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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. I did make it out to dinner wearing my thigh boots. I walked into the restaurant and just got a couple of glances. I was seated, had fair meal, and left. That’s really all there was to it. None of the other diners seemed to either notice or, is they did notice, they didn't seem to care. Maybe the fact that I’m in New Jersey has something to do with the reactions I don’t get.

  2. I'm on a work related trip. I elected to drive from Cincinnati Ohio to Mahwah New Jersey. I didn't take too much longer in total travel time than flying and I enjoy driving more than flying. I travel in jeans and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. After ridding for a couple of hours, I stopped at a rest stop just to stretch and get a drink of water. I got a glance or two but that was all. I stopped at a Cracker Barrel for lunch and the staff didn’t even raise an eyebrow. A couple of the other diners gave a second glance but that was it. After I ordered and was waiting for my meal, I walked out of the dinning room to the rest room. While I was in there another guy came in and there was a quick look of surprise on his face but he has thing to do also and went about his business. As I washed my hands, I was reminded that I now stood 6’5” which may be a little imposing. I went back to my table and enjoyed my meal. When I went to the register, again the staff didn’t even seem to notice. As I walked out to the car I noticed one guy turning his head. I found I really did feel like I was just wearing a good looking pair of boots and not doing anything extraordinary and that was the image I presented. I stopped for gas and the guy at the pump behind me didn’t even look twice. A couple hours later I stopped at an interstate rest stop to use the rest room. It was much the same as the Cracker Barrel, no one seemed to be bothered. Since this was a business trip, I changed into flats before I went into the hotel and went to dinner with my co-workers. The work we are doing allows casual dress so I’m working in jeans and blue leather boots with 2” heels and I’m wearing them under my jeans. By the way, I forgot to mention I also have a pair of leather driving gloves with me. Ok, so there shoulder length, but I wore them while I was driving. It looks like I’ll be on my own for dinner tonight so I’ll get to wear my thigh boots for dinner. This might be a fun trip.

  3. WOW!

    Red leather crotch high boots! Excellent choice.

    Can you tell us where you bought them and who the maker is? Are they comfortable to wear, and are you comfortable wearing them?

    For a really stunning effect, try them with white jeans.

  4. Went shopping at Sam’s for tires this morning. I was wearing jeans and thigh boots with 5” stilettos. The guys at the tire center didn’t seem to care too much what I was wearing as long as I bought tires. And , yes, I did stand around while they worked on my car. I did get one double take from a lady that was walking by but that was the extent of the reactions. As I was checking out, there was an empty checkout line and the checkout clerk waved me over. She said, “I haven’t seen you in for a while and was wondering if you had started shopping somewhere else.” “I’m normally in on Friday nights.” “Oh, I’m part time and just hadn’t seen you”. “Well, one thing about wearing these, your memorable.” We both laughed. As I was leaving the guy at the door said,” See you got your boots fixed.” (Some time back I was in not wearing boots and commented to him that I had broken the zipper). “Yeah, I did.” “You’ve go two or three pair of them don’t you?” “Five or six actually.” We bid each other a good day. After that I went to a Pet supermarket to by cat litter. I’m not sure what was going on but there were lots of folks sitting on the floor with their pets. I think it was a “free to a good home” day. Anyway, the key phrase is they were sitting on the floor. I did get a couple of looks when I walked by. Other than that, no one paid any attention. It was a good outing.

  5. Hey Jeff, welcome to the 21st century. (I’m not too thrilled about it either.) I think being photographed is now part of going out. Some folks are better about it than others. The polite folks ask if they can take your picture. Most of the time, I pose for them. Others try to sneak a shot. I ask them if they got the heels in their picture. (I don’t care if the did or not, it’s just a polite way of saying “I know you took my picture”.) It all goes back to you liking the way you look in a full length mirror. If your comfortable enough to go out, go for it. You have to accept that you might be photographed. I think the bottom line is, don’t do anything (that you consider to be) stupid or outrageous. Leave that stuff for a more controlled environment. I also understand the power of an image over the spoken word (the ratio is 1000:1), and with the internet images are much more portable then ever before. I think you either have to accept that you might be photographed when you go out, or not go out. I think if you act in a reasonable manner, its worth being noid||noid (two noids, paranoid) about. Remember the old show “Candid Camera”? 8)

  6. I stopped at Sam’s Friday night wearing a knit shirt, jeans, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.. Other than the fact it was too hot to wear boots outside for very long, the trip was a non event. I received a friendly greeting at the door and had a nice chat with the register clerk. Other than that I raised no attention as I wandered through the store or the parking lot. I very nice outing.

