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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. I did change the 5" stilettos for 4" stilettos and headed out to two thrift stores, Sam's Club, Kroger super store (grocery) and Walmart.  I starteded out wearing the black long coat pictures, above but in the first thrift store I found a short red leather jacket and decided to wear it instead.  (I keep telling @JeffB there are short coats out there.)


    This is a picture in Walmart's parking lot.  The knit dress is sleeveless so I added a pair of long gloves (actually shoulder length) that made trying on a different coat in the store an "interesting show".  (Shoulder length opera gloves is just a little over dressed for a thrift store.:penitent: )  This outing turned into over two hours of walking, as I took my time in all the stores I visited, and I found out I could still move quickly in 4" heels when a gust of wind made hat chasing a running event.   I think I can safely say I can spend the whole day in 4" heels, so at age 70, if all I have to give up is 1" of stiletto heel height I think I'm doing Ok.  Maybe a better way of stating it is I'm lucky that is the only concession I have to make.  Getting old is not not the faint of heart, but it isn't too bad when you can do it in heels.

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  2. It's been a while since I posted an update.  My left ankle is much improved but still not back to it original condition.  It may never get there so to compensate I have bought several pair of OTH boots with 4" block heels and I find I can wear them with no ankle problems at all.  Just to see how well thing were doing, I went out this morning wearing my thigh boots with 5" stilettos with my ankle brace and things went well.  My short outing was to the post office and required about a half a block of walking to and from my car.  Toward the end of the outing my left ankle was feeling Ok but was saying, "I thought I told you not to do this".  I'll keep working on strengthening the ankle but my 5" stilettos may be relegated to special occasions (which will be one of the disappointments of getting old :penitent:). 


    I have to go to Sam's Club in a little while but I think I'll change to boots with a 4" stiletto for that extended walking exercise.


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  3. 2 hours ago, Jkrenzer said:

    Next time, wear your boots or ankle straps with confidence, otherwise you already lost.

    I am still careful about where I go wearing heels.  There are still some places I won't go, but thinking about it I probably wouldn't go there even if I wasn't wearing heels.  I don't think I'll bother considering if I will be in a mass shooting when it comes to deciding what my footwear I will be.  Jkrenzer said it correctly, "wear your boots or ankle straps with confidence" and it goes without saying never go out in shoes/boots in which you can't walk.   I still remember being out wearing thigh boots with 5" stiletto heels and having a $20 bill blow out of my hand.  I surprised myself how on well I could run in those heels. :penitent:

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  4. Once more the postman cometh beating boxes of boots.  Just because I am expecting to wear this black pair a lot this winter and anticipate them getting messed up in the snow,


    I bought a second pair.   They being on sale for $23 with free shipping made the decision to get a second pair easier.

    The other new pair are also from ShoeShow.com.  These are Chelsea Moreland "Gorgeous" OTK boots in taupe size 12 with a 4" block heel for about $30.  The boots have a flashy zipper and the toe is almond shaped.  When I first put them on they the width was tight but they have relaxed a good bit with a second wearing.  The shaft on these boots is very light and just for show whereas the black boots are heavier and quite functionally warm.  The shaft, although not wide calf, is generous enough to need to be worn over jeans rather than leggings.  There is also a functional tie at the top (untied in the pictures).

    GEDC1323.jpg  GEDC1324.jpg  GEDC1326.jpg

    The more I'm wearing these boots, the more I'm liking them.  They are also available in black, red, and gray and I'm sorely tempted.:penitent:



    After wearing these new Chelsea Moreland boots for a day, I find them to be the most comfortable heel to walk in that I own.  The geometry of the shoe design is right on the mark.


    Second addendum:

    To go with a red leather jacked I just bought I've ordered a pair of these boots in red, and while they were on sale (with free shipping) I ordered a pair in gray.  

