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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Since there has been talk of railways and anoraks, I thought I best open a thread here to continue mulling over our copies of Locoshed and wondering what's in our sandwiches before the next train arrives. Last weekend was fairly interesting here in Kettering as we has light engine workings from EWS 66's, 37's and 60's. Also the Balffour Beattie class 121 survey railcar came haring through, lights blazing. The highlight of the day was Deltic D9000 running through at high speed. She rounded the southern curve and opened her regulator to clear the clag before accelerating throught the station in full song. I've never seen Jackie so interested in a diesel before. Now she is breaking with her tradition of steam only, she wants a model of that Deltic !! She saw a 4MT tank over a year ago, she got the model. She the Ducchess last December, she's got the model and now the Deltic. I don't get it, she's never seen an A1X Terrier, but she's got 6 models of them ! Anyway back to the real thing, I shall be out gricing on platform 9 before meeting the crew at New Street and I'll ensure that my cameras batteries are fully charged :smile: If anyone spots anything of interest, tell us. We like to know stock movements :grin:

  2. I think it's time I reveived this subject since a couple of us are heading back towards talk of railways. As per last year, I shall at Corby Railway Exhibition on Oct 12th and 13th running the clubs large OO layout. Seaton measures 36ft by 7ft, so I have plenty of excuses for running my 16 Buxton Lime JGA's (all 12ft of them) :grin: A few new additons have been made to the stock list. A blue class 24 and a Virgin Pendolino (now awaiting extra coaches) for myself and a Ducchess and a Terrier A1X for Jackie. She loves her Terriers (she has 6 of them now and one more on hold) :grin: Jackie has started scratchbuilding, at which she's not brilliant, but learning well. I have continued work on scratchbuilding Seaton's station building and Rushden station builiding, plus I have to make a start on my own for Eckerslike. Too many buildings to make :grin: I should learn to NOT volunteer my skills :smile: Eckerslike performed well at it's first showing despite being incomplete. Received many compliments on innovative ideas and on quality of running. Maybe when I've done more work to it, I should get some request to attend shows. They don't want it at the Corby exhibition because it showed up the club's big layout, Seaton. It's not my fault that the operators couldn't get it right :grin: I had to leave my layout running by itself for half the day while I sorted the problems on Seaton. People pulling wires, leaving stock that transmits electricity over isolated sections and badly running stock all being culprits. That's why we are having running sessions to determine what is going to be running on the exhibition dates. Then after the exhibition, Seaton is going to be left in the trailer so we can start new projects in the clubroom. And about time too! Well enough yap from me otherwise I'll end up writing a whole book on the subject. Not a good idea! If anyone wants more details on the exhibition, like where and how do I get there, just shout!

  3. Hi Spiky Heel, welcome! The first steps out and about are very daunting and it's best to choose a style that suits you and that you feel comfortable with. Many others have been where you are now, but with advice and a little coaxing they have slowly managed to build up the confidence to carry it off. you fail to mention where in UK you are, you may be closer to some of the board members than you think. In which case, the nearest would no doubt be delighted to assist you. Alternatively, meet up with some of us in Birmingham on Oct 20th. Take in the sights, sounds and beer :-)

  4. I worry about you francis, you seem to know more about things that go bang than me, and i'm in HM Forces :smile:

    Don't worry, Bob! My so-called father was Royal Navy on submarines. He had a double job, POMA (Ships Doctor) and Nuclear Physicist (looking after reactor). So it's no surprise that books on things that cause nasty side-effects and stuff that goes bang would fall into my lap.

    My favourite was something on the lines of "Ionising Radiaction and it's Effects on Human DNA".

    Mutation is not an option with this stuff !!

  5. Wow! I thought most men would have been happy with just two balls between their legs :grin: obviously I was mistaken !! I know that it's original purpose was to allow the penis to be strapped back between the legs allowing a flat front in whatever trousers were worn, such was the fashion of the time, but I would never have anything like that myself. I like my tackle the way it is :smile:

  6. weird taste in music, weird taste in footwear, who cares I'm weird, which means I'm different from the rest of the mindless sheep! Hurray! I'm an INDIVIDUAL capable of my own thought and choice! :grin: but on topic, I complimented a woman on her footwear today and was rewarded with a smile and her phone number :grin: don't tell the wife :smile: The lady in question was wearing 5.5" stiletto courts with a knee length black leather skirt and almost see through top. For all you people thinking "Oh yeah, he just let something else think for him!", the answer is no. I was admiring her shoes! Ok, so I did need a bucket of iced water after, but that's beside the point :grin: but I think the phone number will be hidden away, at least until I've met this woman again by chance and not arrangement! I wish I'd had my camera with me as there were some nice displays on the way home as well :grin:

  7. with respect to driving with heels ands the damage caused to them, I find that changing form the standard rubber ribbed mat that is under the pedals should be changed for something softer and less irregular. Wearing my 3" boots, I experience no real difference but higher heels would suffer. Unfortunately, unlike a desk, you can't put your feet out to the side when driving a car !! but we're drifting off topic again :smile:

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