  7. BlkKhb1 - I’m from Northern Kentucky around Cincinnati. I understand the concept of hot and muggy. It all depends on where you go when you are out. If you spend your time outside, then your absolutely right, it’s too warm for boots. However, if you go to air conditioned places and your transportation is also air conditioned then the only time your really out in the heat is the walk to and from the car. I manage to go shopping and the museum wearing thigh boots with shorts/jeans/skort even in 90 degree weather. Is it still warm wearing those boots, yeah but not that bad, and it is a lot of fun. I normally wear a pair of flat heeled thigh boots when I’m working in the yard and it is definitely too hot for that but then it’s been too hot and dry for the grass to grow so I haven’t needed to be out as much. Like everyone else, I’m looking forward to Fall (boot season).

  8. Uh... Jeff go to YouTube and search for Thighbootguy or click here.

    There have been a number of times folks have taken my picture when I was wearing thigh boots but I don’t recall any when I was wearing a skirt.

    The premise of the whole thing is liking the look you see in a full length mirror. If you don’t like it , don’t go out. (I know I’m preaching to the choir.)

  9. I stopped at Sam’s last night wearing jeans and my black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. The shopping was non eventful. I wandered through the store and got very few reactions at all. In the parking lot, as I was loading my car, a lady walked by and gave a bit of an “Oh” exclamation and said “Those are cute boots”. I beamed back a smile and said, “Why, thank you.” She returned my smile and she and her daughter went on to their car. Now, I’m willing to take any complement I get but “cute” wasn’t the first thing I had in mind but I wasn’t about to argue the point. It made for a fun outing.

  10. I’ve been writing about this in the Thigh Boots in Public thread for a long time.

    Do you wear them often?

    Several times a week.

    What styles do you wear? (any pictures would be good)

    Leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels.

    Do you wear them with your regular clothes?

    Jeans, Shorts

    Do you get many adverse reactions?

    Very few. Most of the time folks ignore what I’m wearing but I do get positive reactions.

    I don’t think of my boots as girly boots. I like the way they look on me or I wouldn’t go out in public, as a guy, wearing them. (I have no problem with cross dressing, I just do it so poorly it isn’t worth the effort:penitent: ).

  11. Derf -

    Great adventure, and thanks for sharing it with us.

    Sounds like you even got some nice complements while you were out. I’ve always found that a few nice complements will offset almost anything else that is said.

    Your absolutely right. The hardest step is the one you take getting out of the car.

    I tried a black dress a couple of times but always in a secluded place that didn’t qualify as going out in public. I’m not sure why but I don’t enjoy a dress as much as a skirt.

    I hope you will share more adventures with us.

    Loveheel -

    I took a trip from Cincinnati to St. Augustine Fl. earlier this year and drove the whole thing (down and back) in thigh boots and a leather skirt. That included lunch and rest stops on the expressway. It really was a fun and comfortable trip.

    Fog -

    There are a few more ruffles than I care for but the skirt does look nice, especially with the boots.

  12. JeffB-

    Once again I think you have hit the proverbial nail squarely on its head.

    “it sounds like you lean towards an exhibitionist bent”

    I have been wondering why I do what I do for a long time and your observation is what I have concluded.

    I do enjoy wearing boots/heels/gloves/shirts in private, but going out in public is driven by something else. The combination of the two enjoyments yields this anomaly, “Thighbootguy”.

    After all the self analysis I have realized that the combination of the two enjoyments does require careful watching because it has pushed me too far on occasion and I have to make a conscious effort to stop for a while.

    By the way I don’t give “dictates”, just advice on looking in a mirror before you go out in public.

  13. JeffB -

    Ah, as always, the voice of reason.

    Like I said “I’m just a sucker for leather skirts.” I have a few cloth ones and recently I have been out in a tan skort with thigh boots. This really is a comfortable combination both physically and mentally. This is the garment I have on in Thighboot Guy makes Popcorn.

    I think my convoluted reasoning for wearing leather skirts is something like my convoluted reasoning for wearing thigh boots.

    If your going to wear heel, wear stilettos

    If your going to wear boots, don’t hide them

    If your going to wear boots with heels, wear thigh boots

    If your going to wear a skirt, wear a short one.

    If your going to wear a short skirt, wear a leather one.

    It’s funny that in most other things in my life I do subscribe to the principal of “moderation in all things”.

