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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Well I have copies of Linux but never used them. Have played with QNX rtos, but didn't get far with it. My computer stock has dwindled now down to the one main machine (duron 750) and a machine that I'm giving away to the railway club (486 dx2-66) and the only machine I'll ever keep (only cos you can't upgrade it) the Apple 2e. The Apple Mac (suck machine) went and was traded for a lovely mountain bike with dual suspension :smile: and the wife's AMD K6-2 366 went in favour of a car :grin: So now back to one computer for the work and the old apple for retro gaming :grin:

  2. well that's my notice served in two days, for wearing 4" heels! :smile: actually, my landlady moans when I'm not wearing my heels. She keeps asking me if I'm feeling ill or something when she catches me in my bovver boots, but you can't work on the railway wearing heels! ps. that's a preserved railway :grin: getting driving lessons soon :grin:

  3. Terayon, Stellah was asking you to list them types to your preference, not have a go because you don't like the choices Stellah has written. So, instead of attacking before you've read the post properly, how about reading it and then adding your list. Participate, not denegrate! ---- In my own list I would add another category and that's for just wearing, but not walking (some people do have this interest, especially those who can't walk in heels :smile:) List 1. 1. boots 2. pumps/courts 3. sandals 4. platforms 5. slingbacks 6. ballets 7. mules 8. wedges 9. no heels (yuck!) List 2. 1. block 2. blade 3. stiletto 4. column 5. no heels (double yuck!) :grin: Just for wearing and not walking 1. ballets 2. pumps/courts 3. boots and the rest per list 1 :grin:

  4. Nothing wrong with girls on bikes, Laurie! Ask the wife! She loves powerful motorbikes, whilst I hate motorbikes (reason will not be discussed, needless to say it hurt) Just because something is predominantly male or female, does not mean that it's taboo for the other side to want to do it as well. After all, we're breaking one of them already. Men in heels! :smile: So girls on bikes is OK. Why shouldn't it be? When you do achieve your goal, you can grace us with a picture of you and your Silver Dream Machine :grin:

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