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Posts posted by Francis

  1. I, personally, don't like violence and will walk away from a fight. But when there's no alternative, then, hell, I dive in. If I'm gonna take a pasting then I might as well dish some out. Fighting was a focus of my life when I was young. 7 year old nothing taking on 14-16 year old boys who thought it was fun to pick on little kids. They soon thought different :smile: These days, I like the quiet life, so fighting is not an everyday occurence, I'm glad to say.

  2. some of us still play with DOS in its various forms. first computer I got was an Apple ][+, 32k RAM, 16k memory upgrade card and 5.25" floppy disk drive and all that back in '84. Still got an old apple, but a ][e now. Lives in the cupboard upstairs and occasionally comes out for a burst of nostalgia :smile: I also have an Apple Mac II-LS for good measure. Was given that for one purpose, to access an old digital camera that I was given. Strange, the stuff that some people throw away and that some people collect :lol: If you play certain games on PC then you have no choice but to know about MS-DOS, PC-DOS or DR-DOS depending on which school of thought you subscribed to. Mine was whichever I could lay my hands on for nothing :lol:

  3. the picture will exist for as long as your temporary internet files folder has not been purged of old data and if you do a lot of surfing and only assign a small amount of space, then this can be only a matter of days til you lose the picture again

  4. there have two entries added to the members list for the purposes of administration and moderation. this is so that no one administrator or moderator gets singled out for abuse when a message deleted or altered. these have been entered as numbers 1 and 2. they were added after kiltedscotman joined but given the positions at the head of the list. if you look Jeff and Firefox previously resided in those positions although their joining order says 1st and 2nd. admin and moderator have the membership numbers 200 and 201. if it seems confusing we apologise. it confuses us sometimes :smile:

  5. To all UK television addicts: Who watched "They think it's all over" tonight. Jonathan Ross striking out for men's fashion by wearing heels. Granted that they were about 2.5" to 3" and more styled towards a cowboy look but they were noticed and remarked upon. Gary Lineker saying that Jonathan nicked them from his wife's wardrobe :smile: I think Gary was jealous that Jonathan had got to them first B) You don't have to be rich or famous to wear heels, just be you!

  6. Spike Milligan was part of the Goons with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. He did have some influence on Monty Python as John Cleese also worked with Spike on certain sketches. Spike's passing will be deeply mourned by millions around the world as a great comedy mind has been lost. I would like to extend my condolences to the family of Spike should they ever visit this board. He was a great man and a brilliant entertainer. He kept a smile even when his life wouldn't have permitted.

  7. To Stremph Firefox was referring to respecting people's opinions and to be courteous to them for what ever their fashion choice may be. If you feel that something is amiss, then say so. Don't hold back, all we ask is that you don't dwell on it in regards to postings on the forum. I sure that many people would prefer not to be drawn in to a long and protracted argument that will eventually just alienate people. That's not the idea of why we're here. Discussion is a great thing, let's not use it as a weapon. I find it interesting that you refer to Swedish boys with a feminine overtone because I know from experience that they most certainly are not feminine in any respect. They are proud to be men. I think you have been watching too many blue movies to base your assumption. I respect that you have a hard time with the concept that men wearing high heels is wrong. I will not have an argument with you on this point as I have many friends who can't accept it either. Indeed, if any other male walked past them wearing heels they would certainly vocalise their disdain, but because they know me for who I am they just say nothing on that score. Lots of people and places know me for who I am and not what I wear.

  8. I have taken a look at the film and there are heels on quite a few of the characters. The Blue Meanies seem to be wearing 2-2.5" heels, not much, but still noticeable. I will have to recode the divx as the audio is out of sync with the video :smile: then I can watch the film properly

  9. I'm what could be termed as a high-end user. Having been a programmer and designer all the computer side of things come easy. I have had to decipher many interfaces in my time but this forums didn't need deciphering just five minutes of familiarisation and I was away :smile: but then it is apparent that some ducks don't take to water. However you design an interface there will always be some that can't get their heads round it immediately, but that's to be expected. The forum's easy enough to navigate, even the wife can get round it so there's hope for some of the less techie minded people B)

  10. I think they were more interested in getting a picture just to prove to their mates that they saw a bloke in high heels! Terayon - I haven't mastered warp speed in 4" heels yet :smile: Just a pity that it's off the road B) Had they been on foot I would have asked what their interest was. If it was negative, then I would have smeared them across the nearest walls. But I must repress that desire or the message won't get across B)

