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Posts posted by Francis

  1. What about the poor saps here in the UK that had to learn latin in order to better understand english. Now there's a tough language!! I had to learn some cantonese whilst living in Hong Kong. At least learning how to barter with the locals is a skill in itself. Most chinese don't bother to learn english as they reckon not to go anywhere. I'm attempting to learn Klingon, just for fun :smile: But I agree with Yamyam, that the standard of english used in common language and in mail has deteriorated in recent years, mainly due to english people getting lazier or complacent. "Why should I learn another language? They can all learn english" is a common reply when posing the question to most.

  2. the most common one being sent around at the moment is the KLEEZ-H. I get this sent to me about 3 times a week, which is rather annoying that someone out there has nothing to do with their time and computer than to waste others time with a virus.

    Most antivirus programs will detect, but not all will clean the infection. Simplest way to deal with it in the first place is not open the attachment, whether you know the person or not. If it doesn't come as a picture format file, then delete it. Certainly, no-one from this forum will send you a program or other executable file.

    If in doubt, chuck it out!

  3. Normal wear is anything between 3" and 4.5" daily (true lift). Although platforms give you a higher heel, it doesn't really count as the height of the platform cancels out the real effect. I eventually will be able to wear anything up to 9" (yes, I'm still practicing wearing my ballets :smile:), but I can walk in 5.5" for a while before my feet start to tell me off :grin:

  4. well, as I have already said "I'm there, dudes", I'm there ! Brum is a straight run from me along the A14 and onto the M6! Sorted! :smile: If anyone wants to come along, but can only make it as far as Kettering or a point along the way (Rugby, Coventry) then I have a car that comfortably seats 4 (with a covered back for any kinky stuff you might want to hide until we get there, or back!) :grin: Shout me on 07884135072 and we'll sort it !

  5. Proof of the pudding is in the eating ! How often have we heard the same thing? Society still has a set of values that, rightly or wrongly, are used everyday without thought. How many women are told they shouldn't wear trousers because they are men's? How many men are told they shouldn't wear skirts because they are for women? Does it really matter any more? Different societies have different rules and breaking those rules usually results in social stigma from the conformists. In the defence of men, heels were originally made for men, then adopted by women. The fact that most men chose to abandon their heel wearing does not nstantly mean that it's then a women only activity. I proved a little point today. I was out on a carboot looking at a pair of knee high boots and I asked if they were a small or large 7, to which the seller said "try them on" and that was before she saw what I was already wearing! The gender roles in todays society have gone, however, the ideas haven't. Most subscribe to this while a growing number are ditching the 'Victorian' idealology and becoming more 'Cosmopolitan', where anything is allowed within the realms of decency. I know of a few people down my street who wouldn't care if I walk down the road wearing a pair of shorts and thigh high boots. They may question my choice, but wouldn't care! The problem is that men in heels still has a way to go before the barriers in people's minds have gone and until that day we shall always be viewed as abnormal or eccentric. In one sense, good! I hate to think I was normal in the way the rest of the 'sheep' are!

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