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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Yamyam, give me a call and I'll take you round my local. Granted it is a little rough around the edges but the people are fairly friendly as you have already heard. The midlands is sort of 'redneck' country, but the general trend is that if you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone. Act like it's no big deal and they won't create any :smile: My mobile number is 07884135072. International users dial +447884135072 (though the call charges may be horrendous) B)

  2. Everyone has their goals in life and some are just able to do just that. For the rest of us it's either due to lack of funds or lifestyle rendering the envisaged result as being outside our reach. Spook has to be admired for what she is attempting and good luck to her. Personally her ultra small frame and waist do nothing for me, but I will not condemn her for her choice. As for cling film covering a person I can see some practicalities, such as increasing sweat production in certain areas to help with weight loss and associated problems, but as a fetish item it doesn't appeal. I do find many things erotic and sensual, but each to their own. If someone disagrees with my points of view then I can only say that it's my opinion and I'm entitled to it, just as everyone else is entitled to theirs. On a plus side, I would love to own or even just try a pair of ballet boots on just for the experience. I shall probably end up flat on my back or face, but what a laugh :smile: To me they are the most erotic style of shoe you can get. I have seen various others styles like pony boots which don't seem to interest me, but that's where likes and dislikes come in. If I saw someone wearing them I would be curious as to their capability to walk in them but would not ridicule them for it. If anyone in UK has a pair of size 9 ballet boots available, let me know!

  3. I have 5 ties and they all stay hidden until such events as a wedding or a funeral take place and then only when I feel like it :smile: I really hate ties, but will where them if the situation dictates and not what anyone says. If I get a job that says a tie is obligatory then they will be given three choices, little, none or P45. I'm not fussed which! Same now applies to my footwear choice. B)

  4. Terayon obviously this has come as a bit of a shock for your mum. I know mine was freaked out for a while when she found out about my shoes. The good news is that they do settle down with the idea. Mine even used to borrow the odd pair for parties :smile: Wear your boots around the house and gauge reaction, it may surprise you to find that she will either ignore you or make herself busy with something so she doesn't have to think about it. Then you'll have your answer. If discussion comes from the reaction, then just reassure her that it's a fashion choice and nothing to do with your sexuality. Most people still make the incorrect connection between men in high heels and homosexual men. This is a stereotype that has been ingrained into society. While we all try to promote our choice, there will always be the odd person who still lives in the dark ages. Good Luck!

  5. Flares! Is someone in distress? I can't understand what the appeal of flares is. All they seem to to is create this wide stump at the bottom of someones leg, which in my view is ugly. The other stupid part of flares is that they reach down to the floor and soak up all the water they touch so they get heavier and more clumsy. Anyone who wears them must need their heads testing. But it's a fashion. I'm entitled to my view and everyone is entitled to theirs so if anyone objects, TOUGH! I've already said it :smile:

  6. I got more laughs from the wifes paraplegic father than I do from Mr.Bean I know that Rowan Atkinson must have been practising for Mr.Bean back in the 80's. He was a guest at the senior ranks mess hall at HMS Tamar in Hong Kong and my parents were in attendance. They remarked that despite his comedian status he didn't say anything remotely funny all night and indeed was morose for the most of it. Rowan Atkinson is great when there's a script, take the talking out and you've got nothing, which just about sums him up!

  7. She's trying to lose the Posh Spice name, but while she acts like a silly little girl and comes out with stupid remarks she will always be known by her old nickname. In a program called "Being Victoria Beckham" she claims that childbirth is a beautiful and was so rewarding for until David turns round and says "what do you know. you had a caesarian" nuff said

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