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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. 19 hours ago, Heelster said:

    Well - - - - At least the Trump women wear nice heels - - - !!

    Another way of saying this is that, "The Trump women are well heeled" (in both definitions of the term).

    Melania Trump's Inaugural dress

    From the above post:  The gown was, according to a statement from her office, a “collaboration” between Mrs. Trump and the designer Hervé Pierre, a Frenchman who moved to New York in the early 1990s and eventually became creative director of Carolina Herrera, where he and Mrs. Trump met and where he worked on clothes for Laura Bush and Michelle Obama, though largely behind the scenes. He left that post last February. This is his first major dress under his own name (he does not yet have a full-fledged collection in that context). ...  her entire inaugural wardrobe — to do what her husband, standing on the steps of the Capitol building, said they would do: “follow two simple rules: Buy American and Hire American.”

    Although I'm in the "If your not terrified, you're not paying attention" camp, Melania Trump has an eye for fashion and the resources to realize her vision.  She alone will make the news worth watching.

    Just for grins, here is an image from my story "Thighboot Club - A Tall Story".

    bumper sticker.jpg

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  2. On 1/18/2017 at 0:15 PM, Thighbootguy said:

    I'll probably pair them with my new red leather short jacket.


    I've many times noted that contrast attracts attention... well red has the same effect.  :penitent:

    I've worn my black, taupe, and gray versions of these boots out and about several times and I'm absolutely comfortable with the look.  I'm still trying to get comfortable with that much red. I haven't decided where (or even if) to wear this this out and about.  



    Addendum:  I decided to go red.


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  3. 3 hours ago, KneeBooted said:

    I will need to acquire some sweaters or tops that better accent that. Truth be told though, I need to drop a few pounds, otherwise a shorter top would not only accent the top line of the skirt, it would accent my gut...

    With a waist as tight as I suspect that skirt currently is, a sweater is way too bulky to wear tucked in the waist, however top of thinner material might work.  Some skirts are worn high enough to be over the gut but wearing a skirt with a top tucked into the waist might be an incentive for loosing the gut.  Women have a higher waist line than men do and since it is a women's skirt, wear the waist a little higher than you might normally wear it and it will look good.

    Back a few years ago I had too much stress and too little time to eat and lost my gut (I don't recommend this method) and found several skirts that were too tight fit rather nicely.  Fortunately the stress went away and I started eating more regularly but didn't pay enough attention and part of the gut came back. :penitent:


  4. 1 hour ago, KneeBooted said:

    Here are some pictures...

    Looks good.

    Suggestion... let the top of the skirt define where your waist like is rather than hiding it under the top.  The wist line for a skirt can be low for a mini or higher then a male's normal waist line for a longer skirt that tapers wt the waist (as yours does).

    • Like 2
  5. Many young Japanese men have a body and face shape that makes a feminine look easier to mimic.  Although the style is labeled "genderless" it seems to emphasize using several typically female styling features: makeup, nails, heels, skirts that many term cross dressing.  Regardless of the label, I applaud the style even though for most of us, not starting from the young Japanese body and face shape, it is difficult to accomplish.


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  6. I met my postman at his truck and he gave me a big box that contained two pair of boots!  Both pair were from shoeshow.com and were shipped for free.  They are both Chelsea Moreland "Gorgeous" OTK boots size 12 with a 4" block heel for about $30, one pair in gray and the other in red.  I'm going to have to really give some thought into how to wear the red pair as they are "attention getters".  I'll probably pair them with my new red leather short jacket.

    GEDC1351.jpg  GEDC1354.jpg



    The go with the taupe pair I purchased a few weeks ago.



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  7. This morning I had to go to my bank and see the manager and complete a transaction.  I wore my new OTK taupe boots with 4" block heel over jeans.

    GEDC1349.jpg To quote the current Lending Tree commercial "This is what I wear when I go banking".

    The manager remembered me as the last time I was there I wore a skirt and boots.:penitent:  Anyway, after the bank I went to the post office and then my favorite thrift store.  When I walked in one of the ladies called out, "Oh, I like your boots!"  I called back a thank you.  While I was there I spotted a long suede skirt in a size 10 for $3.  My first thought was I don't need another leather skirt.  My second thought was I can't wear a 10, but for $3 I tried it on and to my surprise it fit.

    GEDC1350.jpg  The color works with these boots, but I think my black pair will be better.

    Planning what to wear with global warming is a challenge.  Yesterday was in the 30's F and boots over jeans was really comfortable. Today it's in the mid 60 F and boots and jeans are noticeably warm.  The temperature is expected to vary this much, almost daily, over the next week.  I'm still looking for the cooler weather as I ordered two more pair of these boots in red and gray and I'm expecting delivery today.


