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Posts posted by Francis

  1. I, too, used to do the 'sneak into shop, wait until no-one was looking and then sheepishly go to the counter with my selection' type buying. Now it's a completely different ball game. If I don't try them on before I buy, I don't feel comfortable. The added advantage is that if they are too tight, you can always ask the assistants if they have the next size up. Some of them give you a strange look because it's a bloke trying the shoes, but they must oblige you because you are a customer. No customers, no wages! Remind them of that If you get an awkward one :smile: For all of you that reckon you can't do it, just remember we've been there. If we can do it, so can you. It is your right as a human being to wear what you like.

  2. My tale starts long ago in the dark recesses of my mind. I was born flat footed and this was not rectified until I was 4. Consequently, I always felt awkward in flat shoes. It was not until I was 14 that I discovered that high heeled shoes aided my walking, but trying to hide them in the house was next to impossible. Father being a military type would have hit the roof in a split second. Bought my first real pair of shoes when I was 15 under the pretense that they were for the Rocky Horror Show we were going to and everyone dresses for that :smile: He didn't seem to mind, but got concerned when I bought a basque, stockings and knickers to go with them. Result was that they disappeared one night and I'm sure he had a lot to do with it. Now that I've no longer had the spectre of my parents looming I have been free to express myself how I see fit. Currently wearing 3" heels everyday, I feel that with my latest purchase I should push to 4". That should make certain people happy B)

  3. Just standard length for me, so they don't cover the heel. I see so many people walking around with obviously great heels if it wasn't for the fact the trousers they were wearing covered them almost completely. Personally, I can't see the point of hiding the heel, but it can be a make or break of a coordinated look.

  4. Mine tastes are much the same as Firefox's.

    Block or blade heels, 3" to 4". I, too, have some stilettos, but I don't they really suit me.

    Mostly, I wear ankle boots, but, like Firefox, I do have some more extravagant footwear available.


    Posted Image Qapla'

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Francis on 2002-01-08 12:34 ]</font>

  5. My wife thinks it's pretty cool that I wear heels. She prefers the block style rather than thinner heels, reckons they look better on me than stilettos Now she starting to influence the boots I'm buying. We were in BeWise a few weeks ago and she spotted a pair and said they'd look great on me. So I tried them on there and then. She was right. Just a pity I didn't have enough to buy them B) Oh well. So all of you closet cases who think your wife won't accept it, try it. Mine didn't at first, but she soon came round :smile:

  6. Name: Francis

    Age: 32

    Gender: M

    Location: Kettering, Northamptonshire, UK

    Occupation: Self Employed Computer Technician

    Height: 5'8"

    Weight: 11 stone 4 lbs

    Shoe size: Wide 7

    What's your favourite heel style: Block

    What's your favourite shoe style: Ankle boot

    Do you wear your heels outside: Always

    What is:

    (a) Your favourite heel height: 3.5"

    (B) Your highest heel height: 6.5"

    How often do you wear:

    (a) Your favourite heel height: Everyday

    (B) Your highest heel height: Occasionally

    Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Thin black socks usually

    Anything else you wish to add: I'm a nutter and the world knows it :smile:


    Posted Image Qapla'

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Francis on 2002-04-15 13:05 ]</font>

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