evil: As for shoes - you'd never know they even had feet! :x
  4. I have a black clutch purse (one with no straps that you hold in a hand). It is fairly plain black, so it looks OK for a guy. In Europe it never gets any stares. People there seem to be used to guys carrying hand purses. In the US I never see that.

    Yeah, we Yanks are a bunch of sticks in the mud. We've probably got more hang-ups than a room full of cuphooks. :evil:
  5. Very interesting topic. I might even say---educational. Now, I have a piece of paper, (room or no room), that says that I can hang a lip lock onto Mickey any place, any time, anywhere. She has the same privilage afforded by the same piece of paper as I have. It is called a marriage license. Admittedly, of course, we would not carry things any farther in public beyond a kiss, or a hug, or a squeeze.


    Dawn HH

    This strikes me as altogether strange. I thought you needed a license or permit to do something that was otherwise illegal. So in Pennsylvania it is unlawful for people to be married without first obtaining permission from the state to do so? :evil::D:D
  6. ...if you want to kill your feet,walk in those shoes for about 20 minutes. Some shoes were made for-play, if you know what I mean and not so much for walking.

    Knitting needles on shoes? :evil::D:D Them shoes ain't made for walking. :x Can't see how they'd be too kind to the flooring either. :D
  7. Weeellll, at least you had the honesty and courage to own-up to your indiscression. So we will only prescribe 50 lashes with a wet noodle this time. But warn you I must, that once you start towards the "dark side" it may not be possible to turn back! As one person put it,"Once you go flat, you never come back." Meditate on this matter, you should.

  8. Well, so far the numbers are holding pretty close to the 3.5" mark (actually about 3.55", so I guess we'll have to add an extra lift to the shoes :D ) and this does take into account 2 votes for 5" heels. (I can only assume that those guys buy work boots with 4.5" heels as "ordinary boots". Still, if nobody wants to weigh-in before the poll closes, I'll reckon that the minimum height for a high heel is 3.5 inches. :evil:

  9. Hi Wolfie, Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to ya. But I hope those sites I directed you to have helped. One other one I should have mentioned is Overstock.com. They seem to buy in batches and seldom have the larger sizes we guys are looking for. But they often have some good looking women's shoes, as well as clothing, at reasonable prices. From the selections you posted, you seem to like the chunky heels and rounded toes. A little retro, but that's okay.

  10. Yeah, what I wus thinking is that you 2 are wearing similar styles of - say shirts. Well if the main body of one shirt is say a light blue with different colored pockets, you could make the body of the other shirt the color of the first shirt's pockets and have light blue pockets. That kind of thing.

  11. lol...I tried to post pictures of my pumps before but couldn't get them to post. I took a few pictures of my new wedgies but I couldn't get a good picture because they are black and they just seem to blend in with everything.

    Maybe you can find a catalog on the web and direct us to the pictures there.
  12. Could be related to the heel height. One must remember that heels change you entire body geometry from head to foot.

    A 1 inch jump in heel height is just about guaranteed to give you a whole new experience in walking. Knee problems can arise from any heel height, but the higher, the more certain you'll have 'em. Ditto for twinges in the lower back (sacrolilliac). As you go up in altitude you can expect new sensations in the shoulders and neck with headaches not being uncommon (if yer SO is complaining of a headache they might not be lying).

    But the clincher is the amount you try to increase the heel height at any one time. If yer used to 3" heels and then decide you'd like a nice long stroll in 5" ers - well, you'd better have some pain-killers handy. I would never recommend going up more than 1/2 inch at a time, and then you'll need to increase the amount of time yer on the higher heels in small increments - about 15 minutes at a time. One thing is for certain - when you start getting any of the above pains that do not go away, you have reached the absolute limit of heel height your body will tolerate.

  13. Try adjusting the contrast and brightness of your monitor, as I can see them just fine. :evil:

    Hey thanx, Shafted; I neva thought of that! Now lessee here, is that the control in the metal cage in the back that's marked "HIGH VOLTAGE Do Not Touch"? Or did you want me to do sumptin with that funny-looking glass thing that has a glow inside? Oh, did I mention this goofy lookin red wire that looks like an ignition wire to my car? Maybe you'd like me to do sumptin with that? BTW - What do they mean by 20KV?
  14. Makes perfect sense to me. You two can wear matching outfits.

    Now lessee here - you both like the boots, but only one person can wear 'em at any one time. Yup, makes sense to me too. Especially if you plan to wear matching outfits.

    Now one thing that might look really cool - especially if one of you is handy with a sewing machine - would be to have His & Her's outfits, only reverse the colors on one outfit so as to make them highly similar but discernably different.

  15. I think we heelers have to develop a bit of a "thick skin", to the point where we don't really give a rip about what other people think. It's called "survival".

    Some people seem to think a little bit of knowledge puts them on a higher plane than the rest of us. ... Just realize who you're dealing with, learn as much as you can and maybe someday you can really enjoy passing them by.

    Well, some people call that "thick skin" "BARK", like a tree. So when ya meet someone who can take a lot of needling we say, "he's got a lot of bark." Furthermore, guys that don't have a lot of bark should forget about wearing heels in public.

    As for me, my heels are the only things that put me on a higher plane than anyone else. :evil:

  16. Got it.

    :rofl: is one step up from :evil:

    Yeah, we cyberfreaks have a whole shorthand language that somebody really needs to write a translation dictionary for. Some of the most frequently used ones are:

    BTW = by the way

    FYI = for your information

    LMAO= laughing my *ss off

    ROFL = Rolls (or rolling) in the floor laughing;

    along with about 20 others.

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