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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Look out, Laurie's about! :smile: Who said we had to have a rigid barrier between the gender specific forums? Everyone is welcome whether you're male, female or both, neither or alien. Topic : Nail Polish Laurie wears it. No problem (personally, I think she's having too much fun) :smile:

  2. we have had this debate before over the icons. Although they not to everyone's tastes, they serve to show how many posts you have contributed to the board. If we start altering icons because one person doesn't like them, then we'll soon be inundated with other people with the same problem, "I don't like this shoe!" Maybe Jeff has something in the pipeline when he transfers the board to the new server, so until then you will have to put up with the icons that are currently in use.

  3. a bit of topic, but Kazaa is a peer-to-peer networking program that allows you to download search world related information and files. These files are mainly music or video files. Using this type of system, you can theoretically download anything that someone has. on topic, I enjoyed that movie clip. would have been nice if it was longer :smile:

  4. Azraelle, I think you've been watching Men In Black too many times :smile: in which case "Your proposal is acceptable" :smile: As for guns and cars being extensions of the ego or a phallus objects, this could be true. Some people 'get off' on having a flashier or faster car than the next person, just as others do with a bigger or more powerful gun. Somehow, I draw the line at armour piercing rounds in firearms. What you gonna shoot with them? Paper targets, tin cans, rabbits or a truck? Who the hell needs ammunition that can stop a charging rhino when the most dangerous animals are likely to be badgers. All animals will naturally avoid man unless provoked to do otherwise. Wild bears will walk along at a safe distance without feeling threatened. Only when someone goes out of their way to kill an animal will that animal attempt to defend itself, then the person shoots it and claims "it was self defense". Bull! I can understand the sport aspect, but what does killing an animal that you have no intention of eating have to do with hunting. Hunting was a subsistence to life and in this modern age, anyone who can obtain a gun is more likely to go to a grocery store for their food. Unless you are really tapped and take your rifle to go chase down that tin of beans that is on the top shelf.

  5. It really is a sad state of affairs when you can't get the service you expect. In your case, it's like asking a garage to tune your engine and them saying that they don't do diesels! A heel is a heel whether it be 3" or 6". Why should that matter? Our local cobblers undertake any work you give them, however, the chain store cobblers won't. To them anything above 4" requires additional machinery that they are not equipped with. Remember that they are only trained how to do things with these machines and nothing by hand, but it is stupid that you can't get shoes repaired in a shoe repair shop. They should cater for all styles.

  6. If you're feet and ankles are not used to ballet boots then don't force them by staying in the boots too long. Ankle length and above will help keep your ankles in the en-pointe position where as the ballet courts won't. I own the latter and as a consequence don't suffer from the problem. I fall asleep and my ankles are still free to move. As for your ankles going straight, you don't have to have done any ballet to find that your ankles go straight. You will just find that you have a fair degree of flexibility. This doesn't always follow with the rest of your joints and muscles, which is why in your case you have no problem with your right, but your left won't go straight. Don't panic! Take it slowly! A little pain is alright as your feet adjust, but too much is going to cripple you. Ballets are fun boots to own, but don't kill yourself. PS. I sometimes fall asleep in my ballets, but the wife soon lets me know after the heel stabs your leg. :smile:

  7. they would equate more to 7" heels. I've seen the style before, but never thought much of them. I can see that they would be more stable, due to heel and the fact that the toes are not being stood on, so I don't think they would qualify as ballets.

  8. since I don't own any 5" heels, I can't say I've tried, but I can run in my 4" heels with very little problem. I have worn 5" heels, but in the confines of the owner's house :smile: Eventually, I will have a pair of 5" and a pair of 6", maybe a pair of 7", but don't hold me to it :smile: I am slowly managing to get my feet and legs accustomed to the ballets. It will take a while, but the cramps associated are subsiding :wink:

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