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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Nikk, I know what it's like to be a cyclist in an RTA, but, unlike you, I had the car smack me from behind. Back wheel looked like Pacman and my ankle was smashed, but not broken! Still very painful. I couldn't walk for 2 weeks! Hope your injuries are not too severe and I wish you a speedy recovery. You'll be back on your heels in no time! The bike may take a little longer! Anyway, Topic! Drivers who don't look where they're going!

  2. Azraelle : the rotating symbol is indeed the icon for the Klingon Empire. "Qapla'" is used as a parting remark, but it's true meaning is "Success", again a Klingon word, but as Shockqueen has said it can also mean Good Luck or Best Wishes. Broadly it just wishes you success in anything you are doing :smile: BTW this is my 700th post, no new picture,no advancement in heel height, but significant nonetheless :grin:

  3. when you sleep, your heart beats at it's normal relaxed rate, usually about 60 bpm. There's not much difference in your blood pressure between awake and asleep unless you do a stressful job. Your body does tend to broaden out a little while you're sleeping and thereby puts pressure in different places, your feet being one of them. Not much of a difference but enough to be noticeable after a while.

  4. with the way the world is going, we may just be able to do that :smile: for the topic; I am an aetheist by choice. I was baptized C of E (protestant to those who don't know what C of E is), but soon found that the bible, or any other religious book, doesn't have the answers you require. There are no answers to poverty, drought, starvation and all the other ills of this world, so how can a god, who everyone claims is all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful deity capable of creation, allow these things to happen. Answer? There is no answer! Since it cannot be proven that these deities exist or have ever existed, I will stick to me belief of the world is in trouble and only the people on it can help solve the problems. The answers are within you all, not in some book that has been translated,re-translated, passages lost due to the powers that be not liking a section and the meaning altered upon yet another translation. We all have the powers of good and evil, but it's up to each person to work out which is which and God isn't going to help.

  5. it would appear that Susan has been on the receiving end of some 'real' abuse from someone who saw heels as a type of weapon against her. This is most likely the reason for her disdain for men who wear heels. I can respect that she will not change her mind on this point, but, Susan, can you please try and find the commonality to the discussions rather than as a platform for the anti-heelwearing men stance you have chosen. I know how a beaten woman thinks as my wife had been hospitalised on many occasions for the same reasons and I still want the guys head on a pole, but I shall save that for myself and not spread it all over the forum. As you said, if you were to read your posts in the 'little woman, soft tone' then it would have a different meaning, but even I don't use common everyday language to write my posts. In this way I can avoid misinterpretation and the consequential misunderstandings that would, no doubt, follow. I'm not going to turn this into a bashing of everyone, but if we redirect our attentions to the topic then we can all enjoy our shared interest which is that of high heels, whether worn by women, men or little green space aliens. Let's all talk about heels in their many manifestations and not the minority social outcasts that would harm others through this interest.

  6. normal what is normal? who defines 'normal'? normal is effectively what nearly everybody does, so in one sense, what we see as weird in one country could quite well be normal in another. so how can there be a normal that applies? answer : there can't be anything normal

  7. Xaphod, best to give Firefox the wool and he can pass it to Jackie when we see each other. I won't be attending the Cambridge run :smile: Calv has decided that he's getting the train to Cambridge so he can enjoy a few beers (don't blame him). Have fun! And don't forget we want pics !! :smile:

  8. Terayon, as clever as you claim to be, you can't differentiate between petrol and diesel. I'm not letting you fill a car's petrol tank. Plus, how can you confuse a linear measurement with a volume, millimetres and millilitres are totally different! I think you need to go back to school.

  9. the reason that this topic has turned slightly is due to the fact that some people are looking for acceptance for wearing skirts just as most of us are striving for the same with high heel wearing. Both of us are niches, but to try and condemn skirt wearers is basically showing the same type of comtempt that we are trying to dispel as heel wearers recieving similar treatment from others. We all have different tastes and things that appeal to us. Don't have a go at someone who wants to be different, for the reality is, you are having a go at yourself for the same reasons. If you have something negative to say, then fine, but at the same time, at least have something complimentary to say, even if it's to say that you admire them for having the guts to do it. Judging people by your own standards is the worst type of hypocracy there is. I hate to be the one that does the 'jumping on from a great height', but if you don't abide by someone's wishes or way of life then what hope have we as a whole? Skirt wearing is mentioned in other places on this forum and really should be moved there, but as I see it, Chris was introducing himself and is, therefore, welcome. I liked the look in the first photo, however, the second looked a little too much 'little house on the prairie' for me. Chris, don't feel offended. The look wouldn't do me justice :smile: The upshot is, to be happy with who you are whether you wear a skirt with your heels or not. What's good for one is not necessarily good for another, but each to their own. Such is the case with individuality. Chris, enjoy your visits to the forum, I hope you have much to add to our community. Don't be riled by those that are not quite as enlightened as others, I'm sure they will get there in time and realise the errors they have made.

  10. it's nice that she has accepted your heels. maybe because she has taken you for who you are and not had any misconceptions based upon your choice of footwear. women like this are hard to find, so keep hold of her. who knows? she may even wear them herself or start buying you styles that she likes :smile: glad it's worked out for you!

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