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Posts posted by Francis

  1. One step in ballets, a giant leap to stop myself from falling! I can manage to stand up in my ballets now, still can't straighten my legs, but I can stand unsupported. I may try a few steps when I can stand a bit better. How is everyone else getting on with their training?

  2. I couldn't give a flying f*** what the media have to say on fashion issues as most of the critics who write the stuff have been paid by whatever fashion house to be nice to them. Their payment canbe cash or merchandise, either way they've been bought off and as such have no rights to print anything. Normal? Huh! Who wants to be Normal? I don't !!

  3. one super power could be that she zaps ultra high heels onto the feet of her enemies stopping them from running :smile: These shoes would be irremovable except by Laurie :grin: anyone fancy getting caught in her heels? Red rotch high lace up leather 6" stiletto boots, Black PVC ultra micro skirt, Red PVC teddy with deep plunge neckline, black PVC open face hood complete with long ponytail enamating from the crown of her head and ending level with the bottom of her skirt. I like the idea, but then I'm just a perv! :grin:

  4. Well, now that Laurie has proclaimed her position as a high heel goddess, she wants to know how we would like to view her as a super-hero! So be creative. We want details on outfit design, super powers, etc. Anything you can think of. If you have a picture in mind then post it (smutty types will be destroyed by Laurie's directed energy weapons):-)

  5. now that I'm the owner of a small car again, it made me think back to when I owned a Skoda and all the jokes associated with them, so here goes! What's a Skoda full of groceries called? A Lada. How do you double the value of a Skoda? Fill it with petrol. How do you increase it's value further? Replace the petrol cap. What do you call a Skoda on top of a hill? A miracle. Why do Skoda's have heated rear windows? To keep your hands warm when pushing. What do you call a convertible Skoda? A skip. What do you call a convertible Skoda with twin exhausts? A wheelbarrow. What's the difference between a Skoda and a tampon? You get a free tow rope with a tampon.

  6. I wouldn't say that 7" on a long time basis is impossible, more like impractical. You can wear any height with training. Example; 2 years I couldn't stand in 5" never mind walk in them, now I can without any detriment. All you need is a little time and patience and the rewards will come. Build up slowly and you'll do well, rush it and you'll hurt yourself and I don't wish to see anyone do that. My feet are slowly adjusting to wearing higher heels (more than 5") and will eventually stretch the tendons and muscles to make them flexible enough to cope with extreme heels like ballets. My arches are also flexing further so I may be able to stand up straight in my ballets some day soon (3 months more like). In the meantime I simply stretch them a little everyday to their limits and not beyond. Doing it this way you'll gradually increase your range and flexibility. It all takes time. If it didn't there'd be no fun! :smile:

  7. I still get the odd comments and mickey takes, a few wolf whistles from the girls and the occasional idiot, but generally no problems. Most people couldn't give a monkey's what you have on your feet, but some do get intrigued or outraged by a difference to their perceived 'norm', but that's their problem. Wear your heels with pride and sod anyone that doesn't agree!

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