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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Linsey, we'll have you leading the ballet heel relay race :smile: Unfortunately, too much is happening in my ife at the moment for me to devote any time to my ballets :-( Two deaths, 1 on either side of the family has curtailed it. Lack of money, new car needed (old one rotting) and trying to sort the house out are sucking up far too much time and effort :grin: But I shall soon be back in the fold again :grin: and I shall post a few more pics.

  2. Welcome Charles, glad to see you that you enjoy what you have found in our home from home. as Jeff suggests, try posting them here on the forum or alternatively, email someone who can host the stories for you and place a link into the forum on your behalf. Many of us here are capable :smile: and I'm sure will be more than willing to help.

  3. A good place to start would be to go for your favourite style and then try other styles that you think would suit you. There are no hard and set rules about which types of shoes are best for certain people, although I would suggest that the larger person refrain from stilettos. Not from an aestehtics point of view, but from a practical one. Stilettos are more likely to break with a lot of weight bearing on them. At the end of the day, it's whatever you think you'll look good in and be comfortable in. Good luck in determining your style and if you can't then it just means more shoes to buy :smile: but let us know what your purchases and experiences are, if only to help others in the same position as you.

  4. you're making better progress than me I'm still teetering with bent legs :grin: I could do a similar thing with my training as my hallway is about the same length from stairs to front door (let's hope no-one knocks on while I'm down that end although the door may add some support :smile:) I'm going to be renovating my ballets soon and adding the straps that were there orginally, that will help them stay on my feet :grin:

  5. The SMG pic would have brilliant if it was real. Her head has been added as you can see the additions where her hair crosses over the outfit. Is it me or does hair really go transparent when overlaying sexy outfits :grin: Lucy Liu pics are brilliant. Now there's a woman who can jump around in high heels. Super Laurie beware or learn some tips before crimefighting in your stilettos :smile:

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