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Posts posted by Francis

  1. well, when the warmer weather gets here, I shall parade myself through town in my thigh boots. Coupled with shorts of course! :smile:

    These are the boots in question

    Posted Image

    they have a 4.5" heel so should draw some attention ! B)

    (re-edited to show picture properly)


    Posted ImageQapla'

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Francis on 2002-04-03 19:29 ]</font>

  2. to carry even 2 pound of weapon grade plutonium requires about 6 inch of shielding which now takes the weight of container and contents to about 100 pounds. Look for a bloke the size of Geoff Capes! :smile: All underground reservoirs have service hatches or ventilation ducts to help relieve pressure, so slipping into one of these wouldn't be too much of a challenge.

  3. Oh, to have some of those problems! I must have missed something in my life as I never knew my real father, had to make do with my sister's dad. He was clearly not comfortable with the idea of me wearing heels, but it's not his life and for 10 years he's not had to live with it. Not that I want to see him again anyway. Glad that your mum's coming to terms with your choices, Terayon. They usually do tend to be more compliant with their children. I understand your reservation about informing your sister of this, but if she's anything like my sister she'll probably be raiding your boot collection in no time. My sister sometimes tries my boots then complains that they are too high for her! B) She knew about my heels before my parents did. That may have been part of the catalyst to acceptance. Keep going! You've overcome the biggest hurdle, the next is daylight walking :smile: which isn't as hard as most think.

  4. what's wrong with pink? I admit that I used to own a pink shirt. Has been worn a few times with no comment, but then it didn't stay in my wardrobe for long. My sister nicked it along with the mint green one. I don't think there are any non-girl colours as all colours have been worn by both genders for many years. It's the colour association with gender that clouds most people's ideas on which colours are best suited to certain applications. While we still view colours as male and female then another stereotype will remain in place. I don't wear pink anymore as it doesn't really suit me, but as a bright contrast to something else I'm wearing then it can be quite effective.

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