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Posts posted by Francis

  1. well, I'm now an owner of a pair of ballet courts thanks to Onyourtoes. They are really difficult to stand in, let alone walk. I did manage to stand, but when I tried to get my legs straighter my calf muscles cramped :wink: not a good feeling, but I'm not used to them yet. However, it does feel good to wear them even if you're not standing in them. I suppose I shall have to practice more. If you're not used to this type of shoe then you'll find intially that you get cramps in your foot due to the extreme arching. A few flexibility exercise should cure that. I won't post the picture that I saw when I decided to buy them, rather I shall post one of me in them so you can tell it not make believe :smile: Sounds like a Francis in Mad Mode 2 (The Sequel) :smile: Beware: you have been warned !! :smile:

  2. I wear shorts when it suits me, but then all my shorts are leather :smile:


    Posted ImageQapla'

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Francis on 2002-05-10 17:49 ]</font>

  3. I thought I would put a bit of input to this thread with my boots after last weekend.

    The event was Cavalcade, which is a transport rally (meeting, to some people). Traction engines, buses, lorries, cars and fairground rides, some of which were steam driven. However, I digress, friday started off wet and muddy and stayed that way until sunday morning.

    Posted Image

    The picture below will just prove that heels and muddy fields don't quite have a good relationship.

    Posted Image

    Anyhow, this was the main attraction of the event. Lady Betty, who celebrated her 100th birthday at the Cavalcade.

    Posted Image

  4. the only problem with killing Bin Laden would be that it would make him a martyr, a figurehead for the cause. Keeping him alive and letting him die of old age while imprisoned will serve as a greater warning. The death penalty does have it uses, but has been known to end up with the wrong person being executed. Until then, it should be used in cases where the person has been proved beyond any doubt (this includes the defendants admission of guilt) before administering this form of retribution.

  5. and the winner is ... Firefox! (takes bow in front of whole board) I used Virtual Dub to view and capture the divx. If you're interested, I'll squirt the program across to you. It's free so there's no problems with anyone screaming "They're promoting warez!!" :smile: You can also use this program to cut sections from a film and then code it into a different format :smile: Anyway! Your turn!

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