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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. 1 hour ago, BFGheels said:

    I was sitting in the car semi freaking out

    The hardest step to take in heels is getting out of the car.  I still remember the first time I got out in thigh boots.

    1 hour ago, BFGheels said:

    I am tall so the heel added to it and I stuck out like a giraffe.

    I suspect this was more a product of your imagination that based in fact especially with only a 3" heel.

    1 hour ago, BFGheels said:

    was kinda hoping for someone to come and either talk to me about them or complement me

    Then you should have worn them over your jeans.


    All in all it sounds like you had an exhilarating first outing and congratulation for taking the step.  Each step does get easier and more fun as your anxiety is reduced.  Keep pushing your boundaries, but be sure you do it with confidence.  I can't emphasize how important it is for you to like the image you are presenting.  If you think you look good, go out and show the world that "This is the look I like".  If you don't like the look, don't go out.  Presenting yourself with confidence is the key.

    By the way boots over jeans is a classic look.

    Give your Sis a big thank you and what did she think of your outing?


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  2. @jeremy1986 and @Jkrenzer -  Thanks for the comments, they are really appreciated.  My only comment is that I find wig shopping as much fun as shoe shopping, and not all my boot purchases are as successful as others. :penitent:


    I went to a weekly jam at a restaurant tonight where the owner has always comment (positively) in my boots.  I figured that tonight I'd really give him something different.  I wore a gray long turtleneck, black leggings, and red faux suede OTK boots with 4" block heels.


    We played for several hours and the other folks in the jam noticed my boots (they aren't blind) but just figured it was something I'd do.  As I left and was putting my stuff into my car, one of the patrons in the restaurant called out across the parking lot, "Hey, I like your killer boots".  I called back a thanks and headed home.  I think this was the first public outing for these boots in a music setting (which I treat more conservatively than just being out and about).

    I had fun.


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  3. 5 minutes ago, Jkrenzer said:

    Like the outfit and boots, but honestly the wigs look out of place. You present so much better in your heels when you don't go with the wigs. They simply look as if you're trying to hide your age.

    I've changed the picture since your post, but I suspect your comment will be the same.  I'm not sure I'm trying to hide my age, rather I'm having fun having hair.


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  4. I went to a gig this morning wearing a black top, white denim pants and black faux suede OTK boots with 4" block heels. 


    This is the monthly pancake breakfast and it is the last one of the season.  I've been playing at these breakfasts for several years and I always wear boots so they are quite used to seeing me wearing them.  I played for a couple of hours and as I was packing up an middle aged black lady came in and said, "Oh I love those boots".  I didn't recognize her as having been there before. After she said that, two if the ladies running the breakfast (white, 70s) spoke up and said, "I do too".  This was the first time any of the they had said anything.  I think they have just been polite and not knowing if their comments would be welcomed.  I made a todo of thanking everyone.


    Anyway, I had a fun morning, and the pancakes were excellent.



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  5. First WELCOME to the site.  There are folks here with many different interest in heels.  Some of us like to wear them, some not so much.  We always enjoy hearing a different point of view.  Italy does have a reputation for nice heels, and the shape of the country reminds me of a great thigh boot.

    ITALY.JPG.a18121b77f90f0a17eb79c596225dfe0.JPG Old Photoshoped image

    2 hours ago, Dzaancic said:

    Really i don t like to wear heels.

    Have you ever tried?  It really is a lot of fun.


  6. 1 hour ago, mlroseplant said:

    Something is not quite right, and I hope that the something is not that I'm a guy. 

    Well that has a little to do with it.  Somehow the proportions are wrong.  My first impression was that someone stretched your neck with Photoshop (the least painful way to do it).  My second impression was that your waist is in the wrong place (too low).  Looking back at your April pictures, the waist looks fine, the difference is you left your shirt out in the April pictures and that hides the waist.  Because it is hidden, my eye places it higher.  Also In April you were wearing short sleeves and that also raises the impression of where the waist is located.

    I love short shorts (although I wear my with tall boots) and yours look great with your heels but try the shorts with a different top.

    If the picture you posted in May is your friend, she appears to be a little shorter than you and she is wearing shorts with her blouse hem covering the waist.


  7. 5 hours ago, BFGheels said:

    She is like a sister so she is keen to get onboard with me and help me. Although I think she hopes to get some shoes out of me haha :) 

    That would be a worthwhile investment.  After ll who, posting on this board, doesn't have more shoes than they can wear? :penitent:


    1 hour ago, hhboots said:

    Always, ALWAYS, put her first, and do not take advantage of her new acceptance to suddenly make you think you should now open the flood gates.

    Excellent advice!  Always listen louder then you talk, and more often too.


