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Posts posted by Francis

  1. "I would love to hang out with you, but I'm an asthmatic. What with you blowing smoke rings"

    Posted Image

    I found a way to get decent freeze frames :smile:

    The movie is full of sideswipes and mickey-takes, probably why it is loved so much :smile:


    Posted ImageQapla'

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Francis on 2002-05-02 14:06 ]</font>

  2. Well, you're right about sizing being a sort of lottery! I have size UK7 wide feet, so you would think that a size 8 would be best for me! Yeah, right! I have a pair of boots size 6 and they fit perfectly, a pair of size 7 that pinch and a pair of size 8 that are far too short! Go figure! Most of my shoes and boots are size 7 and have no real problem, but knowing your foot size and ordering compared to trying before buying, there's no contest. Try and buy is far more enjoyable with less need for returns due to wrong size/fitting.

  3. Giant steps aren't what you take Walking in your stils sorry! couldn't resist that one! :smile: More power to you if you find that you have no problem with acceptance. By the way that it's all going for you, I can't see that you should gain any negativity. Have fun whichever way it turns out :smile:

  4. oh yes! Chivalry! hang on! let me find my horse and suit of armour so I can go slay the dragon and rescue the damsel in distress! :smile: Nah! Opening doors is all well and good, but how many people these days will actually thank you, even if it's in the form of a silent acknowledgement. Chivalry is only useful if you wish to gain brownie points, otherwise it's wasted on the masses. I've given up on laying my coat over puddles for women after the last one walked over and disappeared! How was I to know it was a flooded manhole! :smile:

  5. Talking on a mobile phone, even with a hands free kit, can be dangerous as your mind isn't completely on the road. A few accidents have still happened due to them. You have been warned! Anyway : Pet hates! People who channel hop with the remote on the television. They know there's nothing on but they continue anyway

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