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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Children are more open to change. Only when they get to about 11 do they start to stick with what they know, this also includes any attitudes they have developed. Most do not welcome any kind of change until early 20's when they begin to realise that the world isn't the rosy place that they were led to believe. So they start making their own choices. occasionally, you get some that make decisions based on rebellion or an 'IN' thing that everyone is doing and they don't want to feel left behind. Most kids I've met will point and say "why do you wear girls shoes?", to which I reply "Who said they were only for girls?". starts to make them think a little :smile: When heel wearing becomes the 'IN' thing again, everyone especially the kids will want them :smile:

  2. Working on an idea thrown in the air by Firefox, I caught and posted it :smile:

    Shrek Trivia Thread

    Posted Image

    Try to answer without referencing the movie (ie. cheating)

    Q. Who was operating the bellows to the organ in the end sequence?

    (that one from Firefox)


    Posted ImageQapla'

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Francis on 2002-04-26 03:02 ]</font>

  3. If only! At least you have a secondary job that allows you full freedom in regards to your dress and appearance. The rest of us have to make do with when and whenever. I'm sure if she has a massive turnover due to your hard work and cheerful manner, then she probably could afford you. Then it's, WAHOO! Dress the way you want and get paid to do it!! Shades of the Four Yorkshire, "Oh, we used to dream of working in Goth store". :smile:

  4. it would be rebellion, as they are pushing the boundaries that had fausted upon them. how many of us have done the same? push the envelope to breaking point? even playing truant was a type of rebellion! kids will attempt to do anything that their parents do or anything that their parents tell them NOT to do! aren't kids wonderful!

  5. wouldn't clear rubber stockings make your legs look like you've coated them in vaseline? I can see some of the potential, but also a problem if the weather gets warm. Pickled feet and legs on plain view :eek: but if you want to try it, then go right ahead would be interesting to see the result :smile:

  6. As I've already shown in another thread, a mini skirt or shorts look just as good as each other when worn with thigh highs. Sometime this year I'm going to fry some brains and wear the thigh highs down the street. Let's see what they have to say then :smile:

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