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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Any forum, whether split or not, is going to come under some criticism. If it didn't, then it would have no life. In time, every board, no matter how well managed, is going to fall foul to unwanted postings. These will be the opinions of people and if we were to enforce strict guidelines and adhered to them, we would soon be in a complete mess. Regulation is better in this case. We don't want to be seen as a type of Gestapo arrangement where if you post and it's outside the guidelines by a millimetre, it gets removed. That's akin to having someone, who disagrees with you, shot. I don't want this to start into a long and protracted argument, but if we enforce black and white, then the grey area that is life would not exist. Most of the postings are of life and, as such, are subject to contradictions. We must bend slightly to accomodate everyone's opinions or we shouldn't be here. Simple cruel fact, but it exists. I would go in further on the subject, but then I would be contradicting my 'long and protracted argument' point. While I am a multi-faceted person, I make points of view from many perspectives. In this way I try to remain unbiased. Although someone will probably disagree with that.

  2. the WW1 set of Blackadder was "Blackadder Goes Forth". A clue in the title. Fourth Season :smile: Blackadder was probably his best as his support was excellent. The same was true of "Not The Nine O'clock News". Sketched were always better with him in, but not by himself. Interaction seems to be a better suit for Rowan.

  3. surely they should sell some of the items to increase funds for the department or allow the student to purchase their own work at a reduced price. Sorry, just reminds me of a forgotten warehouse where everything is for show only.

  4. Let me make an apology for all those pics that I've resized. The pictures themselves have not been altered, just the space they occupy on the board has been restricted. While we all like to see everyones shoes and boots (I do too!) can we please restrict the width of the pictures to 500. Height isn't a problem. It's just so that when reading posts you don't have to scroll across the page as well. Sorry if anyone has been inconvienced.

  5. Divine shoes are in Earls Barton in Northants,UK. They are pretty good as far as customer service and quality are concerned, but I find them to be a little steap on the price. If you like what you see then by all means buy them. There are many worse places to go.

  6. it's great how you are receiving a large amount of credit for being yourself. your heels are just an extension of you. People obviously are recognising the fact and like you for it. Keep it up! It's fantastic it's working for you! and yes! you should have done it MUCH earlier !! :smile:

  7. equality, as with everything, is judged by people. every person has different thoughts and ideas on any given subject, so a fair compromise can never seem to be agreed on while some disagree. while there may have been a gender specific set of values present before now, that would not seem to apply in this day and age when we all can show the same traits regardless of gender, background or belief. the previous posts all seem to conform to this. physical differences will always be prominent, but it's how we think, perceive and react that makes us all similar. no-one will ever truly be equal while there are individuals who continue to advance any given field, be that sports, theory, art or just plain common sense. if we were all equal, there would be no diversity in the world and what a dull world it would be. think about it. everyone as fast, as strong and as smart. the world would grind to a halt while everyone argues over who's going to do it and then the argument of equality would flare up again. "my waffle is done!"

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