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  5. 1 hour ago, SkirtDude said:

    I'm getting concerned now... its been a week... :P 

    I'm certain that any interruption in JeffB's schedule for jaunts has been caused by the brisk weather we have started having and furthered by the fact that he has misplaced his nice warm thigh boots.  I'm sure as soon as he finds them again he will be out and about with his usual aplomb. :penitent:

  6. 2 hours ago, Sydheel said:

    Talking to the sales staff at the shops down here and winter 17 is looking good. Lots of tall boots but seemingly lots of textile and microfibres, velvet and the like as opposed to leather and suede

    Duh... I keep forgetting you chap's seasons are opposite from us northern hemisphere folks.  I also didn't realize there was a 12 month world wide season for winter boot sales.  I bought seven pair of OTK microfiber boots this fall/winter at sale prices and now I wondering why they hadn't marketed them to you southern hemisphere folks (must be the shipping cost :penitent:).   Anyway, I'm glad your knee is fairing well and remember that rugby and heels don't mix well, but it might be interesting trying. :penitent:

    Stay well in 17 and up on your heels.


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  7. Looking good with the boots and leggings.  It is a look that is easy to get used to and be comfortable with.  How did the "talk at the party" go?

    Your wife has great taste! :rocker:

  8. Life is a continuous learning experience.  We learn about ourselves and we learn about others.  I think your "liking to wear women's clothing"  is a discovery about something that is part of you, at least that is my personal experience.  Denying that the desire exists probably won't work.  The question is how do you and your wife deal with this discovery.   I suggest talking with each other but more importantly listening to each other.   Also, in dealing with your discovery and your reacting to it, use moderation in all things.

    Wishing both of you the best.


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  9. 1 hour ago, Pointer7 said:

    changed in to some heels under the desk and OMG what a rush!

    Indeed it is.  Use caution heeling at work if it is a danger to your employment.  See if you can find a pair that are not obviously high heels that you can wear on a regular basis.

    Enjoy your heels.


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  10. 6 hours ago, cgllc1860 said:

    I like women's shoes and some cloths because of how they feel on and how they look on me.


    1 hour ago, cgllc1860 said:

    i have reassured her that I would be the same guy

    Don't lie to yourself.  From her point of view you won't be he same guy.  You are attempting to let a part of yourself out that is a part of you but she may have never seen and this can rattle things to the core.  Denying that "liking to wear women's clothing" is not a part of you will generate enough internal tension that it will drive you nuts or force you to hide your activities, and the only way to relieve the internal tension, that I have found, is by wearing what I like.  Fortunately (or maybe not) I don't have to consider anyone elses feelings.  When I'm out by myself I wear whatever I want, but when I'm with a group I generally limit myself to boots.

    Seeing a therapist sounds like a good idea, much better than advice from unqualified total strangers. 


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  11. I just saw your profile.  Consider your feelings if you had just restored a 1946 Ford pickup to mint condition and you wife suggested that it would be fun/better/"she'd like it more" if it had big high monster truck wheels and tall stack exhaust so she could drive it around town. :penitent:

    It sounds like a compromise would be in order.

    Remember I said I have NO experience in this, but this is on the WEB so all the advice from total strangers has to be true. :penitent:


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  12. Speaking from no experience whatever - It seems to me that that the philosophy of "Quality works takes time" would apply.  New ideas are generally difficult to adopt. Consider the current GE commercial on "Ideas Being Scary":

    I suggest going at her speed for adopting a new idea.  It may take longer than you want but consistence and reassurance seem to be the operative words.


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  13. Hey JeffB;

    Cool outfit and I like the booties more than the riding boots (I don't believe I just said that.) 


    I played my monthly gig (wearing gray OTK boots and denim print leggings over hose) at the Free store this morning but there were very few folks stopping by.  Anyway after everyone had their pick,  I picked up a Snoma insulated vest and a brimmed hat.  I have never worn a brimmed hat in my life but I got an "I like your hat" as I wore it when leaving.  I'm interested in your (and others) opinion.


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  14. Welcome to the board!

    There are lots of folks here that heel in private but haven't stepped into the public eye as yet.  And there are lots of folks here that wish they had a wife as understanding as yours.

    As for public heeling, do it with confidence or don't do it, and I find heeling in boots is much easier than pointy tow pumps with stiletto heels.

    Again, welcome.


  15. As happens every now and again, the Thigh Boot Club had an election of officers.  Since no one remembered who the last officers were, there were no incumbents in this election.  There was some discussion as to the need for officers but the consensus was that we needed someone to take the blame.