  11. Just been out to meet the wife coming down the road and 3 minutes out the door and a car with two boy-racers came past with one of them hanging out the window with a camera! "Slow down mate!" was shouted to me. I gave just gave them a thumbs-up as they went past and shouted to them "Get a life!". Who's the weirder? Me for wearing heels or them for wanting to take pictures? :smile:

  12. with regards to Firefox's posting, he is correct cos like Max Boyce "I know, cos I was there" :smile: Highluc is also correct in his appraisal, however he maybe went a little deeper into the negative aspect of their thoughts, but part of his posting is true. If your parents already have an idea then it will be easier to broach the subject. Try it, you may be surprised! My family was military and all of us that have that background will have had the same initial response from their parents. Horror! But as Highluc said, if the know already then why discuss it or at least show them if you do. Putting it off will only drive you nuts!

  13. terayon! my foot training was because I was born flat footed and when I was 4 steps were taken to rectify my fallen arches. I was made to wear some Dolomite hill walking boots which had formers inside for nearly 2 years so that my foot would be a slightly more normal shape. This had the knock on effect of walking me walk more on the balls of my feet and hence I find heels are easier and more comfortable than flat shoes. Hope that's cleared the mystery :smile:

  14. I think the best approach would be to talk them about it first and then show them. Reactions can quite often be different between discussion and demonstration. Talking to them first will show that you have thought it all out and jump into it on a whim. They may just view it all as a sign of the times and be pretty cool about it, or they may have the opposite effect, but if they or not prepared for it, then the act of walking in and showing them the heels on your feet may just provoke outcry from them. I tried to get the message across to my parents, they objected until more things started appearing in my room, then they realised that the more they had a negative reaction to it, the more I would do it! They weren't going to CURE me as there is nothing to cure. Reason with your parents first and then wear your heels. Start off in lower heels first and then gradually increase the height and they'll be used to it in no time. Plus you're less likely to come a cropper and get the "I told you so" bit from them :smile:

  15. Help, Help! I'm being oppressed!! For the majority, men just grab the first thing that fits and looks half decent, barring that they wear whatever is put in front of them. Eventually, men will be walking around dressed like Ali G or the Michelin Man. (In case of flatness, simply inflate to desired level) Anyone got a pin? B) It appears that only men in high profile positions actually take any time for thought on what they will wear that day. As for driving in heels, I find that I tend to drive a little slower while in my heels. And, yes, I do pull over if I have to talk into my mobile. Not that that's a problem any more. No car! :smile: unhappy bunny! But for fashion choice, men go for the same format nearly every time. Note how it's only at parties that you see anything bordering flambouyance, at no other time do you see them wearing the bright green or pink shirt! In fact I owned a mint green and a pink shirt until my sister decided that they would look better in her wardrobe. Women, huh? But there was nothing I could nick from her wardrobe, she was always smaller than me. More fashion choice is what men should be introduced to, although most would likely reject it without a second thought.

  16. well I've managed to get someone from the Fragonset stock 47709 Dionyss was the motive power on the return train from Wellingborough on friday. It's great to be able to stick your head out of the windows of mk2 stock being hauled by a real diesel :smile: just a pity that it was dark B) luckily the lighter nights are returning so I may just get a few decent pictures in the evenings or I'll have to down the station at 10:30am for the southbound working! All this means now is that I have to go get a model of a Fragonset 47 with Intercity exec liveried mk2d's. More expense! I shall be taking a picture of the layout once I have the ballasting work done. The S&T permanent way gangs are in possession of the line at present installing a 3 aspect signal to the gantry B)

  17. The skeleton run looks like fun! Reminds me of the silly things we did on a winter orientation course I attended. We were given the task of creating a sled run down an old path, luckily the cold weather continued long enough for us to complete it, then threw ourselves down it by whatever methods we could devise. Some went down on skis, others on normal sleds, one in a sleeping bag and me on a bent tea tray. One member decided that he wanted to go head first on his sled. He crashed 1/4 way down B) much hilarity!! But after the snow had been compacted enough by all our attempts at trying to kill ourselves we all slid down on our bellies, bums and backs. A bit like a skeleton run but with only a top speed of 30mph :smile: Just goes to show the things I would do back in '88! And now they make an olympic sport of it!! Maybe I should have stuck with being completely nuts! B)

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