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Posts posted by Francis

  1. The quick way to kill a lobster is a spike throught the head, just behind the section between it's eye stalks. There are some animal rights people who find it cruel to just drop them straight into boiling water. Another way is to have the water warm, put your lobster in and then bring the temperature up. Lobster is supposed to go to sleep in these circumstances, then he won't wake up! :smile: It works on crabs too! Please don't use your stilettos to crack the lobster open when you're eating it. You'll make a mess of the shoe! B) Enjoy!

  2. If I remember rightly, the officer responsible for the order was reprimanded. No further action will be taken, although that incident will remain as a black spot on his record. RAF Cranwell, for those who don't know, is a flight training school. It also used to be home to the Red Arrows, who have moved to RAF Waddington near Lincoln. A total move of approx 35 miles! Very little in terms of flying time, but given that Waddington is a larger facility and was only flying AWACS it seemed to be a good move. The woman in question still has problems with her ankle and is still wearing flat shoes. :smile: Shame!

  3. Thanks everyone!

    I thoroughly enjoyed my birthday. Got rat arsed and spent most of the night trying on boots and shoes B)

    The houseowner bet me that I wouldn't wear a basque and knickers with a pair of boots.

    Posted Image

    As you can see, I did :smile:

    As well as wearing a catsuit after that

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    If you're gonna celebrate, either do it in style or do it silly B)

  4. cycling not too difficult, skateboarding! forget it! I can't skateboard anyway :smile: though I don't recommend that you try with heels higher than 3" for cycling as there's not much room for your foot. And as for slipping!

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