  14. Actually I wore my new leather skirt driving home last night and plan to again tonight. Cincinnati Ohio set a temperature record of 100F yesterday so driving in slacks (even with A/C) would have been miserable. On the way home last night, I stopped in a park just to walk around a bit with the skirt but no boots. It really is comfortable as far as the temperature goes but I’m still working on being comfortable presenting myself dressed that way.

    I’m not sure why this is but, ranking my comfort level from least comfortable to most comfortable I get:

    1. going out in a leather skirt without boots

    2. going out in a leather skirt with knee high boots

    3. going out in a leather skirt with thigh boots

    4. going out in shorts and thigh boots

    5. going out in jeans and thigh boots

    So, I’m not quite ready to “cruse about town” in a leather skirt. Maybe by the time fall rolls around…

  15. I stopped at the local Goodwill (thrift store) today just to look around. I found a black leather skirt that is mid thigh in length with the zipper in front. This is the first leather skirt I have seen there for months (I guess they are not a popular item in the summer). Leather skirts, like shoes have to be tried on in the store to be sure they fit. This one was from American Outfitters and was marked size 12. I normally wear a 14-16 but this one looked like it would fit and it did! I’m just a sucker for leather skirts. The temperature today is 98F (37C) and the humidity is close to the temperature. That means hot and muggy. Driving home this afternoon the skirt has to be more comfortable than the slacks I wear to work but I may pass on wearing my thigh boots.

  16. Iloveboots -

    Yeah, I’ve been a slacker about posting.

    I’m not 365/7/24, more like 100/1.5/4. Most of the time I get to go out any more is one day a weekend.

    "It is so cool to see someone being themselves and having fun while doing so....the secret to a long life without all those pent up stresses."

    Thank you for the justification for wearing thigh boots in public. I suspect your more correct than I ever imagined.

  17. JeffB -

    Great to hear from you again.

    I’m glad to here you looking forward for the fall. What a great time of year, the leaves put on a color show, there’s frost on the pumpkin and boots are back in the shoe stores.

    I’ve always appreciated how you coordinate everything you wear and I’m shocked, shocked I say, to read that you didn’t coordinate everything around your sneakers. 8)

    I’m looking forward to more of your posts (heels or not).

  18. I’ve been out in my thigh boots a couple of times this past week. I had a couple on non event trips to Sam’s where I did get a comment from a lady in the parking lot, “I cant wear those heels.” I returned a smile and said, “Sure you can, it’s just a matter of practice.” She gave me a nice smile and drove off. I did stop at Bigg’s, and I hadn’t been there for a while so there were lots of folks that had never seen a guy in thigh boots before. Seemed like a lot of them took that opportunity to turn and stare. No one said anything but I got a lot of notice. Today it was hot (98F) and I went to my favorite thrift emporium just to look around. The car is air conditioned as is the store sot the only time I was out in the heat was crossing the parking lot, but that was enough. As I was walking in and Old gentleman with a walker saw my boots and commented, “Cool”. There were two elderly ladies that gave me a big smile and commented to each other, “Well, would you look at that.” I returned the smile and said, “There fun.” In the store I overheard several comments from some guys like, “Damn”, and “They got high heels on em to.” After the shopping trip I went to the Museum for an hour or so and had a great time. On the way home, I stopped at a Bourder’s book store I had never been in before and after searching for a book for 20 minutes I left. I then headed for a Barnes and Nobel bookstore where I found the book I was looking for. There were a few glances in both book stores but that was it. The store didn’t care since I was there to spend money. Anyway today was an enjoyable boot day even if it was quite warm.

  19. highheeltrained -

    My earlier comments complemented you on your resolve for having set a goal and accomplished it, even though it was the dumbest thing I have ever heard of.

    (And thats from a guy that wears thigh boots in public and understands doing dumb things.)

  20. To each their own goals and congratulations on attaining yours. Bubba136 and High 55 or raise a couple of interesting questions, but I am more concerned with what you are doing to your legs. I can wear a 5” heel all day without discomfort but I also wear a flat heel a lot of the time. The 5” heel requires ankle strength and well as calf strength, both of which are gotten by practice and more practice. But gaining that strength should not be done at the expense of flexibility. Many years ago, before I started wearing heels, I had a bicycle accident (actually broke my helmet) and I wound up going to a doctor that specialized in legs. He didn’t find any problems but commented that I had a lot of muscle on my leg and cautioned me to always stretch my calf muscles before I started riding. He recommended placing my hands on a wall and taking small steps backward while keeping my heels on the ground to force the calf muscles to stretch. Sort of like doing a push up against the wall with your feet flat on the ground. I still do that exercise and it feels good to do it. I really do appreciate that you have set a goal for yourself and had the discipline to attain it but I strongly recommend that you get you legs back into a more flexible condition. It will take a little while to do this. I recommend going back down to a 3” for a while then a 1” for a while before you can comfortably stand bare footed. (You can still wear your 5” heels once in a while.) Once you get the calf muscle stretched back into shape you will still be able to wear a 5” heel without problems. Why bother doing this? Some day you may have to walk/run without 5” heels on, emergencies do happen.

