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Posts posted by Francis

  1. now this will be one to make you wonder :grin:

    1. earliest band/song? hmm! Bright Eyes by Art & Simon Garfunkel, song from Watership Down. Used to sing that a lot and for a lot of people :grin: Watership Down soundtrack was the first rcord I bought as well. C'mon, I was only 7 when I did that :o

    For band it would easily have to be Queen :grin:

    2. listen to these days? most things, but still prefer listening to Status Quo. They just released a new album so I'm off to get that :grin: I also like stuff by Offspring, Kiss, Limp Bizkit and many others, so I have a diverse taste but mainly for rock. I have a tendency for blues now and then :-) Anything by The Blues Brothers, especially soundtrack.

    3. Status Quo and Queen. If you haven't been infected by their tunes and lyrics, then you're past saving. A lot of their songs are about life and their experiences and that's easy to understand. So I hear some of you muttering about how every Quo song sounds the same. Only in the same way as every thrash metal or grunge band sounds to me, monotous noise!

    4. Stones or Beatles? very tough considering I think both are great, but I would tend to lean towards The Beatles.

    But while the Rolling Stones have been mentioned, did you know that they were the first band to use a proper 'music video' ? Aha! You thought it was Queen with Bohemian Rhapsody! Well now you know, and it was filmed by Peter Whitehead, whose website I do :grin: Don't worry, my head isn't going to swell, it's not that much of an honour :smile:

  2. Well, I've done it now! Cast my vote and owning up! Yes, I'm broken hearted! Following up in Laurie's shadow for quite a while in my 3rd place, I thought we had something special! *sniff* But I see I was wrong! *whaaaah* *boo-hoo-hoo-hooooo* *goes bonkers and howls at not-so-full moon* But, on a more serious note! Well done! We all knew you could find someone to love you for the high heel goddess you are! Now, don't forget that he must be obedient and lick those boots clean daily :smile: You doting fan club would expect no less :grin:

  3. I believe the amount of weird people could have been attributed to the full moon! :grin: Why is it that only the weird people get interviewed for these things? or is it over-dramatise it? Oh no, national outcry! Earthquake in Britain! The world is coming to an end! The aliens have arrived! Save yourselves! Hurry up pub, open the doors! okay, so the last one I made up, buif the world was coming to an end, that's where I'd be! Getting inebriated! Plenty of liquid tranquilisers for me :grin: But it didn't! Huh! People! One little shake and they running! :grin: Having been closer to the last one, which was stronger, I wasn't too fussed about it. Worried during the quake, wondering if it was likely to be a big one, but no! Just a little one! Significant for this country, but still just a little one! Had I been asleep, I would have slept through it! Like Calv, once asleep, a nuclear bomb going off down our earholes wouldn't wake us! :smile:

  4. you're right Postcode! Earthquakes are very rare in Britain! Wellm when I say rare I'm mean earthquakes of any great magnitude. This quake hit us just before 1am. The wife and I were playing on the playstation (crash team racing) when I felt a rumbling, I paused the game and the rumbling increased and the house shook, the bed rattled, the wife screamed "I don't like this! What is it?". I first thought that a wagon was going past either in front of my house or on the back street and ruled that out. Next I thought my central heating system was about to blow up, but it was switched off. Then I remembered the feeling was the same as the last large quake we had in 1991. The pattern fit. So I was telling people who emerged onto the street or were hanging from their windows crapping themselves that it was a quake. Most didn't believe me. "We don't get earthquakes in Britain", they cry. "oh, yes we do! There are fault lines all over the country!". "How far away was it?", was the next question. "about 50 to 70 miles I reckon". From here in Kettering to Dudley (the epicentre) it's 57 miles as the crow flies. The quake measured 4.8 on the Richter scale according the intial reports. Needless to say, the atmosphere around town today was on the weird side as it was obvious that lots of people were freaked out by it all. Never mind, at least those people who were enjoying an intimate moment can claim that the earth did move for them :rofl:

  5. I'm a right hander, but I can use my left for a lot of things except for writing, but using a mouse I have to think and remember that the mouse buttons are reversed as well :smile: apart from that, no problems.

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