    • Like 1
  8. Nothing like jumping in with both feet (heels and all).  I'm really glad she liked your taste in shoes.

    3 hours ago, BFGheels said:

    After a few days of going why did I tell her, I feel quite glad I told her and now I'm looking forward to what's to come...

    Remember she has had a few days to think about it too.  Without the alcohol, make sure she is still comfortable with you in heels.


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  9. I had some running around to do this morning and the temperature was 80F (27C) so I went out wearing a green short sleeved top, a blue scarf, a short denim skirt, hose, ans OTK faux suede boots with 4" block heels.  It was thinking about raining but I long ago discovered that I wasn't going to melt so I didn't take any rain gear.


    The first stop was the County Clerks office to pay vehicle taxes.  I stood in line for a while and finally got to a clerk.  The transaction only took two minutes and when we were done she called me by my first name (male name) and said, "Is that you?"

    I took the question as a complement and said, "Yep, that me".  I got a big smile and was wished a very good day.

    The next stop was to pay my water bill.  Before you ask, I could do all this stuff on line or by mail... but whats the fun of that.  I see this as a good excuse to get dressed and go out.  Anyway, The bill paying was uneventful except that I got called, "Hon".  That seems to be the universal salutation for a guy in a skirt.

    I stopped at my favorite thrift store and none of the clerks that knew me were on duty.  The gal that was on duty just took me in stride.

    The last stop was Sams.  This was also uneventful.  I did get my favorite register clerk and mentioned that I had to remember not to sit down in a skirt this short.

    She replied, "Or bend over."  We had a good laugh and I headed out to my car and loaded my stuff into the trunk, without bending over. :penitent:


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  10. 23 minutes ago, mlroseplant said:

    Although your "solution" to the problem is quite humorous, I actually like that sound. In fact, to me, the flap/click, flap/click, flap/click sound that shoes like this produce when walking on a hard surface is one of the happiest sounds on earth! 

    And thank you for the compliment!

    When I was growing up (and there is a lot of argument about whether I ever managed to do that), I was wont to do stuff that was a little differently, ex. I bought a tape recorder rather than getting my drivers license.  After hearing my parents voice their frustration, my aunt offered the advice, "If it makes him happy".

    My aunt always had good advice.:cheeky:


  11. I had a pair of sandals similar to those a long time ago and the flapping drove me nuts.  I'll suggest the Red Green solution.:penitent:


    For folks unfamiliar with the Red Green TV show, he had "Handyman's Corner" segment where he would fix anything/everything(broken or not) with the "Handyman's secret weapon" - Duct Tape.

    By the way Red Green is going to be in Des Moines on Oct 15, and Dubuque on Oct 16.  Unfortunately the closest show on his tour is 4 hours away from me.

    Congratulation on 5 years of getting up in the world (heeling).  You picked the right time to do it.  The folks in Iowa were pretty tolerant to start with but over the past few years most folks have become even more tolerant.  Who knows, maybe you were part of the reason for the change.  People tend to accept what they are used to seeing.

    Those sandals do look good on you.


  12. 58 minutes ago, w6ish said:

    i haven't snapped a photo of them on my feet while i've been out as sometimes my gal pals wonder what i'm doing snapping pictures of my own feet and shoes...   that, to them, seems a bit weird.  i'll have to sneak a photo in here soon.

    Try @CAT's approach and ask them to take a picture with the comment to be sure and get your shoes. :penitent:


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  13. On 5/8/2017 at 11:03 AM, Henri1942 said:

     She worked in hosery department and was paying attention to what she was selling and never noticed the heels.  

    Ah... A specialist.  Some times people only see what they are looking for.


    I needed to run a few errands and temperature is starting to flirt with warm 86F (30C) so I thought this was as good a time as any to see how my faux suede OTK boots with 4" block heels would do.  The humidity is still in the mid 40% range so this is still a comfortable (for me) temperature.  In a day or two I am expecting the same temperature but much higher humidity and I'll have to see how they feel then.

    I went out wearing hose, boots, shorts, and a short sleeved top.


    I'm not about to try this with my leather thigh boots but these fabric boots are quite comfortable.  Admittedly, I wasn't doing a lot of activity, but so far so good.  I may go with boots and shorts if I don't feel like wearing a shirt.

    My first stop was my favorite thrift store.  I was looking around when I heard, "Wow, you look nice today." from across the store.  My favorite clerk had seen me and it was her way of saying "Hi".

    I told her, "These are the shorts you picked out."

    The next stop was Krogers (grocery) and I got a nice smile from a lady.  I took it as an approving smile.

    The last stop was my insurance agency.  The lady at the front desk and I had a nice conversation about boots.


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