  21. As always, I read with amazement and delight. I can understand presenting yourself nicely dressed with heels and how accepted you are by folks you meet. What I don’t understand is having a camera for all the great pictures. I may be a little (a lot actually) out of step (in thighboots none the less) with current times but is having and using a camera now a common thing or is it another part of “the thing you do”? Years ago I was a wedding photographer and a camera was a rather intrusive thing, not like today’s small digital ones. I’m wondering how folks accept being photographed by a total stranger (in heels none the less)?

  22. Sunday was a museum day. I went to the art museum wearing a powder blue short sleeved knit shirt, white shorts and black leather thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. There weren’t many cars in the parking lot so I wasn’t expecting a crowd. When I went inside there was a different guard at the front desk (the guard knew me but it wasn’t his normal station) and there were guards I didn’t know throughout the rest of the museum. The crowd was different than I normally encounter. Somehow they seemed, as a group, a little less tolerant than the group that is normally there. Anyway, I had a good time sketching and the sketching was going well. I also chatted with a few of the patrons about some of the paintings. These folks seemed a little surprised that a guy in thigh boots would be able to carry on a conversation. (I think I’m being a little harsh there.) After the museum I stopped at the large thrift emporium and got a lot of the same reaction. No one spoke to me but I did overhear a “What the h---“. The guy ducked around a clothing rack when I turned around. It may have just been me (but I don’t think so) or it could have been the strong contrast the boots presented. I did enjoy the outing, but if they were all like that I might consider another form of fun.

  23. I stopped at Sam’s Club tonight wearing a long sleeved dress shirt, a tan skort, and black leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. It was either the skort or jeans and with temperatures in the lower 80sF the skort won. Thigh boots really feel neat in warm weather when there is a breeze blowing past and into the top of the boots and it cool your leg all the way down to the knee. Anyway, the last time I wore the skort I noticed folks were paying more attention then when I wore jeans and, like the last time, I seemed to offered more amusement for everyone. Tonight was no different. There was no out and out laughing but one lady was having a very difficult time restraining herself. For the most part lots of folks noticed, but only a few were bothered. No one said a thing. I had lots of time so I wandered around a good bit. I was unable to find several items so I went to the service desk to see if the items were still stocked (they weren’t). At the service desk I was treated as any other customer by the staff but several of the customers seemed to take notice. Notice is generated by contrast. Black boots over jeans do not generate the visual contrast that black boots on white legs generates. The second contrast is a guy in a skort compared to a guy in jeans/slacks (as all the other guys were dressed). If I wanted to blend in, I wouldn’t have been wearing boots and a skort. After Sam’s I stopped and pumped a tank of gas. No one seemed to care. It was an enjoyable outing.

  24. A while back I started thread How do we look to the rest of the world that had some interesting discussion along the line of this thread.

    Are we kidding ourselves? I can only answer for myself and I come up with “sometimes”. There are times when I know I’m pushing the limits but there are other times when I really think thigh boots with stiletto heels on a guy are Ok. I’m not sure what swings me one way or the other. It might be the environment I’m in at the time and the reaction I’m getting or it might be how I feel that day (or both).

    I really do believe what I have been preaching about looking at yourself in a full length mirror before you go out and really liking what you see. If you don’t like it, how can you expect other to like/accept it?

    About the reactions of others… laughing at someone in public is just plain rude. However it may be the only thing some folks know to do when something in the outside world doesn’t correspond with something in their inside world. When folks encounter the unexpected, most people just ignore the outside world, others consider it and accept it (altering their inside world), still others take some action to make the outside world conform to their inside world (this includes laughing).

    I find that most folks just ignore a guy in thigh boots, some comment on it, and a few laugh.

    Are we kidding ourselves? It depends on why we wear heels and what we expect. At this time in history, guys in heels is not fashionable (fashionable is one of those majority rules things). So when we go out in heels we should expect to be noticed. (Noticed and accepted ate two different things.) So if you go out wearing heels and expect to not be noticed, then you’re kidding yourself.

    Why we wear heels is a major discussion thread all by itself that may be the most revealing about “Are we kidding ourselves”.

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