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Posts posted by Francis

  1. A friend of mine is a physiotherapist. In fact, she helped me while I suffered from a frozen shoulder! Her advice to me on heel wearing was that as long as I was comfortable and wasn't over stretching any muscles or ligiments then there was no reason why I shouldn't wear what I wanted on my feet. Kind of echoes my own thoughts anyway! Physiotherapists, although trained one way, will quite often take a personal stance when giving out advice. Just an observation, take it or leave it!

  2. If everyone dressed the same then we would all suffer a sort of internal conflict. On the one hand we would admire the rest for their courage and insight to realise their dreams and, possibly, fantasies. The world would truly be liberated in both thought and deed. However, as I've already heard, jealousy would yet be another surmountable problem. Jealousy in that the heel heights would be a personal point to beat or just to try and copy. Surmountable because someone will overcome and adapt to wear the same or higher. Variety is one of the things that keeps the world going, in whatever form it shows, and to remove the variety would render the previous goals, that we strived to break down, once more brought to the fore. In short, for everyone to wear the same would just instill the type of reaction that we are currently showing to the world. I'm sorry, if that seems a little philosophical or half baked, but I've been drinking the whisky again and it always brings out the more intellectual side to my nature rather than the hit once, hit it again, hit it once more and then when nothing moves, try to ask a question approach. Alright, as I've once said, if everyone was the same, the world would be a very boring place. Drunken rant over !!

  3. On 2002-05-16 14:45, IHeels wrote:

    Good to see you didn't put your foot through the scanner, Firefox. I've seen glass in scanners and photocopiers smashed by people just trying to copy books.

    Inga :smile:

    and more when trying to photocopy their arse at the office party :smile:

  4. I manage to get 52000bps on mine :smile: must be my modem NTL have been door-to-door recently offering broadband for reduced prices. £14.99 for a 128k down/128k up connection £27.99 for a 512k down/128k up connection £49.99 for a 1M down/512k up connection These are monthly rates £50 connection fee, although I suppose the 128k comes in favourably against standard 56k freecall schemes on offer, but I'd still prefer the 512k/256k currently been offered by BT for the same price as NTL's 512/128.

  5. Terayon, the problem is that the companies here and abroad tend to view the UK as something of a joke. Everywhere else gets the technology first because they want the business, while in UK it's seems that they are trying to tie us all down. The biggest culprits of this are British Telecom (BT) and NTL (US firm based in New York). Both are in debt and both don't want to push on the expenditure of upgrading the systems if there is likely to be heavy competition. Subsequently, prices are high and V90 56k dialup services provided by these two are getting poorer. Most people would rather have no internet than pay the stupid rates currently been offered. So they'll all wait until the price comes down to a similar scale to dialup. Until then some of us will stay with dialup, however shit it may be, because it is cheap and, in some cases, free! Mine doesn't cost me a penny. Why should I pay £40 a month just to access the info I need which is not traffic intensive. I have no need to download a movie every day, so I'll live with what I have. Anyway, back to Topic! I found the site mildly interesting (despite my slow connection). I can't say that I enjoyed the song much, however, Sara was quite nice to look at. Nice shoes! Pity we can't see a great deal of them!

  6. hello shyguy, welcome to the madhouse :smile: hopefully, you will find that wearing heels in public is not as big a problem as you first think. until then continue to be inspired and helped along by witty and, sometimes, sarcastic points of view from the crowd. one day you'll join the ranks of the everyday people :smile: if that don't scare you off then you'll go a long way :wink: long may you stay with the forum!

  7. I have a few colours in nail polish. Black, black with gold glitter, metallic blue and a bright red for those times that I'm really showing off :smile: As a general rule I don't wear it, but if the situation calls for it, then I'll pick a colour to suit

  8. Well now that I have a pair, I might as well show them off.

    Posted Image

    As you can see, I can stand in them, but still can't straighten my legs. In fact, I had my knee resting against the bath to stop me fallng over :smile:

    In time, I shall learn to walk in these, just don't expect any leaps or bounds :smile:


    Posted ImageQapla'

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Francis on 2002-05-13 02:48 ]</font>

  9. but Beckham can't play football in stilettos :smile: It's true that he's helping to break down some of the mental barriers that most have concerning men's fashions, but I still doubt that he'll do any heels higher than 2". Mind you, even that would be a start. We are still a fair way off from full acceptance, but the more people are exposed to it, the more will accept it and treat it as normal. Definition of normal : something that everybody does. Well in this case, I don't want to be the same as everybody. I want to stand out from the crowd as an individual and not be a monotonous sheep following the flock. If I didn't want any choices in my life I may as well kill myself. But even that is a choice, drat! The media will always overdramatise a story as it wishes to shock or outrage in order to sell more copies or get more viewers. In the states they have it slightly easier with media as there are open access channels which pander to anyone with a camera. If only such a thing existed this side of the pond I know that between us we could put something together that would informative and lighthearted. This is one possible solution to gaining more credance as people and not as a weirdo group.

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