    We didn't need a Treasurer because there is no money and no Secretary was considered because: 1) nobody wanted the job, and  2) we didn't want a written record anyway (seemed safer that way).  We considered having a President but after seeing what the States went through (and came up with) the idea was hooted down.  The only thing folks seemed interested in was Vice President, but after explaining that the Vice part wasn't associated with illegal activity they lost interest.  We also considered Grand FooPah and High Mucketymuck but finally settled on "Fearless Leader" (there are a lot of Rocky and Bullwinkle fans in TBC).

    Our nominating process was interesting .   Jerry (black boots with 4" block heels and ankle zipper, the club owner)  drew a 3 meter circle on the floor and announced that anyone wanting to run for "Fearless Leader" should put a (booted) foot in the ring.  There was not a mad rush to be first but after a minute Carol (black crotch high boots and suspected of owning whip) stepped up an put her foot into the ring and looked around, as only Carol can, to see if there were any others.  To our surprise Tim (pull on thigh boots with 4" stilettos and a cross dresser)  got up, smoothed his skirt and slowly walked up and put his foot in the ring. 

    We limited campaign speeches to two minutes.  Carol stood up and waved, and after staring each member down, she promised to get all our old members back and enlist a hundred more.  Some pointed out that some of the old members had died and they weren't coming back but Carol stuck with her promise. She also promised free drinks at each meeting.  Tim said he thought that the way things were was pretty good but he would improve on it.

    Now we had a problem.  No one expected there to be more than one candidate (most didn't even expect there would be one) so how were we going to decide?  Some suggested the highest heel, others said the tallest boots, some even suggested the best hair (the way the States did it) but we finally decided on an electoral vote. We broke into groups based on heel height and each group voted.  The 5" group getting 5 electoral votes, The 4" group getting 4 votes and the 3"group getting 3 votes.

    The 5" group:

    • ·         Carol (black crotch high boots and suspected of owning whip)
    • ·         Betty(silver boots with 5" stilettos over red leggings)
    • ·         Jill (green thigh boots with 5" stilettos)
    • ·         Jack (black lace up knee high boots with 5" block heels, professional shoe care specialist)

    without surprise, voted for Carol.

    The 4" group:

    • ·         Tim (pull on thigh boots with 4" stilettos and a cross dresser)
    • ·          Jerry (black boots with 4" block heels and ankle zipper, the club owner)
    • ·         Mary (grey suede boots with 4" heels and white leggings)
    • ·         Bill (black boots with 4" block heels)
    • ·         Sally (red thigh boots with 4" stilettos over black leggings)
    • ·         Kim(black OTK boots with 4" stilettos)

    to our surprise, voted for Tim

    The 3" group:

    • ·         Bob (black OTK boots 3" stilettos)

    thought Tim was the best choice, but voted for Carol anyway.

    So the results were in! Carol was the new "Fearless Leader" with 8 electoral votes and Tim was the runner up with 4 electoral vote.  There was some grumbling the Tim should have won since he got 6 actual votes to Carols 5 actual votes.  But rules are rules (and Carol is Carol) so as new "Fearless Leader" Carol ordered a round of drinks (but we had to pay for them ourselves) and told us (not explained to us) that she had won fair and square.  All hail the new "Fearless Leader".


    bumper sticker.jpg

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  16. 26 minutes ago, dagino said:

    Syro has new models of boots. It has anyone of you shoes from Syro?


    I was not familiar with the Syro brand so I followed the link to the "shop" page and saw shoes and boots (loved the thigh boots) that looked like female footwear but with a twist that made me read the images as "guy's footwear".  I was a bit confused/surprised/delighted so I read the Mission statement and then understood that my confusion/surprise/delight was the designers goal.  There was further clarification when I looked at the sizes available.


  17. I stopped at the Goodwill, just because I was in the area, and found a new pair of brown faux suede boots "Eliza" by George with a 2½" block heel for $8. I tried them on and they fit perfectly so I headed to the register.  On the way I saw some 3" wide elastic belts with fancy buckles for $2 each and added two to my collection. 


    I went to a jam last night and wore a long black sweater with one of the belts and OTK boots.  This was primarily a guitar jam but I also took my cello which just adds to my "never know what to expect" image.


    I dashed outside for the picture and discovered it was way too cold (30F -1C) for short sleeves and a mini skirt but that was this morning's attire.  I took the close up picture indoors. :penitent:



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