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  8. Last night I broke with a tradition I have of not mixing heels and my musical friends.  Most of the time when I'm performing solo I often wear tall boots with 4-5" heels but when I'm in a jam session I wear boots but with flat to 2" heels. 

    Pancake-Breakfast.jpg (These are almost flat heels but typical of what I wear when performing.)


    A friend described most of the folks at the jam sessions as "Old guys with flannel shirts and pony tails", which is close to correct.  I play well enough to command the respect of most in the jam sessions as a musician and I kind of counted on that to have this group accept my freestyling.  Anyway, I was wearing my black faux suede OTK boots with 4" block heels all day and when it came time to head out for the jam I grabbed my hat and guitar and thought "why not".  I did wear them as knee high rather than OTK height but I went to the jam in 4" heels.


    For the first two hours there was a large group and I played standing up.  After that we split up and I played for another hour sitting.  The only comment was when one friend asked me (when no one else was around) how tall I was with those shoes.  I had to stop and think to remember how high a heel I had on. :penitent:

    As far as I could tell, most noticed my boots and just figured, without surprise, "that's him, he does that" and went on enjoying the jam.

    I probably won't make wearing heels to a jam an all the time thing simply because I have a lot of boots with lower heels that I like to wear.  But, I've broken the mold so I'm sure I will wear heel at a jam again.  Before anyone asks, skirts are too much of a fashion stretch for this group and consider the difficulty of sitting with a guitar and remaining decent while wearing a short skirt. :shocked:

    To my eye heels in the 4" range are more "dressy" then my low heels boots so I'll have to improve in the "flannel shirt and pony tail" image when I wear heels.  But then I don't want to be too far out for these casual jams.

    Like I said, I broke the mold and had a great time.

    • Like 3
  9. 49 minutes ago, mlroseplant said:

    Just so I'm clear as to what you're talking about, are you referring to the fact that the hip-to-waist size ratio may be way off for the typical male figure?

    That is it exactly.  Some skirts are cut more straight lined from the waist to the hip and these tend to fit a male nicely.  KneeBooted's skirt seems to have a noticeably smaller waist that I hope matches his proportions.  However, the skirt was sized as S, M L, XL,... rather than an exact size so it may be cut for a more universal fit.

  10. 13 hours ago, KneeBooted said:

    Ordered my first skirt today! I saw a friend wearing it and she pulled it off so well that I had to ask her where she had gotten it from!

    I ordered a Bar III faux leather pencil skirt in black from Macy's.

    Will definitely post pictures when it arrives!

    That skirt looks great but it does taper a lot at the waist so I hope it fits.


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  11. I don't know how I missed this thread.

    I always show off my boots when I wear them with jeans (or leggings, or a skirt, ...:penitent:).  I just came back fro Sam's and the bank wearing my blue OTK faux suede boots.


    These really are a little short for OTK length, but they looked good on the Chinese model when I ordered them.

    Yesterday the temperatures were in the low 30's F and today it is almost 70 F.  Not only do we have to deal with coordinating the colors of an outfit and making sure our heels look good, but now we we have to contend with global warming.  I'm expecting snow by tomorrow. :penitent:


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  12. I stopped by my favorite thrift store with no intention of buying anything and walked out with a pair of black knee high boots in a size 11 with a 3" stiletto heel and a black knit dress.

    GEDC1339.jpg  GEDC1340.jpg

    The ladies at the counter, who know me very well, still remarked that they didn't see how I could walk on those heels, and I insisted that these weren't really serious heels.

    If you haven't guessed, I really like my new hat.


    I was out and about earlier today with a trip to my chiropractor (just a tune up) and several trips to the court house.


    I stopped in a local park for a picture.




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  13. On 1/10/2017 at 6:20 PM, aristoc said:

    Hey that's great to hear, life's too short. 
    I also wore a pair of stiletto boots to work today. However I had the luxury of having my site boots to hand if the need arose. A foot in both camps so to speak. :fine:

    Good heavens what an interesting image.  Try blocking out one of the boots with your hand and asking yourself to describe the wearer, then block out the other one and ask the same question.  The combination describes a very interesting/diverse person.  Typically when I think about contrast in an image I'm thinking photographically of the range between light and dark.  This image got me thinking about contrast in a whole different way.

    I am avoiding my suggestion to wear boots over the pants leg.  There is already enough contrast in that image.:penitent:

    Thanks for sharing.

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