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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Dangermouse was brilliant and The Simpsons are a very tough act to follow, but for my money, the best had to Roobarb (and Custard) :smile:

    Shaky style cartoon line drawings kept the whole thing alive even if the characters weren't doing anything. Nothing else like it :smile:

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    Posted ImageQapla'

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Francis on 2002-04-18 19:08 ]</font>

  2. ten pin bowling shoes have to have softish soles otherwise it would result in very costly remedial work having to be carried out on the lanes lawn and crown green bowling has similar concerns as heels would create dents in the surface that would result in irregular movements. Not much good if the jack is sat in one of these holes. bowling is great fun, and it's the only thing I ever won a trophy at as well :smile:

  3. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Smurfette was created by Gargamel rather than being born. Gargamel probably had a high heel fetish himself :smile: But, agreed on the thread subject. If it's not creating a disturbance and decency is preserved, then why shouldn't he dress as he wants. Mind you, it takes less material to cover bits on a male than does on a female :smile:

  4. I say, go for it! :smile: If it makes you happy and more comfortable with yourself, then the only thing to do is wear them :smile: As for falling backwards, I can't say that I have experienced this particular effect. I always vary my heel height so as to keep flexibilty and thus, so far, have not fallen backwards. Excepting, maybe whilst under the influence! :smile: Keep breaking new ground! It's the only way to go! :wink:

  5. the body is basically a very complex piece of bio-machinery that we don't fully understand. to that end, we can never be 100% sure of anything that could affect it. Indeed, today we are finding out about various things that are bad for us, things that your parents and their parents viewed as safe in their time. as medicine and science advances, we will continually aware of new dangers that pose threats to our wellbeing. technology is probably one of the biggest dangers. as we constantly depend upon devices to help improve our lives, we are also degrading them to another extent. sitting in front of your computer typing a reply increases the possibility of harming your eyesight, back and joints by simply reading and then leaning forward to rapidly extend your digits onto the keyboard. everything in life is bad for you, we are all going to meet our demise some day. I'm sorry if this sounds a little morbid, but it's an unfortunate truth of life. if I worried about all the things that could go wrong with my body during day to day, I would probably never get out of bed. medical texts are being rewritten almost daily and until they have discovered everything there is to know about the body and what could damage it, I'm not going to panic over it and I suggest that others do similar.

  6. platforms do take a little care while wearing, but once you are aware of this the problem becomes easier. I have some platforms and have no problems except maybe when running :smile: not that I do a lot of that! Jumping would be a similar stress and with you recently overtaxing your ankles while snowboarding, you might have rushed yourself a little. The action of jumping down the last few steps is nonchalant in most circumstances and you don't even conciously decide to do it, but performing the same action in heels, never mind platforms, can cause undue damage. I do sympathise with you, as I have done similar in the past. More practise is needed before retrying :smile: preferably with correctly functioning ankles :wink:

  7. ah, this comes back to the 'one rule for us and another for them' problem. unfortunately, this problem will not disappear overnight, so the best course of action is to buy them anyway and prove that the rules that apply to them may not apply to you, but why should you follow those rules! you are already making your own rules with your fashion choice! No turning back now! :smile:

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